I have never been SOOOOO tired. But for some reason I just can't sleep.
Y'know - I'm not even sure it's totally a sleep system that I have trained my body to do. It's been happening for a while. But I become less and less able to just pass out and dream of bed knobs and broom sticks......... Or red bombs and room chicks..... The dream possibilities are ENDLESS people ENDLESS! And here I am wasting away like a sucker.
Now I don't want to misconstrued this as some sort of illness or symptom from stress. Because Frankly........ THERE'S NOTHING going on in my life that could quite possibly stress me out.
I am a part of an amazing cast whose soul purpose is to bust a move in a production of Guys and Dolls. And then of course my ever soo lovable retail job where I get close to no shifts excluding the time where I was meant to spend a week with my family and celebrate some sort of Jesus Holiday - something like his Birthday and holy-est day of the year blah blah...... sigh.... But God bless them - I worked every day that week........... Y'know thinking about it - God may not bless them for forcing me to miss his birthday. He may be a tad mad. I'm usually a good part of a party - I can do a MEAN "Carlton Dance".
(Now for those playing the home game - The "Carlton Dance" is in reference to the 90's hit Television show entitled "The Fresh Prince of Bell Air". I being a late 80's baby lived most of my childhood in the 90's celebrating such television shows like "Full House", "Family Matters" and of my favourite of all............ Actually that was pretty much it....
Here's a little topic I like to call - Little Old People 101 -
I can't help it. I just can't imagine myself as an old toot. I just don't wish to be old haha. I see myself more as that really young looking 65 year old who people think is really 50 so he gets all-a-da ladies and then I just kick the bucket.
Due to me living my life with absolutely no grand parents except for one of my Grandmothers who died when I was really young - Which I like to think of my favorite one. No no - NOT because she was the only one I ever knew - Have to show some respect to those whom doweled before my time - but the one that I knew was not a quitter with Love. That woman went to town and managed to marry herself three men. Good on her - I hope I can rock one of em soon. Paint the town red like Grandma!
But I haven't been fully comfortable with the "elderly" type. Don't know why. But I haven't been one of those people to just think "Cute!" when ever I see one strutting down the block in classic timberland attire back when it was for old white golfing men and not for people who want to look like their feet were made for construction working yet the rest of them were made for.................................. ummmmm........ thuggin it "old skooool" ?
A few days ago I was walking home from my regular Thursday babysit when a nice little old neighbour came a callin. Don't know if you caught that....... Little Old.......
Caught me off guard the little dust bunny did. But she was nice. I can not recall her name - but it was definitely one of those names you would expect a little brittle old lady to have....... Like Elanor.... :)
She's sweet. Short and sweet - just like ........ Unsure really..... The preferred Oscar speech on television? Small British children?......... Gummie Bears? - But in any case - She has been suffering from what everyone in this world does - Loss. Her husband - struggling from a long time battle with a disease from our world. Now she has a ton of spirit this little lass does - and she is trekking on.
But she has caught me walking onward toward my homestead with a big ol smile and a shovel...................................... If this were any other woman the shovel would have scared me something fierce - BUT - she was like Yoda skipping up to me with news of the world.
But this news was not more than her wishing to pass along a bit of her husband to my side of the world. Ties.
Her husband had a cunning fashion sense. :) And who am I to not accept the inheritance of a wise man.
The plethora of ties has been a wonder to look at. And as much as I stared at this huge bag of them - the more I decided to dig deeper in the bad to find more glorious neck crowns. But to my surprise - the ties faded out and on came the handkerchiefs. Now I have no REAL use of a hanky - but to make things a tad easier for my musical theater friends - perhaps I shall bring along 1 or 2 of them to wipe off my forehead...... Or a towel.......... Probably a towel........... Yeah a towel would work much better thinking about it now.
Digging deeper into my emotions..HA.... I mean the bag of glorious ties - I came upon something I had not in more than my fair share of moon falls.
Classic Aviators
They are beauts! 2 pairs - and a long time of "cool" blessed on my doorstep...... Or rather my nose step..... Tip of my nose........ step...
Nice old lady. Nice little........ She's a great woman. And my thoughts and prayers are with her and her late husband........ And as I think back to her and her great contribution to my late night fashion adventures............ ha. late night nothing.. I'd wear a tie in the middle of a hot summer day and a mere t-shirt being rocked under neath. :)
keep it snazzy folks........
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