I've gotten more and more distracted and torn from this blog spot --- but alas I am throwing all caution to the wind --- forgetting the fact that I just watched the horror film "From Hell" featuring Johnny Depp as an interesting detective in England trying to track down "Jack the Ripper" ----- Forgetting Sarah Marshall shall ease my spiked leg hair..... Not to mention the goose bumps up my back making friends with the zits that made port there causing a nice brail effect that I think is quite poetic..... A blind person once gave me a hug and was able to read "You're Welcome" from my back alone.......... :)
okay so I exaggerate --- But my back is a bit of a jerk this past week. Rather interesting story .... Allow me to continue this story with a humorous pause for thought.................................................
The "humorous" part being used as both an adjective and a moment for you to roll your eyes at me as you get hooked in your curiosity and continue reading no matter how obtuse or idiotic I may become in my writings :)........
Shall I continue?
So this past week has been an eventfully uneventful one..... Don't know if that fully makes sense - but allow me to elaborate.
My good friend Charlie came down to visit me. We would likely have an awesome week..... "Likely" being his last name ..... I couldn't resist........
We actually sat around for 3 straight days doing nothing except for watching movies. And now to those people out there in the "real world" thinking they are sooo busy that they would have killed for a week like that.......... I encourage you to take a stapler to your head and shoot a few swift ones into your skull........ We had a blast - not going to lie. BUT - the dream of something to do was never far from thought. But before those fine days of sitting - eating greasy food - and watching Charlie drink down 15 Canadians to himself :D (sorry ChaW-LAY --- I had to).
ahem - right right... There was a point to this story. -- I was staying over at my folks house for the beginning of this week, and since moving out - my room has quickly gone from the chilled brown painted (also called - "Audrey AUBURN" ;D) - comfortable bedroom to which I called "the cave" - now know as my mothers scrap book room.
And due to my recent move - all that called that room home - including my dvd's and more specifically my bed - has been taken with me to my apartment...... And this of course now leaves my mother with an empty room to call her own and to bunk me when I go to visit....... Bunk is hardly the word unfortunately..... "Bunk" in my opinion implies - FUN - or some enjoyment of what little nature I could come up with in my ridiculous mind..... But what lay there be no more than a terror amongst sleep. The enemy of Mr.Sandman - the Terminator of warm summers nap, The................ you get the point.
And unfortunately so did I. For not only did I understand what NOT to sleep on when I go to visit - but I also got this GIANT point - most likely a bar - into my back that caused one HELL of a sore back the next morning...... And yes, I know for all you young bachelors that go out on the town and wake up in another person's (hopefully over the age of 18)'s bed - with YOUR sore back...... You walk home proudly........ I on the other hand awoke to a back that needed some well rounded sentences that could only be expressed as "What not to say to anyone under the age of 15".
I however am a trooper and went and made myself the most manly breakfast I could come up with...................... A very large bowl of Cheerio's :).
But of course what better to go with Cheerio's then one of my many chick fli.......ahem.... Action movies I had left behind........ But HOW do you ask can I put on a dvd while holding what could only be exaggerated as a DAMN FINE looking bowl of cereal!?!!!!!!.......... Well I would place the bowl down, silly.
................................ The soreness of my back..... And the tense muscles that had been built up over a span of 20 years of not properly stretching in a consecutive fashion ----- .......... Enough of this gibberish ...... I tore a bloody F'in muscle in my back!!!!!
Not happy...... BARELY breathing actually..... And though the words coming to mind were not far off from those I spoke earlier - the only words I could get out with what little breathe I was achieving was "Help!"
And though I was raised by a father whom loves the Beatles - my brother should have bloody known I was not singing........ Took him 5 freaking minute to finally come! And I don't know about your - but 30 seconds not breathing properly on the ground with who knows what is going on with your body is WAY too long.
And so sure enough - as he came to my side - my mother had been called to get our freaking car back to her house and take me to a hospital.
Long waiting in uncomfortable chairs later I was given many-a drugs and sent on my way........... Happy Halloween PJ. Kids get a mars bar and I get Muscle relaxants.... Though if I were to take enough of them I don't think I would really mind......... Not making a sick joke implying death - I only mean I would get pretty freakin high!
And thus began my long week of sitting and watching dvd's. Which at the time seemed like the longest days I have ever spent - actually was the BEST thing for my back and health I could have possibly done......... I enjoy how things work out...... Don't you?.......................... Well fine... I don't care what you think then..............
Here's a quick personal note :
-Mission 34- a SKAT of a mission statement
So I have always tried to stay as honest as I could with this blog. Because although I do write them to be enjoyed by my friends and any random person of this earth whom finds it - I do express myself in these words in a sort of way that really relieves me and allows me to relax and now stress about things............ And of course because I don't want to be caught owning a diary - I turned to the nerdier side of life and created this blog.
For those of you Skat readers who have been with me from the beginning - I thank you and hope that this has made SOME sort of thought provoking lifestyle for you after reading each post.
And so now I have passed my one year mark for writing on this thing and I have found myself caught..... Like a bare trap I am stuck and not dumb enough like a fox to naw my own foot off.
My life is quite interesting right now. I am not a closed book. In fact I am more that Vanity Fair magazine you bought a long time ago for the cover and after reading it you really had nothing more from it - but there was that initial connection and that passed that makes you want to hold on to it forever..... So you don't throw it out....... Though this is making myself sound rather conceited I only refer to my holding nothing back - not my physical self or personality...... Though the word "cute as a button" has been tossed around quite a few times;)
But as I was saying I am trapped. I find that my life now is not just censored - but I have gotten to that place where things are becoming more Private. It's nothing personal. In fact I have found myself on more than ..... let's just say 20... occasions where I have told more secrets and more feelings then I probably should have...... But that's the thing.
In my life - I live as I NEED to.. What will get me by without feeling like crap when I wake up. And though I and EVERYONE else in this world finds themselves in a rutt that does in fact cause you to over think everything and cause a depression that you alone feel impossible of escaping - I ask you this........ I try to do many things in my life. But as of late - I try to cry un-apologetically..... I'm not a big crier. It just isn't the way I express sadness all the time...... I'm not robot of course I do and HAVE in the past little while have cried to either myself or to a friend...... But I let it out.......... If you got to let something out --- (thinking of my good friend Mr. Bradley Uppercrust the 3rd) - "LET IT OUT NOW".
And I will. I will let it out......... Just not so much on this anymore....
Don't get me wrong I am going to continue writing about my crazy adventures that if you have followed along have ranged from Camping out to meet Jason Mraz and then rubbing it in my friends faces - to selling my mothers gold tooth......... There will be many more stories to come.
I just have a few things - both good and bad things - that I can't allow just anybody to know.
We're all human and I know you - my reader understand.
So thank you again for being so rad and taking time out of your day to sit and read a few thoughts from this young man who honestly -- STILL - AFTER ONE YEAR (of blogging) - is living out Childish Adventures, through loose change.
let your light shine -
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