I'm refurnishing my mind right now.
I think that's why I have the lack of new Blog Entries since my last baffled mission to get a new passport. Which I did. And after awakening at 6:30 to get there early as to skip what was inevitably going to be a HUGE lineup. I was in and out in mere minutes......sigh..thats what she said.... :)
After getting home I just lay awake. I didn't fall back a sleep after only having 4 hours sleep. My mind was in a nice tired mood. And as we all tend to over think things while we are tired and not in a sane point of mind. I hadn't been thinking in a long while. So I took this as a good opportunity to sit in bliss.
After reconnecting with my Ukulele (Tabitha) - I sat with her and just played the same chords over and over humming to myself with my eyes closed and my head tilted back resting. Just falling into a sweet melody I begun to dream of a future of a calmness.
I soon took to the Internet to find some songs and chords to learn on Tabitha. Playing songs such as "Rainbow Connection" - "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" and less funny uke songs containing less of an "R" name - I begun to play the song "Lucky" given to us from Jason Mraz.
It was nice sitting and playing a song like that. Humming out the lyrics as if I were singing them on some small stage with a female accompanist doing the harmonies. It was nice.
.....................and of corse I just had to teach myself funnier songs such as "Baby on Board" from the Simpson's and "The Veggie Tales" theme song. :D haha. For those of you who do not know The Veggie Tales. It's a comedic Children's cartoon that show morals and faith in a simple vegetable driven way. It's a wild movie series to watch if you grow up in a Christian based home. Very Funny to even sing now while joking around with your friends.
Everyone has their own way of getting back into their own mind set. This "happy place" isn't even all that happy of a place. Not for me at least.
I dream of laying in a boat floating down the Venice canals hearing music and feeling a depressing love of wanting another. It's depressing yes. Hence "depressing love of wanting another". But I don't know. It's like the Sun on a weekend. Can't explain it better than just that. The Sun on a Weekend..... Don't act like you don't love the thought of a really nice day when you're free to frolic around without a care in the world.
In a recent blog by Jason Mraz he talks about Valentines Day and loving yourself. He makes more of a valid point than people would give him. As a fan like me - I'll take in anything the man says - but as a skeptic to his hippie ways I think even they could take in the simplicity of his ending thoughts and acknowledge he has the right idea for the day of love.
"This coming Valentine’s Day I invite you to love YOURSELF as much as you love your family or boyfriend or cat or vibrator or whatever. Treat yourself to a new empowering lifestyle. Be the change you wish to see. Try a colonic. Try a yoga class. Get a massage. Go see a movie by yourself. It doesn't have to be huge, just as long as you break from your routine and REALLY TREAT YOURSELF. Make it feel special. The joy you’ll experience will radiate from your pores and affect everyone you know. I promise. " http://freshnessfactorfivethousand.blogspot.com/
I have been to one movie by myself. I know people usually do this as to lose themselves. I don't think I could pull it off on Valentines day. But an almost equal remedy to your fright of a date by yourself to the movies on the big V - buy a movie. Sure you could rent one - but I say get out there and buy a movie you have not done before. I do this frequently - and what I do is I take home this movie - a few snacks - and I get into my room. Turn off all the lights and watch the hell out of it. Usually I have some sort of alcoholic beverage with me as I sit and watch, but thats just me. I emplor you to find your own. Go out there. Do something that you know you will enjoy. Do it alone if thats what it takes. The day is about Love - what hallmark card told us it had to be with another person? Love is supposed to be blind right? Well who says we need to see where it comes from any way? Sure I'm using that "Blind" phrase a taaad loosly. But if you care about someone and want to do something special like give a gift of sorts to another person. Do it out of the kindness of your heart and just send it to them as a pick me up - don't even leave your name on it. Don't do it to be thanked. Thats not giving. Giving never means recieving. We celebrate all this many times a year. But perhaps a day where we are not celebrating the life and death of someone or a commercially claimed day to spend with your family - go out and love. Yourself - another.
Don't be lame here. I don't care if you have work. I always have work on this day but I get out and enjoy myself. Nothing should stop you on this day. Rage through and stomp away the distractions and obsticles of this day.
by the by - dig the Facial hair? hahaha - I made an agreement with me best mate Jordan that I wouldn't shave untill my Birthday in a few short weeks. That photo was after I trimmed the junk out of the beard as to not look like a dirty Pirate while I was out on the town. But I like it a lot. :) Think I may keep it around as long as I can. I have a show at the beginning of March and an Audition at the end of March - so I'll be clean then. But I'm not looking forword tooo that AT all.
-Mission 14- Love - "Ouch some midget just shot an arrow in my butt!"
-go out and love.
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