Sometimes.....cough.... So when ever I eat these days, I've been thinking "Health". And what "Health" means to me. And what it doesn't mean to me.
Now what it doesn't mean to me is a lot of things. Like how to feel happy. I know I find happiness through being healthy and doing healthy-esc things. But eating certain things or how I eat isn't going to define me. I can't let it y'know.
I am a very cautious eater. I feel terrible - almost as if I am being dumped the moment I put that Canadian Meat Lovers slice of Pizza Pizza in my mouth. But I've been a good boyscout when it comes to these things. I eat mainly salads and enjoy them. Not many people can say they ENJOY salads. Even vegetarians... C'mon tree hugger's! Who you foolin? Salads are lame! But lame as they are - I like em. The variety isn't as extravagant as let's say a burger where you can mess with the toppings as if it were a sundae. Or even a Sundae where you could... well... umm.........y'know......... Like the burger.......ha..ha....cough
Now what I seem to love about health is this .........................................im not sure ...........................................
Health to me is like an unending obtuse story about a man and a woman.
You want it - you crave it. But the minute you have it you just have NO clue what to do with it. How to keep up with the perfection of this happiness that you have created for yourself without slipping - because ultimately - one slip and you're going to be hurting yourself. And the crave for it to come back will become such a mission that it's pain will cause you a rougher terrain to battle through. And no battle cry could ever be heard with as much woe as one from a tossed aside - a hurt - lover.
1 minute someone can be on top of the world. The second they are down in the dumps.. Why? Because what becomes of them when they transform that one happy thought into their entire world. As FANTASTIC as that one happy thing may be - it has to be filtered. Because when it's gone - what are you left with except for a few measly scraps of agony that will be stung on you with much hurt. Let it go - for although you feel you don't want to for that briefe minute - it will scar you for a lifetime.
"It's a fine, fine life" we live in. Not one to judge - but I have lived it as much as I have been able to thus far...... That's a lie..... Who really ceases the moment these days? I have tons of time on my hands during my days off - yet I sit and dream beside my musical instruments of one day just singing out a love song into a crowd in hopes to move them in such a way that makes me that much more complete with myself...... Yet it's hard to live out DEM dreams when my 4 chord knowledge of the Ukulele can only help me play a few songs and write by the tones to which they are plucked.
Here's a ponder - with all the trials and tribulations you live by day to day - overcoming and enduring through - have you sat down recently and just stared off out of a window and just breathed? No stipulations or rules to this people... Just sat and appreciated? Not even appreciated - but rather just sat anf acknowladged some beauty?
I think that's where I have found some of my happiness. In the adventure and romance that is this world. The snow - the Sun and the clouds. All that makes up my town and it's ridiculous amount of people.
I'll see the world. But not yet. I have come to realize that anything worth seeing or doing - is worth doing when the time is right. And waiting is half the adventure.
Oh yes I'll see the world. And I shall sing to it............. Perhaps a happy or love song.... Depending on what I have done that week. Or what I may have eaten befor :)
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