Dear Santa.......
If you get this.... And when I say get this I mean Read my blog...
Can you bless all those in need?
Now when I say that I mean everyone...... The problem with the world is that we see people who live in poverty, and we pity them. This to me, is our fault. They live with as much joy and happiness as we do, except in a different way. I spent a couple weeks in Nicaragua as you may know. (seeing how you know everything I seem to do...... Which still disturbs me) And talking to someone there who had learned English, he spoke of being really happy. And saying that the people there do not know of the joys we have in this world, such as Computers, Black berries, Television and Britany Spears. But they have other joys. And although we may look upon them and see poverty, the Jonas Brothers of the world may look upon someone like me and see poverty.
I si wiah to give them as much of the gifts and love that I can. But as the season continues, I think about the world. My friends, and their needs and hopes in this world. To quote the most famous of Elephants - "A persons a person, no matter how small" - and I was thinking that although we all feel we have to try our hardest to help those in need in other countries, why don't we rock it like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and simply look in our own back yard?
So if you may Santa, while you drop off the newest of new to everyone in their toasting homes this Christmas year, could you toss a sandwhich or two, and perhaps some toasting warm woolen sox from Giant Tiger to some of those in need sitting upon the Streets. And maybe even a happy day of solitude to those woman in need of some comfort after fleeing their homes with their children from an abusive marriage.
There are much more in mind Santa. But as I sit here enjoying my Christmas Eve alone with my computer as I have for years now, I'd like to think of those who need to be though of.
And perhaps a pony for me :)......... And when I say Pony, I mean a happy day of thanksgiving and gratitude on Christmas day.
Thank you, and Merry couple of days, Santa......... And when I say Santa......... I mean God.......
ps..... Also, could you make an Oreo Cookie with another cookie in the center? Would greatly appreciate it !!!
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