To begin this next Skat - I'd really just like to take it as a hat tip - a high five - or in their case some times - a salute - to Americans of the United States.
Like butter - you find them in every country. Sure some may not be as dignified as others. And some you may just want to order them to sit in the corner within the circular gym you are standing in.
Though I am proud of being Canadian and wouldn't imagine my life any differently. I do admire how much in love with their country they are. At least every other house on every other street has a ton of American national flags on their houses - or up a personalized flag pole. It's admiring to see how (though unnecessary in my eyes) they will continue to fight without end in view of their war against........ something..... I'm sure I'll read "America vs Iraq for dummies" sometime in my life. But for now - I'll sit blissfully twiddling my thumbs still bummed out about the lost of our King of Pop.
So right on - and keep it going. I only wish us Canadians - though known as the country of peace - could find identity and love in our own country while we bring in others and call them family.
-Mission 38- Night of Flames.
I have been one of the luckiest people in the world to be able to study at Sheridan (soon to be University) for musical theater performance... Though I have been blindsided with the amount of work I have had to do - I couldn't have it any other way.
There is usually nothing I miss about my old life. But thinking back to the summer - I have been feeling that drain - the lack of CITY in my life :D.
If love was interpreted by electric fixtures - when it comes to Toronto.... I'm a big fan :)
And I LOVE Toronto - and Canada. So to
have to move just a few driving moments outside of Toronto - I have been very sad not to see the glowing lights of the CN Tower light up from a smoggy distance. Still soo close - but yet - just far enough.
The last couple of nights I have had the amazing chance to go watch some friends from my program perform in one of Toronto's most well known gay bars. Buddies in Bad Times.
I don't have a television - and rarely find myself looking at news stories on the internet - and NEVER find myself walking somewhere to find a newspaper - so let's just say I'm in a closed box taped together with stickers of the Phantom of the Opera.
So as I frolicked amongst the streets of Toronto last night before retreating to the pub - I noticed quite the commotion. People were lining up all over Young Street in the downtown area. Here I had no clue what was going on so I simply sat with some friends - ordered some fries and enjoyed a quick meal.
In a flash I was outside on the street freezing my butt off and awaiting the lucky runner of the torch. This was completely a THRILL to me! Who knows if I'll ever get to see it again?! Rather ironic to seeing how I kept trying to sneak a smile across to someone I seem to be feeling quite a flame for and the fact that my friends were performing in a gay pub tonight... Brilliant!
I was standing with my good friend James waiting anxiously until we saw the crowed getting bigger and bigger just down the street. In the excitement of it all we wanted to be a part of this crowd. This is a celebration right?!
guess not....
Now - the point they had was this: Eliminate the Olympics - take the money from there and put it into creating new jobs.
Good on them for trying to get the government to push harder to help find and create more jobs for this overpopulated world..... BUT!
disgusting how they have to interrupt something as beautiful as the running of the Olympic Flame.
THE OLYMPICS folks -- are NOT just about the games. C'mon now! Sure we send out best thought of athletes to compete in a world wide competition to bring home the championship gold medal. But the OLYMPICS are much MUCH more.
How dare people. It sickens me.
The Olympics stand for PEACE.
Peace and love is something we all are longing for in some capacity. What a selfish protest to ask for the olympics to be shut down to create a job for them.
YES it is important for people to be working. But there are other solutions. One being pick your ass up off the ground and listen to what mamma s
aid when you were a teenager and just get ANY job you possibly can to pay the rent and get you by. SURE you may not be happy with the job - but you will be in less of a rutt then you are in now.
Understand that jobs come and go - and it is us that have to pick ourselves up - find a suitable replacement and get your ass some money. The economy is in a rutt - yes - but it is events such as the Olympics that offer thousands among THOUSANDS of people jobs over the next few months of competitions. THATS SUCH A START! C'mon. Fight FOR jobs - not for eliminating something as proud driven and historically loved like the Olympics!
Im going insane with this topic. I just can't handle how heart broken I am at the attitude and the disrespect for ones country someone can have then to cause what inevitably is blasphemy against ones heritage to ask for something soo selfish. We need to understand that WE ARE THE HOSTS of this years Olympics. C'mon people. Does that not give you soo much joy in to think that the WORLD respects our country and tru
sts our country enough to allow us to host the worlds biggest competition.
Yes we have put a lot of money into building new stadiums and other sort of constructed plateaus for these winter events --- But could you possibly just take a second and think of how much money will be going back into our country with all those bloody freaking expensive ticket sales?!!!
So shocked and ashamed of my fellow Torontonians I walked back up the street to my original curbside and awaited the torch....
............ It never came...... The protestors marched bl
ocking off the entire street - police officers could do nothing but block them off from people who had come out with their families and their young children to watch a simple flame with hundreds and hundreds of years of history and beauty.
Breaks my heat to think of how the children standing there in their giant puffy coats missed out on something soo beautiful because of a selfish cause like the one last night.... I couldn't stand it. Being myself - I began to boo as they marched passed me. Ignoring the blatant screams coming from the marchers and all the fingers raised to express their anger towards me (someone whom was a form of little person) gave me the finger as well. Though this broke my anger and turned to laughter seeing how she was rather hilarious in her "Hello Kitty" childrens puffy coat and giving me the finger while wearing mittens.... hahaha. I understood what she was trying to get across - but it was like getting the fing
er from Frosty the snow man.... There are clearly not separated fingers there! haha
But I was back to my angered boo's and comments as they passed by causing a heinous act of rebellion.... I had done this for only a little while before I was spotted by a news team from CTV. Quickly they ran and asked me for my opinion on the matter being one of the only people in my general area protesting against their hate.
I expressed to the interviewer (while being filmed) how insulting it was to see their hate against something that stands for peace and love in this world where we have close to none!!! I couldn't say everything I wanted to due to it only being a quick word of opinion with them. But as expressing their ignorant rampage as being one uned
ucated protest - seeing how there are ways they could get that without ruining something so beautifully romantic in this world as the running of an olympic torch.
Our world is shaped with cynicism these days........ And it's sad. Truly is. Why can't people look towards beauty and light and love and peace rather than looking towards the dark and the need for greed and hate.
Truly am heartbroken by all of this. Spending the afternoon depressed at how the love and excitement I have for these games - the games to which I remember going over to my best friends house to watch as many competitions as possi
ble over 4 years ago and cheering on my Country as we celebrated peace and love in games that celebrate greatness amongst athletes and humanity.
This year my best friend is living in Europe and only through internet chats do I get to speak to him. This year I don't have a television set.... This year I will be online learning statistics and watching clips of these events. That alone saddens me. But never could I imagine people being as ruthless in their cause as to insult something so pure in this world.
I have been a Beatles fan for most of my life. As I grew up it was only the songs of The Beatles or The Beach Boys that I heard. And it took me almost 2
1 years to finally understand what John Lennon tried to tell the world through his song Imagine.
I end this post with his song..... Look through the lyrics. I know we all know them.... But lets UNDERSTAND them now..... More important.
Imagine by John Lennon :
Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

1 comment:
where did you get that logo, the 1 Love symbol? did you design it? I think it is great, along with your content...
can you please let me know where you got this if you did not create it?
my email is andrewstoll5@gmail.com
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