There are things in this world that will bring us down. They will bring us turmoil and hurt. Confusing pain that makes us think that this is somehow a dramatic real life creation of a soup opera - it will cause us to be forever bamboozled with life and it's deeds.
One day : Such an ordinary day --- You find yourself walking through the streets of your chosen city doing some errands and all together just frolicking amongst the world....... You arrive at a grocery store -- and as you are looking through the produce section trying DESPERATELY to convince yourself that you are a healthy person and that maybe someone will see you eat some fruit and comment at how amazing you look --- you see someone. They (to you) are absolutely nobody. But there is something about them..... It could be the hair, the distinct features of their face, or perhaps even the sweater they are wearing...... This one person (unintentionally) has now brought you back to that time in your life where you weren't soo free going. Where you were not as happy-go-lucky as everyone defines you as.
what do you do?
It's the hardest math question you will ever try to figure out. It's the question that even Einstein goes "Where the hell do I begin this equation?"
So...... Where do you start?! WHERE does your mind go? Do you fall into an immediate depression and lifelong doubt? Or do you continue on with your day?
What gets you there? Where is your E=MC2??
What is the equation to your answer?
There are a lot of people in this world - some of which philosophize that we CHOOSE to be depressed. Sure there are moments where we will become sad. Where we find loss, feel it, watch it. But full on depression is a word that STRONGLY amounts to a person and how they can NOT carry on in this day to day living the world is running on...... Words like Love and Depression are over run and over used..... People will tell each other they Love each other but later on that day discuss how so and so told you that person you "love" did something you don't like and then all of a sudden you no longer love them....... Some/a lot of people talk about being depressed because they didn't have enough change in the morning to buy their extra large double double coffee - yet then we find people living on the streets who sit with their heads down as the snow covers them and their sadness as they give up and no longer open their palm to receive even a nickel from people who don't even care if they spend their money on booze or not - but just as long as they find some sort of joy or peace in any single second of the day.
How do we bring ourselves back?
-Mission 39 - 69th blog
I found myself writing blogs shortly after I read one being published my Jason Mraz.
Anyone who knows me well - or even follows my blogs - know that I am a big fan of Jason Mraz. Though I do not glorify him and follow him as if he is the end all and be all - I do find peace in his music and his blogs.
He speaks about gratitude and love. Things that are important to him like surfing and water consumption in the world. A Green Earth, about saving all the children of the world and creating peace and harmony and equal rights amongst EVERYONE in this world - black/white/gay/straight/rich/poor.... EVERYONE.
I was talking to a friend tonight - her name is Colleen - I met her through my partner in crime. We had a moment where we talked about the "WHY". And the "WHAT" - And the "MRAZ" haha.
Why do I find myself walking towards meetings in my life - towards moments I don't want to be in - towards times when I know someone is going to be leaving me (even for a short while) - and I hum - or tune in to a Jason Mraz song...... Is this an obsession? Is this some sort of gross fetish? GOSH NO. It is some sort of PEACE.... Thats what it is.
It is a few minutes in my life that I find happiness - love - joy-gratefulness. Its in a lyric or in the inspiration of knowing I am being encouraged to be me and to love, and to create joy. That is "SKATS OF ANOTHER NATURE"..... I almost forgot that for a while there..... Sure I began this blog to be silly and to cause a few laughs... But that's just it.... Laughs - smiles - joy..... I began this to spread joy amongst even a few people. Even if it is in just the 3 friends I inform to every time I finish an entry ---- If I know I have added a smile to their day - I know the hours I spend on this computer are worth it.
I don't expect or believe I will get more then 8 followers on my blog - but since I HAVE 8 people who receive a message every time I make an entry - it is my spiritual/human/writers obligation to bring that smile or thought to them..... They have committed to me - and I them.
I find joy in the musical stylings of Jason Mraz -- I find inspiration and joy in the words written and sung by another...... How about you?
Where do you find it?!! I encourage you to find it. PLEASE! -- When you lose it - You can STILL find it. Trust me. We all have done it. Even if you can't explain it - find that moment in your life and just hold on to it. Try to find it every day of your life. YOU DESERVE IT! Why would you find joy in a moment and then toss it away?! It's like throwing away friendship or in some peoples cases money.... Those moments bring smiles and joy --- Your smile makes someone else smile.... Why can't we have a "National Smile" day? We have all these days in the world where we recognize things and give recognition - but we then find ourselves sitting down and finding a reason to turn on the Coldplay and sulk into those times where we think we have felt the most emotion.
I only really listen to soft acoustic style music. I know slow depressive tunes as much as the next person - but as long as you CHOOSE LOVE and JOY - you will be alright.
I want everyone to find a moment everyday where they can express love. Sincerity is the greatest weapon we have --- don't fake love - don't pretend to feel. You won't move forward - you won't find what it is you are looking for.......
I have found moments when I have been caught into a depression. ESPECIALLY when it's like you have been forced into it... I know I have found myself even now struggling with life and depression and trying to deal with the turning of the globe as I wake up day to day trying to think of a reason to get out of bed..... But I do. And though I find myself getting back into that bed in a less then satisfactory way -- I do. I do because I know when that sun gives me that good morning kiss to wake me up - I will be able to get up and experience love... Because that's what I search for. Not even so much in the romantic sense.... But I find gratitude and peace in sitting in a guest bedroom of my parents house watching a DVD of Jason Mraz singing a song that tells us all that "you got soul" - even if he is implying that you turn him on hahaha.
All I'm saying is ............ I don't even know anymore... It isn't for me. It's for you..... I'm not speaking a specific message and I'm not trying to give off a moral we should all live by..... All I'm trying to say is that there are people out there who love you - and you should love in the new year....
These blogs don't give one thought. We all have our own - whether it is "wow, I should do that!" or "Oh my god, what a loser! Who writes like this?!!"
I don't care.
Don't enter this New Year alone.... Please... Hug someone and embrace them tightly as you hit midnight and remind yourself that without you this world does NOT spin the same way... Without you - peoples lives will no longer be the same....
And so for my New Years -- I am entering it ....... With you.
Happy New Years
Lets leave this world looking better then how we found it.
1 comment:
Cool man. Peace love and joy.
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