Hold on hold on.........................
Okay I'm ready now.... Stop...........................Okay...Wait........
AAANNDDDDDD, just a second....
Didn't see you there!
Well alas, I am fine. I am. Been hanging on the coast - Y'know. Big time players - High Rollers. And............shit.
Oh C'mon like you have had stuff to do! You with your life and all. School, work, Significant other...... I could have all that too! In fact, if my job would give me more than one shift a week I would be rockin it old school with some MEAN THREADS......... (now for those playing the home game - "Mean Threads" is a slangatory word meaning - Nice clothes. When used as a compliment -eg. "Man those be some MEAN THREADS" - that would be used to emply that the person to whom you are complimenting are dressed very nicely.... Y'know...... Like Looking dope!....wiggety.)
And the other two I'm lost at. Haha. Not to say that in my time I have not been the scholarly type. In fact my head is filled with useless knowledge of all sorts. I'd be perfect to try it up again - But alas waiting is a priority seeing how the season of school is half past and I am swimming shamelessly without a PFD or even a paddle to keep me afloat in this pool known as school.
PFD - HA. Just a politically correct way to say life jacket.... In my case it'd be oversize water wings!)
ahhh yes... Then the third category... Significant other.......... I'd say no comment - but with a small desire of wanting to share and a small fear of being a little light with the juice in this blog (as I would be called out on by a dear ol friend whom already knows most of which and I would prefer him to keep his hands off my key board and wait loenrjwfhosfnfnjkljan stop kibrrh28929534#%^@#%@5545 wink wonk wackkhr839284%)
Alright alright.
History of myself and ladies haven't always been the same. In fact I have had at least one where I wasn't tossed around like a rag doll - or tossed out like that last piece of unforgettable cheese cake that you just can't take another bite from.
Tragic really - You dream of that cheese cake at the beginning of the meal. Hoping and wishing you'd make room for it. then you have it and you think it's the best thing ever. Nothing but that of a delicious cheese cake to get you to feel a brief thrill from your lips to you toes - until - you're stuffed.... And leaving the cheese cake as nothing more than the crusty end of remains, has always been the story of the cheese cake.
Much like a cow or pig - this cheese cake wishes not to be feasted on. Or at least not without that proper whip cream to fully top him off and complete the desert...... The cherry on top..... yet... not... Just the part before that..............cough
any way -
It's a wild thing not having an agenda during the week. Mind breaking. You get soo bored and lost in your thoughts and dreams. But not the good dreams - but rather those dreams that make you imagine yourself telling Hilary Duff "sorry but I'm not interested" or looking upon a giant audience thanking them for their support and God for allowing you too achieve such a tremendous award... You know - those ones.
-Mission 12- Just do it.
You know those times where you feel soo unproductive that you need to do something irrational? Even if the logic is not fully there?
Well when those moments come I find myself doing one of many optional choices. Get drunk and watch a chick flick. -(now you laugh but I usually buy one each time I do this and my DVD collection is filled with Chick Flicks... It's an interesting time waster)
Another thing I could do is write here on this blog as of last October. Tonight isn't the case. I felt like writing. Not being productive. But alas I get to feel both now any way so I win...
Another thing is to go out and do something. Even if it's just walking around. Seeing the world. Just something! Anything. You'll find it on the way.
Well a few nights ago - I was lost in my thoughts. I had taken 3 showers by 5pm and changed my clothes at least 6. Now I would have turned to a type writer and just gone to town. But what was I to write about? A musical using a Disney theme to play off through the characters story line and over all complete plot? C'mon!!!!!....................... I did that last year - It's called "As Dreamers Do" - It's quite lovely really. Witty - kinda cheeky .... But anyway....
So here's what I did.
September 1st - was an odd day in my history of 2008. I had been growing my hair into a nice summer shaggy doo. But alas summer was over and I was thinking of cutting out the grease build up..... Sigh... My favorite hair cutter - Her name is Tracey... She was on her little maternity leave.... skank...... Ha!... But I honestly thought I needed a cut - So I went to get one...... My hair wasn't the same... I hated it... didn't fulfill the pJ code of keeping things cool and shakin - you know ... like the song...... Polaroid picture and junk......yeaaaahhhhhh you know it..
So from that point on I was growing my hair...... Honestly did.
Now for a boy a few months can be a long time for hair.. Honestly can. You can have a nice shaggy dooo in like 3 months with typical white boy hair like mine. Otherwise known as Honky Hair or the White Boy Slick... But 6 months past and I was stilled keeping it long. By this time I was rocking a nice set of flowing locks and at times when I was bored and feeling adventurous, a nice Pirate ponytail... Now I say pirate because my hair was greasier than a Mexican hot dog stand itself and with a life long passion for Johnny Depp films - you couldn't look at me and not think pirate!...................Or Johnny Depp Creeper.......... One of the two.
So flipping through pictures on IMDB.com I had found a few styles I would one day love to own myself in the hair department. But not soon.
Every Sunday though - as you may remember from earlier blogs - is rehearsal day. Dance has been a main theme of most of the recent rehearsals - and I don't know about you but it sure is hard to dance with long flowing hair...... Sure okay yah - if you're a girl blah blah blah.. Sweat like a man and come to me after - hyuck hyuck hyuck.... haha honestly. - I'm constantly living as if I have just gotten out of the shower. IT can be chaotic at times. But like my humor I am dry most of the time.
So There it was the typical Ewan McGregor picture that I had stumbled upon many times..... And poof...... There was that feeling........ I should get a hair cut! "NO! Don't do that! The masta wont like that!!!" - Shut up Smeagul!........ I should definitely get a hair cut!!! -
Now these feelings don't come around too often. Who really wants a hair cut all the time? IT's agonizingly painful to watch as you were once semi comfortable with how you looked (yet not thrilled) into a situation where who knows whats going to come out the other end! This black hole of emotions is far too much for one person to deal with on a monthly basis. But I had to go for it.....
As I sat in the chair with a quick hello and nod from the hair cutter ladies who were working (Tracy is back - but the stinkin wench was home until Wednesday!!! Who knows if I'd feel this way then!... Gosh the woman is a tease!)
Too my luck as the first few snips began my uncomfortable mood - a depressing love/break up song came over the radio blasting through the place. I can't for the life of me remember the song. It'll come to me in a cold sweat of a dream I'm sure - but it didn't matter at this time. It could have very well been "Love let us Here" from The Muppet's Treasure Island for all I cared - it was still making this haircut EPIC and unbearable!
In my head I was apologizing for ever snip and every drop of hair. "Goodbye my loves. I'll see you in my dream dream dream dreamssss....... (thats my version of trying to write an echo... :) )
I was finished.......
Not like the picture. And although I was some what satisfied - my hair stood on end as if to say "Look at me now!.....Pig!"
My hair wasn't happy................................... But then again - what did I care?............... I felt goooooooooooooooooooooooddddddddd ;)
-hot stuff comin through! - This Cheesecake is headin out on the town lookin for some Icecream on the side!.... ha!

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