So my last blog got me thinking..... Though I would LIKE to write another segment in
--The Many Adventures of Jordan D. Pipher --
more specifically one where a stray cat continuously went to his front door every day and he gave it milk before it would leave and then do the same the next day - and so on and so forth......... BUTTTTTT of course this is no ordinary man here... This is Jordan D. Pipher............. So when I say stray cat ... What I mean is a Gangster man with very large bling....... And by milk .... I mean money....... :D But I wont tell you that story..... No no. (mainly because most of it is within the plot alone --- No one likes to watch a movie and then realize that the whole story had been given away in the trailer!)

But it was my talk about Starbucks that got me thinking...... I do enjo
y me a Venti Cafe' Mocha in the winta-winta time - or an Ice'd Chai any other time. But it is the unity and joy that these places bring. Honestly now. Though it acts as any other fast food chain - A Starbucks sits there and doesn't fill you with grease that is going to blow you up 7 sizes by christmas. There is class within sitting in a coffee shop and enjoy a quick pick-me-up of java while you talk to someone.
I suppose it really doesn't matter where you are - just as long as the act of uniting and being and talking and friendship with another is happening....... All I'm saying is that you're all a bunch of uncultured swines sitting around in Mcdonalds............. ahhh.... I feel better now. Anyyyyyy hoooven.....
I have been very lucky to have obtained the love/addiction to coffee :D hahaa. Here me out. I'm not American -- So I don't have a Starbucks on every corner. A Starbucks is something that I treat myself to every once in a while. It's not my favorite - it's just th
at rarity that is around and makes me go "hmmm, yes I WOULD like to pay a lot of money for coffee today when I could pay less!"
But as a Canadian I hold many things dear to my heart..... Number 1 - the first and foremost thing that sets me a part from others....... I can wear flip flops in the middle of November and look badass doing it ;) ..... YESSSIREEE... hahaha. But there is something all Canadians share alike.
Tim Hortons.
(apologies due to this post being posted before I realized to those of you who have seen the above part a few days earlier..... but in that case I call you freaking snoops and suggest you and your brown nose get off my blog at this very MOMENT!!!!! HARUMPH!)
-Mission 36- Lovin me Timmies
I have been very fortunate to have a coffee story every couple days. And by coffee story I mean something as small as "went to a starbucks with Kate" or "some man smelled like poop in the line it was awful! So I pretended to spill some of my drink on him to get a better smell on him."
But in the past week I have gone to a Tim Hortons way more often then usual.
IT happened on Thursday morning. I had been up late into the night studying for a test I had, and of course every Thursday I indulge my taste buds / addiction buds - and jump face first into a giant cup of java. Lucky for me that it is one of the only mornings I can bring a coffee into one of my classes. So as I waited in line I was listening to a few awesome tunes from the latest cd/dvd from Jason Mraz haha cheap plug ---- And as I approached the counter the worker immediately recognized me. Im usually all hairy with messy hair and a bandana. So I asked for my usual XL double double - double cup'd (I don't deal with burnt hands in the morning -- maybe in the winter) She said "oh yes of course" as I asked for the 2nd cup haha. And as she filled my cup of joy - she noticed there was a breakfast sandwich made and not given to anyone. This perplexed her. Not too much though - because just as quickly as she drew it from her mind - it was in my hand...
WHAT a start to a day when I have a test to do. A FREE sandwich!! C'mon folks - I'm a student! This is HUGE!
After my test there was a bit of a break from the rest of my 3 hour lecture on Theater History today specifically talking about theater in 17th century France --- So off I ran to the other Tim Hortons....
I'm not a cocky person in any form. I should be in this business that I have chosen to study --- but it brings me joy to watch other people become happy just from me doing something..... Especially if the thing I am doing is just simply being there!!! And as I approached counter number 2, the very nice Tim Hortons worker - more my age - unlike the one from counter scenario number 1---- But as I approached - BOOM -- Not a loud boom - I'm not being literal here - but just as I walked one step closer, her face went from a "sighh this is what I have to do for school" to "OH MYYY!!" hahaha. It was real nice to see a smile like that with the already amazing morning I was having. I skipped on back to class and informed my friend Charlie that Tim Hortons loves me :) So at the end of the day I ran off to a get a nice cup of coffee before I headed home to read over a couple of plays for the next day.......... CLOSED!?! JERKS! I HATE THEM!!!!!!!
I know I know - quick to turn. But man was I in need! sighh... Fine - I was still happy - but in any case I wasn't pleased with them closing no more than 5 minutes earlier!
The next day I was really late getting to school due to construction happening on my building and me having no curtains - therefore they can see yours truly changing with no more than a sheet of glass in between us...... I'm an actor folks.... but a poor one. SO NO FREE SHOWS!!
I hid in my washroom until they left..... I was still on time for class - I was just later then I usually get there, so there was no coffee getting.
Lucky for me and unfortunate for my Tap teacher - she had hurt her back and we were told to just work on our own thing instead for that morning. And so instead of sticking around to the many random tap's of other people on a morning without coffee --- I went home to shower and work on some homework and then head to a Timmies before my next class.
And as I do - I approached the counter - same one as #1 but let's call this #3 --- "Oh hello! Double cup?" --- why yes!
So she filled my cup as usual - it was a splendid feeling knowing I was getting a coffee. But me having no change was not too worried. I wasn't expecting anything free - I was just happy to know that Tim Hortons now takes credit card (mastercard specific) and her I am with one in emergencies like this! So I whipped out my card and smiled. "OH! I was waiting for someone like you" she said in her small little mid european way as she handed me my coffee. "Don't worry! This coffee is free"........................ sniff sniff...... I was soo happy :)
And as I do well - I skipped off with my cup and heart filled with some of that amazing Java Joy.
Now as my story comes to an end - I assure you that I did in fact go to a Tim Hortons again before the end of the day.
But for this end - I didn't get a smile as I usually do - no sir. I went to get a smile :). And as I received my cup of coffee I was very excited - not just for my sake. But for my bud Charlie as well........ Our favorite dance teacher was standing behind me ;D -- She doesn't teach us anymore - she was only in for a few weeks...... Let me just say Charlie and I miss her DEARLY hahaha.
And now - as I roll out of bed at a quarter after 2 in the afternoon on my first weekend day off in a long time - I simply reach for my nearest bandana........... And off I go .......... To get some Joy
Find Joy in everything - everything will seem that much sweeter!

1 comment:
I know the lady at Tim's that you mean. I forget her name .. but as soon as you mentioned the accent ...
When I worked at Sheridan, Caitie was in the Montessori program there. She used to come in with me every morning to work for half an hour, then I would walk her downstairs when school started.
Every morning, when I went to get my coffee, there would be a little bag for Caitie with two chocolate timbits in it. She'd make a big deal every day of slipping them to Caitie and saying "don't let your mom see" .. and Caitie would giggle, and I would pretend not to notice. I think it made all of our days!!!!
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