Monday, June 22, 2009

In us to Give

I was driving last night in my car just jamming along to the songs in my mind as I stumbled upon something that really begun to make me think.

There was a man who had collapsed on the side of the road.  By the looks of it the sunny beautiful day got the best of him through dehydration and he fell off of his bike.  
By the looks of it he may have been with others - for there were other bikers surrounding him.  He was on his back and there appeared to be someone sitting beside him holding his hand as he lay awaiting what was most likely going to be an ambulance.

I was on my way to a finale dinner with my partner in crimes family - that always turns out to be something of a spectacle by the end of each evening --- this one ended in a fierce match of what was a quasi lego version of Capture the flag.  Sweaty and out of breathe - it was officially summer.

But back to the driving....  Now I have my fair share of training in health and safety.  Working along side the Parks and Recreation organization for the past 2 and a half years - I have been trained and hold a certificate/license of a sort in Emergency First Aid - as well as CPR B - and also my Standard First Aid with CPR C.......  And a few days of training in First Alert......

But in school do you ever find yourself learning something and then after years and years of knowing it - you just forget it?  Like a name of a friend even?  I find highschool is mere brain training.  Just to build up your brain to hold on to a mass amount of knowledge and grow it to a point where it can hold on to the things you wish it too.  These Safety training days - I most definitely forgot.

I continued to drive passed the man knowing just by looking out at the other people surrounding him that none of them knew what to do.  Who knows what may have happened to this man?  Perhaps he is fine and now at home enjoying a nice tall glass of lemonade on his rockin chair outside on this beautiful afternoon..... Or.... In a worst case scenario - he is in the hospital - possibly suffering from a massive heat stroke..

You ever feel like helping?  Even just to stop - role down your window and say "I am trained in First Aid - do you need any assistance?" ---  But the lack of my memory stalled that heroic reaction and kept me driving along a busy street that I probably shouldn't have taken to begin with......

I think everyone should be trained in First Aid.  It should be done every year in High Schools in my opinion.  Obviously younger children should not be trained and obligated to help out in an emergency - but perhaps teach them what not to do when little timmy has a bone poking out of his esophagus.

Our favorite super heroes are not superheroes due to the fact that they hold super powers of many varieties.  Hell - they would just be super cool.  But it is what they choose to do with that power that makes them those lift up into the air and cheer heroes.
We all have abilities.  Sure they may not be the ability to fly - or the ability to read minds --- But WE ALL have the ability to love....... The ability to raise a smile or cause happiness to encourage if not create another persons happiness.....
Let's all take time to think (every morning) - what can I do to cause happiness - or even a subtle encouragement to another being.  

Love is the greatest power of all.  Do you have the power?

Sure we all feel scared or shy at one time or another?  Yet - I feel hopeless not to have stopped for mere moments to find out if my life.... My ability ..... MY power - could have helped another person live their life --- And I will - after letting go -- never know - if I could have made a difference in ONE persons life..........  Can you save a life?

YES ----- yes you can....

Tomorrow - I am going to make someone laugh - maybe even help someone belong....  That is going to be my super power tomorrow...

I have finished writing this blog at officially - 3 am on Tuesday morning.. I have to wake up at 7am tomorrow morning... Yet through my lack of sleep - and lack of energy - I am going to make a difference in the world.... Make a difference in someone else's life.... World.

True love is upon us all.  It isn't reserved for the marriage in this world.
I have friends - and I have a family - and I have a responsibility to take my happiness and share it with my fellow man.......  Power to live.  Power to love.

Power to make a difference.

It's in us all.


I choose happiness and love.  What do you choose?

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