Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pony Voice - Just a little Hoarse

After a week long of amazing show perform-ag, it is feeling really good to lay back in my bed and suck back a few Peach Cups as I download musical number after musical for an upcoming audition.

Although I can't sing a long right now - it's putting ease to my stress to look at songs and see songs to which I could actually succeed in.................. Hold up........ Rewind.............. Feeling lost? Welcome to my world. But then again that would be a completely separate lost to which you may be encountering now......... And now I've confused us both.

Let's turn back the clock - count to three - then start again.

I have been on a journey and back. Travelling up to a neighboring town called Mississauga - the last week I performed in a Musical Production of "Guys and Dolls". Now if you are a frequent Skats reader (I call you Skreaders -Sk-reed-er-s) then you would have known over the last few months I have auditioned and rehearsed often for this production. Way to be on top of the game for those of you now understanding what I'm talking about and alas welcome to the conversation....cough... I mean blog............................................. oh shut up.

But of course this last week went by faster than a single apple in an all meat buffet filled with vegetarians..... What an unfortunate situation. any way.

We performed from Wednesday to Saturday - including 2 matinees on Wednesday and the 2nd on Saturday.

I played Benny Southstreet - one of the comedic little bottom feeders that follows around the lead male "Nathan Detroit" in their hopes to win copious amounts of lettuce (50's slangwich for money) in a Crap Game that changes location each time in hopes not to be caught by the police....-I'm a tad hungry - think I may go make me a slangwich with lettuce - ..............

We sold out completely a few of the nights. But even with the theater not fully packed - the crowds were phenomenal. They were brilliant. Always into it. Ready for what ever we through at them...... One part of the show one of our Hot Box girls actually fulfilled that idea quite literally and threw her hat into the crowd. Unintentional I assure you...... Except for the person whom was hit in row c seat 10 who wouldn't shut their yap................................ ahem....Ahem...

Other than a stressful quick change from a line where I say "But maybe it won't come! Maybe he took that doll to Havana" to 47 seconds later where I walk on stage wearing a completely different outfit and a fake mustache in order to dance as a sexy Cuban man I name "Juan" -(HhhhHhh-Won) the show was EXTREMELY fun! And I have been in at least one musical production if not 2 or 3 per year over the past 6 years, this show was by far the most fun.

I honestly would do another show in seconds if ANY of my fellow cast members asked me. They were all more than a joy to work and play and all together just be around.

I will post pictures as soon as they are available to me.

But as the week ended. Same with my sleep. Ironic huh? I have time now to sleep and yet I haven't fully gotten any. I find myself waking up in the beginning hours of the afternoon unsatisfied with my slumber.

I stayed with my partner in crime "Jordan" (hhhhhhHhhhh-Jord-an) in his place located in Peterborough Ontario and I found myself leaving with an INCREDIBLY sore throat today..... Well, yesterday. Lame. I probably could have stayed later - I found out as I begun my drive home that my boss had cancelled my shift at work for today. Hence why I am still awake now. I'm thinking all nighter? Yes? You think so? YEAH!?!!!!!!

Fine then I wont....

But the problem you see is that I have yet to find those songs.... Remember?

"After a week long of amazing show perform-ag, it is feeling really good to lay back in my bed and suck back a few Peach Cups as I download musical number after musical for an upcoming audition."

Gosh you forget easily.. You are worse than..................... ANY way.

I'm thinking all nighter? Yes? You think so? YEAH!?!!!!!!

Fine then I wont....

So I take you back to the beginning.

-Mission 18- One Song Glory

So I have an Audition coming up in a little less than 10 days. This audition is for The Musical Theater Performance School of "Sheridan Collage" located in Ontario Canada.

I am pretty stressed about it seeing how I haven't A. Been in school for almost 2 years and need to get started again. And B. I need to sing and dance and all that jazz in an intimidatingly life breaking/or making moment where all your cards get laid out and only the people who sit before you judging hold the dice.

Can you tell I just finished "Guys and Dolls" - So as I was saying -

I have been struggling over some song selections for the last little while. It begun with me choosing to sing the song "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" from the Musical "Les Miserables". This caught peoples attention. haha. My friends have been great with sending me ideas and telling me songs - or rather singing me songs that I should audition with. And STILL I have yet to figure out what to sing. I told myself that I would find my Musical Ballad and Up Tempo Musical selections my Monday night..... The time on my clock as we speak is 2:11am Thursday morning........... Damn.

But I got home last night from Peterborough with Musicals on the Brain. I went through my musical repertoire and other more direct methods of finding a song - i.e - Youtube.

Of course I would be again no where without those close to me - so I sent out a few dozen emails to try and figure out what my friends though about my selections. Of course I have had a few shrugs and a couple "I LOVE that one" and the ever lovable always encouraging "you'll be great in what ever you do" - I have come down to a conclusion.


I have a couple I am leaning to. And at that I am very happy. It means I can begin learning the one I am MOST positive about and worry about switching the other if need be in due time. Of course all I can do is just go out there and do what I do regardless of what ever it is going through my head.

I find if I go out there and fully just lose myself in the song and character I wont be nervous. Or at least I wasn't during "Guys and Dolls".

So what I shall do is just sit at home and practice until I know the songs to which I will choose within the next 24 hours endlessly (I SWEAR!!!!!!!! -ice-wear) and I will be fully prepared for this audition. I'll do my best - and go back to school! Because if I don't - I'll be stuck at home for another god forsaken year..............

I feel like I should have heard a trombone doing the comical "womp waawwwmp" at the end of that last sentence.

Any way. Time to go and get my practice on! Tune in next time to......................... Wait.... I have a ridiculously sore throat!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Your blog is great, love hearing about your life and reading your awesome metaphors like "last week went by faster than a single apple in an all meat buffet filled with vegetarians"

Atom M said...

O’er the hills where the shamrocks sway,

The children frolic, and giggle, and play

Refracted light’s horizontal arch

And a leprechaun with its dwarf-like march

Down in the valley where the streams meander,

To the will of the breeze the fescue panders

Humidity’s humbling hum oppresses

A beautiful, dancing maiden’s tresses

At the cliff’s edge where a bellow erupts,

The red earth crumbles, debris kicks up

Stampeding steeds, they steel away

So stealthily there’s nary a nay

At the base of a tree where is found a nook,

A young man sits and writes in his book

Cherishing thoughts he’ll never avoid

Was the inspirational PJ Boyd

Bec and Jane said...

That was probably THE most entertaining blog post I've ever read, Juan...ahem...PJ :) It was so fun to do show #3 with. You and Jordan are my favourite bottom feeders ever - and I mean that in the nicest way! :)

Hope your auditions go really well: if only you could do an ensemble piece like 'Everyone's A Little Bit Racist' or 'I See A River'!!! oh well :)

Hope the voice is back 100% soon :)