Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wit's all been done before!

There have been soo many inspiring moments ---
key moments to which if I had just simply stopped and observed as I usually do - I would have been some how moved and un-forceful in moments necessary to what HAPPINESS I try to obtain day to day.....

Thats a bit sad..  Obtaining sadness..  And a bit of a lie on my behalf.  I apologize...........ahemjerk....

But have you ever stopped and smelled that brisk fuel filled air?...........  Not very nice no.....  But have you ever stopped - sprayed fabreeze in your room -- assume it's then clean -- and then smell??......................... Pretty amazing right?

But I've been influenced in my happiness.  As most people are - with a simple hello - or perhaps the wave of thanks when you allow someone to enter your lane in front of you while you're driving on the highway.  

And for me - if you have been a blog follower of mine - you would know I reference back to a blog that I am quite fluent in.....  "Freshness Factor Five Thousand" - the blog written by Jason Mraz.......  He writes about some of the most inspiring things - its phenomenal how he captures my attention....  He last wrote about toilet paper.  And how REALLY bad and wasteful it is to the world.  It's IN FACT ruining our world with every wipe we take! --- How clean are we REEEAAALLLLY if the world is in fact dirty............... Think about it.

But it's a blog like that - that I have set out to make....  The last few ones that I have written have been both hilarious in grammatical certainties - and ironic in the content.  And although I enjoyed writing them - I have completely strayed from what I set out to do....  Let out my thoughts and days of hysterical trauma that you expect to see in a sitcom undoubtedly starring Shia Labouf....  Or how ever you spell his last name......  Alright folks - off topic..... But Shia used to be a really funny guy --  I saw him on the MTV Movie awards and he's all tough and hip........ More like --- All Lame and .... really just not.... not terrific..  No sir...  Him and the bane of my existence Miley Cirus were on that show.....  God...  Why did you curse the world with that annoying teen??  
Any way --- On topic......  HAVE YOU EVER HEARD HER SPEAK!?  AHHH!!!!!!!

cough..... sorry... sorry................ Sor............... SHE'S SUCH A DENSE LITTLE TWIT! ...... I mean....

SOOO I was walking home from work -- and there are a few things I am planning to do to really just retrieve this "happiness" ---- I am going to TRY for the life of me..  To go camping.... Real just - sit in a tent in the middle of no where with nothing but a little frosted cooler of hot dogs and water - as well as my uke.....  I wish I could just leave and do that.......  But nope.. not here in the city....  And definitely not in hicksville -- just outside Toronto....  MAN!  I just hate Miley..........

Sombre and courteous.  I don't want to have to think!  I want to think because ideas are coming to my head - because I am appreciating something.  Not like I have been in the last little while..  That thinking is bad news bears.  It's not healthy to carry on.  It's not healthy to stress about things not needing to be stressed about....  My mother has been on my case about next year and money -- She asked me tonight what's my deal - why am I not freaking out like her?!  --- I looked at her simply and said....  "Think about it this way.......  Among the money - just for classes - among getting a loan - or a government bersary - I'm heading into that place homeless and with no more than 3 and a half days to buy everything I'll need for those classes - I'm not going to think of everything at once."

And I wont.  They are all on my mind.  But never at once.  What one person wants those stresses?  They are apparent to me yes, but it is senseless to sit in ruin and disguise the beauty of the sunny outdoors with pondering what is about to happen.  Let's ponder about what's happening right now shall we?  Perhaps over a glass of wine?  Oh ma chere Mademoiselle - ooh la laa where are my manners? If we are stressed then it is fine dining I suggest............... What do you say?.............................

OH SECRE BLEU!!  There I go again -- Forgive me mon ami........ heehee.

-Mission 27- Wit's all been done before!

Trying to find the perfect dilemma to talk about -- I have found myself tumbling over thoughts back and forth - and forgetting the good ones as I spent the last twenty minutes searching up the correct spelling to french words.

And my conclusion - my - how you say - cake and taters --------- yes ... my cake and taters.......  MY flow back towards a more simpler mind set - a calmer and more solemn mind stream is just the simple phrase "to live."

That's all I'm looking for.  We are at check points in our lives where we have to look at ourselves and try to see some sort of "life".  Don't go withering away with details in the fabric - you're not even good at hemming.  I -- at this time - am anxiously awaiting a very happy filled summer -- I will then go into the most intense form of living I can even imagine.... (got my time table in ..... who thinks theirs is worse??? Try me.)

All in all is all Im saying......All............  All together now lets just embrace in some sort of thanksgiving - look upon bliss and tell it to suck it.....  I'm embracing now and the how.  What comes next for me is to come next - I'll embrace it then..... Not now..  There's too much out there to really dwell on the past or to worry my life away.  To quote a very enchanting musical in my mind "Bye bye Birdie" --- "I've got a lot of living to do"...........  SO I'm off to do some....

Care to join me?  Ma belle, Mademoiselle.......

- Adieu

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