Saturday, November 14, 2009

Java Joy

So my last blog got me thinking.....  Though I would LIKE to write another segment in 
--The Many Adventures of Jordan D. Pipher -- 
more specifically one where a stray cat continuously went to his front door every day and he gave it milk before it would leave and then do the same the next day - and so on and so forth.........  BUTTTTTT  of course this is no ordinary man here... This is Jordan D. Pipher.............  So when I say stray cat ...  What I mean is a Gangster man with very large bling.......  And by milk .... I mean money....... :D But I wont tell you that story.....  No no.  (mainly because most of it is within the plot alone --- No one likes to watch a movie and then realize that the whole story had been given away in the trailer!) 

But it was my talk about Starbucks that got me thinking......  I do enjo
y me a Venti Cafe' Mocha in the winta-winta time - or an Ice'd Chai any other time.  But it is the unity and joy that these places bring.  Honestly now.  Though it acts as any other fast food chain - A Starbucks sits there and doesn't fill you with grease that is going to blow you up 7 sizes by christmas.  There is class within sitting in a coffee shop and enjoy a quick pick-me-up of java while you talk to someone.  

I suppose it really doesn't matter where you are - just as long as the act of uniting and being and talking and friendship with another is happening.......  All I'm saying is that you're all a bunch of uncultured swines sitting around in Mcdonalds............. ahhh.... I feel better now.  Anyyyyyy hoooven.....  

I have been very lucky to have obtained the love/addiction to coffee :D hahaa.  Here me out.  I'm not American -- So I don't have a Starbucks on every corner.  A Starbucks is something that I treat myself to every once in a while.  It's not my favorite - it's just th
at rarity that is around and makes me go "hmmm, yes I WOULD like to pay a lot of money for coffee today when I could pay less!"
But as a Canadian I hold many things dear to my heart.....  Number 1 - the first and foremost thing that sets me a part from others....... I can wear flip flops in the middle of November and look badass doing it ;) ..... YESSSIREEE... hahaha.  But there is something all Canadians share alike.

Tim Hortons.

(apologies due to this post being posted before I realized to those of you who have seen the above part a few days earlier..... but in that case I call you freaking snoops and suggest you and your brown nose get off my blog at this very MOMENT!!!!! HARUMPH!)

-Mission 36- Lovin me Timmies

I have been very fortunate to have a coffee story every couple days.  And by coffee story I mean something as small as "went to a starbucks with Kate" or "some man smelled like poop in the line it was awful!  So I pretended to spill some of my drink on him to get a better smell on him."

But in the past week I have gone to a Tim Hortons way more often then usual.

IT happened on Thursday morning.  I had been up late into the night studying for a test I had, and of course every Thursday I indulge my taste buds / addiction buds - and jump face first into a giant cup of java.  Lucky for me that it is one of the only mornings I can bring a coffee into one of my classes.  So as I waited in line I was listening to a few awesome tunes from the latest cd/dvd from Jason Mraz haha cheap plug ---- And as I approached the counter the worker immediately recognized me.  Im usually all hairy with messy hair and a bandana.  So I asked for my usual XL double double - double cup'd (I don't deal with burnt hands in the morning -- maybe in the winter) She said "oh yes of course" as I asked for the 2nd cup haha.  And as she filled my cup of joy - she noticed there was a breakfast sandwich made and not given to anyone.  This perplexed her.  Not too much though - because just as quickly as she drew it from her mind - it was in my hand...
WHAT a start to a day when I have a test to do.  A FREE sandwich!!  C'mon folks - I'm a student!  This is HUGE!

After my test there was a bit of a break from the rest of my 3 hour lecture on Theater History today specifically talking about theater in 17th century France --- So off I ran to the other Tim Hortons....

I'm not a cocky person in any form.  I should be in this business that I have chosen to study --- but it brings me joy to watch other people become happy just from me doing something..... Especially if the thing I am doing is just simply being there!!!  And as I approached counter number 2, the very nice Tim Hortons worker - more my age - unlike the one from counter scenario number 1----  But as I approached - BOOM -- Not a loud boom - I'm not being literal here - but just as I walked one step closer, her face went from a "sighh this is what I have to do for school" to "OH MYYY!!"  hahaha.  It was real nice to see a smile like that with the already amazing morning I was having.  I skipped on back to class and informed my friend Charlie that Tim Hortons loves me :)  So at the end of the day I ran off to a get a nice cup of coffee before I headed home to read over a couple of plays for the next day.......... CLOSED!?!  JERKS!  I HATE THEM!!!!!!!

I know I know - quick to turn.  But man was I in need!  sighh...  Fine - I was still happy - but in any case I wasn't pleased with them closing no more than 5 minutes earlier!

The next day I was really late getting to school due to construction happening on my building and me having no curtains - therefore they can see yours truly changing with no more than a sheet of glass in between us......  I'm an actor folks.... but a poor one.  SO NO FREE SHOWS!!

I hid in my washroom until they left.....  I was still on time for class - I was just later then I usually get there, so there was no coffee getting.

Lucky for me and unfortunate for my Tap teacher - she had hurt her back and we were told to just work on our own thing instead for that morning.  And so instead of sticking around to the many random tap's of other people on a morning without coffee --- I went home to shower and work on some homework and then head to a Timmies before my next class.

And as I do - I approached the counter - same one as #1 but let's call this #3 --- "Oh hello!  Double cup?" --- why yes!  
So she filled my cup as usual - it was a splendid feeling knowing I was getting a coffee.   But me having no change was not too worried.  I wasn't expecting anything free - I was just happy to know that Tim Hortons now takes credit card (mastercard specific) and her I am with one in emergencies like this!  So I whipped out my card and smiled.  "OH!  I was waiting for someone like you" she said in her small little mid european way as she handed me my coffee.  "Don't worry!  This coffee is free"........................ sniff sniff......  I was soo happy :) 
And as I do well - I skipped off with my cup and heart filled with some of that amazing Java Joy.

Now as my story comes to an end - I assure you that I did in fact go to a Tim Hortons again before the end of the day.
But for this end - I didn't get a smile as I usually do - no sir.  I went to get a smile :).  And as I received my cup of coffee I was very excited - not just for my sake.  But for my bud Charlie as well........  Our favorite dance teacher was standing behind me ;D  -- She doesn't teach us anymore - she was only in for a few weeks......  Let me just say Charlie and I miss her DEARLY hahaha.

And now - as I roll out of bed at a quarter after 2 in the afternoon on my first weekend day off in a long time - I simply reach for my nearest bandana........... And off I go .......... To get some Joy

Find Joy in everything - everything will seem that much sweeter!


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Here's lookin @ you...... Lanky!

Do you ever feel like you're being watched? 

Do you ever sit in a Starbucks wafting your Venti Pumpkin Spice Latte and just............. Watch?

What do you see?

Or better yet --- What are you thinking?

It's an honest question when you think about it......Op....Think?........  Honestly now -- It's the honest questions you really need to dig deep into what "deepness"/logic/poetic well being you have.

Are you a creeper?  --- Are you the one sitting there watching as each person walks by and how amazing Christmas Cards to friends and families would look if they were by your side?............. Have you ever ran after them screaming matching sweater ideas for the cover?.........ahem...... me neither.......

Or do you sit in a sort of bliss as your Ipod takes you into a Utopia of sound that blasts an array of emotional melodies into your heart?.........  I think it's safe to say..............

You're a creeper.... Drink your damn coffee and GET OUT!!

No honestly.
Watching......  Watching the world is something we all love to do.  Don't lie to yourself.  I'm here to tell you that it's alright!  Give a spotlight to that chipmunk nestled under that cotton and twigs before realizing it was just road kill and that was rather just it's back fur and bones................ ahem..... bad thought..... cough*
Shine your attention to that man in the subway playing his heart out because he isn't giving up on a dream.  That he is there to play music because his heart doesn't beat with the same passion as it does with each strum of his guitar.  Toss him a quarter and a friendly hello next time wont'cha?  Why do you need it?  To buy a coffee just for the new "Christmas Cups" that came out 2 months to soon....... :)......  Fine.... do it. :) --- but buy him one huh?
Okay okay......  I'm a student -- trust me.  I'll be the last one to go looking to give my money away.  But as my partner in crime so stupidly does - he has rubbed off on me and I do find myself offering up my spare change to that man who could scare your nostrils into a rather burning sensation from a simple sniff of the urine scent in the air from him trying to keep warm on a cold winter night.

But that's just the obvious......  When you watch -- do you see "lost"?
No not the television show you twit!  But I mean it as simply as - do you se
e someone who needs directions!?  -- Are they in your city?  -- Damn skippy you will offer them directions!  That's the least you could do for someone who is visiting and idealizing your home.....  But of course ----- as I preach of service --- I ask you to be wise.............  HERE'S WHAT MY GOOOOD OL PAL DID GOING HOME ONE NIGHT FROM THE GREYHOUND STATION............ :)

(you thought I had forgotten hadn't you?  You lanky little putz!)

-Mission 35- Watch your investment skip off into the night.

Alright --- so I'll start off by saying that sure...... His heart was in the right place by offering up a well rounded amount of funds to a man "in need".  And even if he wasn't soo much in need, than "pulling off a scam" - my good ol pal lives and unwritten life.  And good on him for offering to help........... the putz.

So now I turn your attention from my life to-----  
The Many Adventures of Jordan D. Pipher
...... Sure there's another middle name in there - but I'm a man of words..... This just sounds better ;) - take notes.  (also excuse me for this wont be 100% accurate due to me not being there - and me not sharing the story with Jordan's enthusiasm and his questionable logic towards this happenstance. --- I will also fail to add other details that may prove Jordan in the "right" -- but that is simply for my own enjoyment - especially for his annoyed reaction to this retelling :D)

So there he was.....................................................................................................

pretty good so far right?

Traveling by the Greyhound Bus Transit was a weekend thing for Jordan.  He rocked it soo often that if he were allowed to earn frequent flyer miles and use them - he'd be on the moon right now.  But going back and forth from Peterborough to Toronto and then a simple rinse and repeat deal was his life as he studied and came to Toronto for a musical.

He got off the Greyhound bus around a similar time each Sunday night.  Rather late into the night - but not early enough to hear the bar keep shout out both a "last call" and the "morning specials".

And of course every good story needs a little drunk...... And into the scene he walked. :)
Stressed - and not fully in a state of inebriation where he needed some help with certain things like walking or talking - but it was clear he had come from a bar.........  Mainly because he told Jordan this.
Let's call this man "Howard" --- just for the hell of it..... I'm sure Jordan remembers this gentleman's real name - as he usually is good at (but to reaaaallllllyyyy test it I am now going to stress him out by getting him to remember the name of the man we found drunk on the street on New Years and helped him walk to a house party to which he offered us a fine assortment of cheap beer and women who had no clue they were being auctioned off..........  - he wont get remember ;D).

So Howard was in QUITE the pickle here!  --  He was all dil
ld up and not happy (hehe) - For he was having a jolly good night with his fellow chaps at the pub - and they LEFT HIM!.... And oh no - they all lived out of town!  That stinks -- I hate going to such a thriving city like Peterborough and indulging my taste buds at one of their world renown pubs ;) -- and then being left by such good friends...... Oh nuts!

But - this man was in need - and here before his eyes was a light post..... And beside the light pole was another.... oh wait ... nope - that's a man!

"I need your help" --- not what he said - but in the small talk he started with Jordan he inevitably got to the fact that he was in a tight jam and he needed help getting home in the means of money for a taxi - Because he was completely broke after a fun filled night in a Peterborough Pub! - Duhhh!


So Jordan simply offers up the cash that he has...... Which equals to about ...... Nothing......  And so with little Cent's ;) - he offers to go to a bank machine and get what money he will need to get home.

This was an intelligent man!  Howard.....  For Howard knew exactly how much money it would take to get from their location to his home...... 40 dollars on the button!  ---- what a knowledgeable man!  :)

So this exchange happens and giddy as a school girl who is actually a man in third year musical theater school - he thanks Jordan for being the Saint that he is --- and he skips off into the darkness of an alley.................. wait a tick.......

Wasn't he grabbing.......... a ........ taxi?
Oh no worries Jordan would think to himself... He is probably going to grab a cab on the next street over - because there aren't that many near the Grey.........hound......... station.......
OH!  He is probably going back to the bar to call home and tell someone he is going to be alright....  Yep that's it!

So off skipped Jordan to a bus stopped and waited to go home. 
 A bus came and Jordan hopped on board like a sailor on his long voyage across the ocean blue...... Though this was cement - and it is only about a ten minute bus ride to his house......  So really...... When you think about it...... It's nothing like that at all.... :) 

So after a few moments Jordan is curious at why the bus driver is not doing what he does best - and driving.... Oh he is talking to someone outside....... Oh........ It's Howard!  What a silly guy that Howard!  THIS IS A BUS!....... Oh that Howard...... sigh :)
Howard gets on the bus..........................

Here's where Jordan ponders for a moment before raising the eyebrow and ask the fun question to himself.... " A WHAAAAAAA?!!!??"

After a few stops Howard notices Jordan and after what can only be assumed as a "oh shit" moment - he walks over to Jordan and thanks him again for his contribution in his life.  He explains that it is better for him to get closer towards the campus and hitch a cab there in stead.  Just to be on the safe side and making sure he has enough money to get him all the way home.

Oh that's alright then...........................

Not many more stops later Jordan and Howard parted ways - never to see each other again........

The End.

The moral of this story is this:

As contradictory as this story is to my philosophy of giving to those in need......  You cannot always choose how you are going to help in this world..... You simply have to live it out and keep your eyes open.  
Now our dear Jordan --- To this day --- still believes t
hat our Friend Howard used that money to get home......  He's a good positive thinker.  Trust me -  If you are the worst type of person that really just treats everything and everyone around you horribly --- Jordan will think good things about yah..... Hell you could be a murderous jenga-hating man and love the Toronto Maple Leafs - and he'll think "you-da-man" :)
Very good person that Jordan......  Though his wallet sometimes appear to appear just as skinny as he is --- I salute his willingness to give and serve for the sake of just helping another --- no matter what they are secretly sniffing later on at his expense ;D

So with a last thought -- and last laugh at how I spent the last 2 hours of my consciousness before a full day of classes and a test - to tell you som
ething you should already know and insult my best friend in ways that only I can truly get away with ----- 

Think about the big picture folks..... Next time you are sitting watching the world go by - THINK to yourself -- Where are you in all of this?  How are you helping it spin?  

Have a good night -


: on a side note - I actually really do like Peterborough - it's quite lovely :) 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Remedy

I've gotten more and more distracted and torn from this blog spot ---  but alas I am throwing all caution to the wind --- forgetting the fact that I just watched the horror film "From Hell" featuring Johnny Depp as an interesting detective in England trying to track down "Jack the Ripper" -----  Forgetting Sarah Marshall shall ease my spiked leg hair.....  Not to mention the goose bumps up my back making friends with the zits that made port there causing a nice brail effect that I think is quite poetic.....  A blind person once gave me a hug and was able to read "You're Welcome" from my back alone.......... :)  

okay so I exaggerate ---  But my back is a bit of a jerk this past week.  Rather interesting story .... Allow me to continue this story with a humorous pause for thought.................................................

The "humorous" part being used as both an adjective and a moment for you to roll your eyes at me as you get hooked in your curiosity and continue reading no matter how obtuse or idiotic I may become in my writings :)........

Shall I continue?  

So this past week has been an eventfully uneventful one.....  Don't know if that fully makes sense - but allow me to elaborate.
My good friend Charlie came down to visit me.  We would likely have an awesome week..... "Likely" being his last name ..... I couldn't resist........
We actually sat around for 3 straight days doing nothing except for watching movies.  And now to those people out there in the "real world" thinking they are sooo busy that they would have killed for a week like that.......... I encourage you to take a stapler to your head and shoot a few swift ones into your skull........  We had a blast - not going to lie.  BUT - the dream of something to do was never far from thought.  But before those fine days of sitting - eating greasy food - and watching Charlie drink down 15 Canadians to himself :D (sorry ChaW-LAY --- I had to).
ahem - right right...  There was a point to this story. --  I was staying over at my folks house for the beginning of this week, and since moving out - my room has quickly gone from the chilled brown painted (also called - "Audrey AUBURN" ;D) - comfortable bedroom to which I called "the cave" - now know as my mothers scrap book room.

And due to my recent move - all that called that room home - including my dvd's and more specifically my bed - has been taken with me to my apartment......  And this of course now leaves my mother with an empty room to call her own and to bunk me when I go to visit.......  Bunk is hardly the word unfortunately.....  "Bunk" in my opinion implies - FUN - or some enjoyment of what little nature I could come up with in my ridiculous mind.....  But what lay there be no more than a terror amongst sleep.  The enemy of Mr.Sandman - the Terminator of warm summers nap, The................ you get the point.

And unfortunately so did I.  For not only did I understand what NOT to sleep on when I go to visit - but I also got this GIANT point - most likely a bar - into my back that caused one HELL of a sore back the next morning......  And yes, I know for all you young bachelors that go out on the town and wake up in another person's (hopefully over the age of 18)'s bed - with YOUR sore back...... You walk home proudly........  I on the other hand awoke to a back that needed some well rounded sentences that could only be expressed as "What not to say to anyone under the age of 15".

I however am a trooper and went and made myself the most manly breakfast I could come up with...................... A very large bowl of Cheerio's :).

But of course what better to  go with Cheerio's then one of my many chick fli.......ahem.... Action movies I had left behind........  But HOW do you ask can I put on a dvd while holding what could only be exaggerated as a DAMN FINE looking bowl of cereal!?!!!!!!..........  Well I would place the bowl down, silly.

................................  The soreness of my back..... And the tense muscles that had been built up over a span of 20 years of not properly stretching in a consecutive fashion ----- .......... Enough of this gibberish ...... I tore a bloody F'in muscle in my back!!!!!

Not happy...... BARELY breathing actually.....  And though the words coming to mind were not far off from those I spoke earlier - the only words I could get out with what little breathe I was achieving was "Help!"
And though I was raised by a father whom loves the Beatles - my brother should have bloody known I was not singing........  Took him 5 freaking minute to finally come!  And I don't know about your - but 30 seconds not breathing properly on the ground with who knows what is going on with your body is WAY too long.  
And so sure enough - as he came to my side - my mother had been called to get our freaking car back to her house and take me to a hospital.

Long waiting in uncomfortable chairs later I was given many-a drugs and sent on my way........... Happy Halloween PJ.  Kids get a mars bar and I get Muscle relaxants....  Though if I were to take enough of them I don't think I would really mind.........  Not making a sick joke implying death - I only mean I would get pretty freakin high!

And thus began my long week of sitting and watching dvd's.  Which at the time seemed like the longest days I have ever spent - actually was the BEST thing for my back and health I could have possibly done.........  I enjoy how things work out...... Don't you?.......................... Well fine... I don't care what you think then..............

Here's a quick personal note :

-Mission 34- a SKAT of a mission statement 

So I have always tried to stay as honest as I could with this blog.  Because although I do write them to be enjoyed by my friends and any random person of this earth whom finds it - I do express myself in these words in a sort of way that really relieves me and allows me to relax and now stress about things............  And of course because I don't want to be caught owning a diary - I turned to the nerdier side of life and created this blog.

For those of you Skat readers who have been with me from the beginning - I thank you and hope that this has made SOME sort of thought provoking lifestyle for you after reading each post.
And so now I have passed my one year mark for writing on this thing and I have found myself caught.....  Like a bare trap I am stuck and not dumb enough like a fox to naw my own foot off.

My life is quite interesting right now.  I am not a closed book.  In fact I am more that Vanity Fair magazine you bought a long time ago for the cover and after reading it you really had nothing more from it - but there was that initial connection and that passed that makes you want to hold on to it forever.....  So you don't throw it out.......  Though this is making myself sound rather conceited I only refer to my holding nothing back - not my physical self or personality...... Though the word "cute as a button" has been tossed around quite a few times;)

But as I was saying I am trapped.  I find that my life now is not just censored - but I have gotten to that place where things are becoming more Private.  It's nothing personal.  In fact I have found myself on more than ..... let's just say 20...  occasions where I have told more secrets and more feelings then I probably should have...... But that's the thing.

In my life - I live as I NEED to..  What will get me by without feeling like crap when I wake up.  And though I and EVERYONE else in this world finds themselves in a rutt that does in fact cause you to over think everything and cause a depression that you alone feel impossible of escaping - I ask you this........  I try to do many things in my life.  But as of late - I try to cry un-apologetically.....  I'm not a big crier.  It just isn't the way I express sadness all the time...... I'm not robot of course I do and HAVE in the past little while have cried to either myself or to a friend......  But I let it out..........  If you got to let something out --- (thinking of my good friend Mr. Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd) - "LET IT OUT NOW".

And I will.  I will let it out.........  Just not so much on this anymore....  
Don't get me wrong I am going to continue writing about my crazy adventures that if you have followed along have ranged from Camping out to meet Jason Mraz and then rubbing it in my friends faces - to selling my mothers gold tooth.........  There will be many more stories to come.
I just have a few things - both good and bad things - that I can't allow just anybody to know.
We're all human and I know you - my reader understand.
So thank you again for being so rad and taking time out of your day to sit and read a few thoughts from this young man who honestly -- STILL - AFTER ONE YEAR (of blogging) - is living out Childish Adventures, through loose change.

let your light shine - 
