Be as crazy as you want because you may never see these people again. Well I say - be as crazy as you want in HOPES to see them again. They'll see you one day and go - hey that's that CA-RAZY guy, he is L.I.V.I.N. He is cool with me."
-Jason Mraz
There's no stoppin us.
I was going to write about my recent decision to go back to school. To apply to a university and begin a study that will ultimately lock me into a directional life. And then of course the story that comes after it where I find myself needing a random bit of help which send me down a spiral of phone numbers that sends me to a random apartment in Downtown Toronto and later on a lucky coincidence brings you to a show of a great friends and then the after party which would have made one great story.
But then again one great story could be how Charlie Chaplin entered a Charlie Chaplin Look-a-Like contest in Monte Carlo and came in third..... That's a great story.
Instead I look to the future. This week is a big-un. Now big-un is my excited word for BIG week. That and I heard it once at Scrubs on have been saying it since. Nothing better than stealing some sort of word that suits me better than an Armony suit. It's finding my own way really.
But this week has been one I have been waiting for, for a long time. Now there's a lot to look forward to for this week. The happenstance is that I am not only celebrating my own Birthday on Sunday - but the last few days leading up to it I will be in New York City - the big apple - the fast paced streets with the politely crude vocabulary - for the first time.
Exciting as all that sounds - I will have to dig deep and look at what makes this scenario something from a dream?
Lets begin from the Ending. Like a clever movie consisting of an all-star cast that is humorously written from the critically Cohan Brothers - I like to make it artsy. Know what I'm sayin?
Well come Sunday - I will have my birthday. One year older - wrapping up what has been an interesting year. And I mean interesting. Filled with adventure - lust- love and even a few quirky events with the same lanky friend to keep me on my toes. I can not recall the very moment (midnight) of last years birthday - but from what I know of this years - I will be in a car driving home from New York with 3 great friends and the knowledge of how tired I will be the next day during rehearsal.
New York - as I have just mentioned will be a first time for me. I begin to remember past trips. Most of which were to the same place - Orlando Florida or Myrtle Beach South Carolina. The times I have walked through the gates of Disney World and picturing the famous Cinderella Castle doesn't even phase me any more. It's always fun - but the trip leading up to those first few steps has far from vanished out of my mind as being an exciting anticipation. I love the trips don't get me wrong. The experience of being out in the world and seeing it for the many wonders it contains.
Honestly. Even the smallest of things blow my mind. Looking out into the scenery - even a street of houses to which I have never walked down before. Being somewhere - living- it really blows my mind. I'd almost wish to never have to sleep so I can stare out of the window of the car or train and just see the tree's or the streets - or if I'm fortunate to see oceans and mountains --- I don't want to miss a thing. When I am there - I am there. Get it? The excitement shines through the moment I see the things that I have not. Not seen/experienced/smelled in any way.
But as I try to lose myself now in the bliss of this trip. My heart is heavy.
I end this entry with the thought and prayer for an Uncle of mine.
I call him Uncle Guthery. He isn't really my uncle. In fact he was always just a close friend of my family. Especially to my Mother when she was young. He walked her down the isle on her Wedding day and he has always been there as more of a Grandfather figure for me. I see him 2-3 times a year. Always saying how tall and handsome I'm getting... Pretty smart fella.... :).... But as he nears the 85th of his life - he is in the Hospital. From my knowladge when one breathes air- they breathe in Oxigen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide.... That carbon dioxide is not leaving his body and inevitably poisoning his body.
Now although I really have not seen him more than 3 maybe 4 times in a year -- I have lived with no Grandparents in my life. I had 1 grandmother (think I have mentioned that before) and she took her trip a long time ago. So thinking about it, Guthery and his wife Margaret have really been my Grandparents.
I wouldn't call it selfish - but I'm really crossing my fingers not to lose him on my Birthday. I don't want to lose the guy regardless - but that is not in my hands/plan or stars.
2 years ago - shortly after losing a fellow Ontario Pioneer Camp staff worker - on my birthday I lost what was my first ever camper I had ever taken care of. Kyle Lamb. I remember him very well. So you can imagine how much I REALLY don't want another Birthday like that. And I definitely would like to be in the Country if it happens.
But if Monty Python has taught me anything it is - Never trust the Spanish Inquisition- wait no.... thats not it..... "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" daa doo da do dadoo dadoo....
So as I take this excersion - and obtain what I hope to be a plethora of stories to write on here - I sit and think of not only my good ol Uncle Guthery - but also how thankful I am to be on this earth and going to a city where magic truly happens. Heck - if I think about it - It's really just a large Toronto.
So I'm off. I feel a tad un witty or talkative right now. It's a tad late and I'm watching Back to the Future. SO sleep easy with the amazing weather that you all get to experience and practice gratitude with every chance you get!
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