Don't get me wrong - it could have been snowing and I would have thought it summer with the tranquil up downs of the Bob Marley tune streaming from my Ipod to my brain. But it's this past monday - the 1st of our December 2009 - our first and last - where I found myself wearing flip flops to class. Sure it was past it's time and anyone would "think me odd" to find me frolicking like a Rasta up and down the streets of this suburban town. But to argue my place in this world --- it is the softness of the sun that kisses my skin that attracts me to this beach side fashion amongst the fall of the leaves.... But I kid you not - I have retired my flip flops for the season. Somewhat by choice. Poetically I had chosen to last to December the 1st and triumphantly shoebox them away for another summer - but as fate had it - My flips drew their last flop!! They tore in two quite un-triumphantly. I was sad. REAL sad. In my silliness I concocted their rebirth..... OR at least just a small catalyst to have them breathe one day more!
Nails :) With mine and the earth working together they rocked another day :D
I think I am a little mad to being bathing in this weather. I hear quite often from my friend how cold they are to be walking outside. I don't know if it is my choice in clothing or just my ability to take a cold chill after summers sleeping in northern Canadian forests. I do enjoy a good morning dew - and I mean the mist covering an open field just prime for a quick toss of a frisbee type of dew. I don't mean the muggy feeling of waking up to a moist bedroom - frozen - and knowing that when you open your door a wasteland of frozen tundra stands between you and a dance studio of sweat that only encourages pneumonia as you get out and mission it back to your apartment. And of course I don't mean a puddle of Mountain Dew.... If I want that I can walk up the street to the Taco Bell and become their first customer in the last 7 years!
Weather is great here is all I am saying really. I'm sure I could go on and on poetically extending the most famous small talk topic to a novel of heart felt nonsense... but when it comes down to it......... The weather up here is swell.... yes... thanks for asking......
There are a few titles this world has created that I disagree to.... Listen clearly now. I don't mean to talk about what elementary school kids call each other when little white boys like rap music - or if a girl likes a girl..... What I mean to talk to is the fairy tale titles we have poetically placed upon our home...... Earth..... Let's stop calling it "Mother Earth". I give great respect to which ever television producer at the BBC coming up with that for some Sunday morning programming -- but the time is really clear these days for us to take care of this earth. I know we take care of our mothers.... But think about it folks..... Imagine this earth as your sister..... You're younger sister. You are going to take care of her, love her, shelter her and watch out for her even when she gets old and is doing alright. You wont stop. You expect your mother to take care of you more than you her. I know we all love our mothers and will take care of them in any given circumstances. But in the long run it is us we assume to be taken care of when mothers are involved..... Let's take care of our sister and stop throwing things on her floor..... Thats step number one.
Now in a poetical sense I want to call the Sun my brother. The sun gives. Sure my brothers don't give me things unless it is on my birthday or something on those lines. But in stead of calling it "Santa Sun" -- I'm going to imagine my sun - the one that makes sure I look slick in the summer - the one that is looking down at the top of my head all the time lighting my way in the world it appears to know so well.... That's my big brother..... I don't know - I'm going to call it the Sun all the time.... But thinking in terms of how we can truly love and find life - romance and poetry in everything -- let's start looking at things a little differently. Who knows - it might turn out to be the right way for you. I'm finding my way in this world. You should too, you may learn something about yourself.
-Mission 37- Acknowledging
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about who I care most in this world about. Who I'd notice wasn't there in a group of people. Who I could start a barber shop quartet with......... ahem... well.. not that last one. But you understand where I'm aiming at.
Part of my gratitude lately isn't just laying back and basking in the beauty of visual sites of the world. But now as we approach a holiday of giving I begin to think of those that if I had any money (haha oh my) what I could really give them to show them that I truly appreciate them. That's what giving is, isn't it?
As we pack up the malls of this world and pack up the parking lots giving me the impression that you did this just to piss of my father and set him into a rant and make me realize that I forgot my wallet at home and have him drive me back and then return to the stampede of shopaholics that look to us as the inconvenient foreigners that are in their way of living and look absolutely stupid just standing there as a Gap Tourist. Which I would be - if I ever stepped in Gap other than to play the "Gap Game" where you try to walk to all four corners of the store without being asked ONCE if you need any help. Fun game and impressive salesmanship in a store that always gives me the impression that there is something they are not telling me.
But before we grow melancholy at our wallet sizes this season - let's look at the reasons. We are getting sad because we feel as though we need to buy
gifts for certain people. That is never a reason. Buying someone something because you feel the awkward obligation of having to hand them a bottle of lotion from "the body shop" just to say "hey... yeah... there you go".
Let's simply SHOW the ones we truly care about a happy holiday... And for me - that holiday is Christmas. So in no attempts to offend those who don't celebrate it - I am going to cut out the political correctness and begin talking Christmas.
And this Christmas I want to acknowledge friends of mine who put a smile on my face and take care of me just because they want to see that smile on my face. And when I think about it - those times a Christmas presents all in their own.... Interesting huh? Any how... Just a brief Thank you to my great close friend whom watches out for me like the sister I was never lucky enough to have in a house of all boys who somehow loved Boy Bands and Musical Theater....... cough***.. any ways......
Today I am grateful for many things. One of which is my friend Jake. I know a couple of Jakes. But this guy is an affection guy who cracks up everyone from a baby who is laughing at what every voice he is putting on - or an elderly lady for the mystery in his eyes that he is giving them just to chipper them up on the other side of the bench
with their caramels :D hahaha God Loves yah Somo!

So as I finish up what has been one of my more shorter blogs in the past year (HA!) - I'd just like to examine this year and acknowledge it coming to a close in a fashion of pure class.
The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful... And so are you........ Today I am grateful for beautiful sunsets.
Enjoy Global warming while you can. :) -
Happy tannnnnnn*ahem* Holidays!
(on a side note... I have this tradition every Christmas Eve that I have done going on I think 6 years now... So look forward to my blog that night :D! I know I will)

1 comment:
It is rather interesting for me to read this post. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. BTW, try to add some pics :).
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