I have been looking for an excuse to dig through my dvd collection (to which I have named "The Plethora of Love"), to take out "Titanic" for a long time now. I have had quite the couple of days of non sleep and all work/play - so today - being zonked out of my mind. Have sat with my computer. A warm cup of java with some Kate and Leo............. It's on!
-Mission 10- Operation Holidays!
Over the last week my life has been bombarded with schedules and time consuming activities that have left me with close to no sleep for 3 days now.... It all started with a little form called "Liquid"...... Now as Liquid is as Liquid does, I have been very fortunate to be having my fair share of luxurious liquids such as various beers that have been aged from barrel to barrel - some scotch that has been aged over the past 12 years, come coa coa that warms me every time - and one of my favorites of this holiday - A single cup of Java which beans were grown in Hawaii and collected from my Aunt at it's actual plantation - in Hawaii.
But as I live through my 5th Christmas eve alone, as tradition goes, I would sit and write and drink until it was time to lay and rest until the big gift giving extravaganza!
Christmas Eve was great because I really just become myself with some good 'ol liquid courage of many kinds and throw all caution to the wind and express myself in both writing and song as the night goes on and the holiday Christmas specials come on the tele. My favorite is of corse the Tradition "White Christmas" with Danny Kay and Bing Crosby - and most recently the holiday special of "A Colbert Christmas".
Christmas came like any other. Awoken by a banging at my door to the sound of my brother yelling out "We're opening presents!!"
SO I'm up and having my usual holly jolly Christmas - when suddenly - hehehe. MY favorite present of all comes handed to me as if I was being handed a new outlook on life - a new life on its own - a new me.
Now I have never been really good with a guitar. Which is my fault entirely. I have just never had the patience or the time to learn. I have been a drummer since I can't even remember when. A half decent one at that. Tell me to play jazz, punk or rock and roll and you shall have yourself a show.. No heavy metal crap though haha. I appreciate the complex guitar playing in that type of music, but I have never been a fan of the double kick in a constant slam and "THAT" is called talented?
Any way. Ever since I saw some stock footage of Jason Mraz at a radio station playing his version of "Fly me to the Moon", I have wanted a tenor Ukulele more than ever. Although Jason's was custom made for him with Nicaraguan rose wood (which cool enough I have been to Nicaragua :) ) Mine was something of much beauty, regardless of the custom made anything - I love her. I've named her "Tabitha" much like everything else I hold dear enough to name. And I have been playing her non stop.
Thus far - only know 4 chords - I have been playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - "Let It Be" and my absolute favorite, "I'm Yours"...... It has been a world of fun and just sitting around rockin this Uke makes me feel like a rock star. It's been wild.
BOXING DAY............. Yikes... Awaking to non other than my brothers playing with what ever toys they were given for Christmas - I was down to business. And when I say business I mean showering and getting down to my retail job for 10 hours of hard labor and thousands among thousands of customers trying to buy soo many items of clothing to which they think there is a sale attached. But alas - no. There were no sales - yet still thousands of people spending their money the day after Christmas.
But me being a positive sport as I am - enjoyed myself a tad. :) . The first 6 hours were alright. Well - no. They were something of unmaintainable rage that even the smallest of ticks would have made me burst out something fierce. I was "stationed" in the Fitting room. Which was relaxing in comparison to being at the cash. In fact I was very thankful seeing how I had a nice cool fan blowing at me constantly.
Then the last 4 hours - which were undoubtedly amazing. I got to stay in the back and just bring out knew clothes when ever we were running low on the table - or - when ever someone was in need of a different size... Not to mention the tres attractive associate of mine I had been working with all day I got to meet first hand...... twas a good day :D............. Oh wait.. no it wasn't, BLOODY PARKING TICKET!.........
Now I'm not sure how it is where everyone else lives - but for me - it snows. And boxing day was a snowy one in the morning for when I parked my car behind another car in the parking lot of the mall. But alas, as the snow melts - my car appears to be half over the line and in the way of what the police are calling "a fire escape route" .... BULLDINKY! no way in hell was I there.. But $250 later, I'm screwed.
But as I arrived home to see off relatives whom I missed another family Christmas dinner with leave, the calm cool of the night brought on 1 thing. Me and my Uke. :)
The magic was great and I could merely sit and jam until the morning.
Sleepy as I was this would be the first of many nights awake and not sleeping. The 2nd would be the night after my uke night - I was still at this point jamming - yet a few old familiar voices came calling and asked if I'd like to go out on the town dancing. I could hardly resist. So I was out on the town and ready for some dancing.... The great part was how warm it was. I was walking around with no coat and merely a light dress shirt on over top. And it felt great..
And of course - remembering Christmas eve - some Liquid courage was on my side and dancing was all I was capable of doing haha.
I was inside and livin it up. It wasn't the most exciting - but fun non the less. By 1:40 it was almost closing time - and seeing how I had missed the last train - I was ready for the late bus. And perhaps one more dance?
But seeing how I had gone alone with friends who were all occupied - I merely walked up to a couple of ladies and me - being happy off of happy juice, simply said "Would either of you two ladies care to dance?" - or at least, I'd assume thats what I said. Too much courage in a bottle can add to a whole lot of gibberish.
But their response was simply "Well sorry, but........ Only if you don't mind dancing with both of us." .......... HA!
A song and a bit later I had gotten the attention of one of my friends - he and I exchanged nod's and I introduced him. He took one and I continued dancing with the other.... Within SECONDS flat - that man friend of mine was goin to town on that girls face - haha. All I could do was laugh. But laughing was easy while I danced.
So the bar was closed and I being a gentlemen thanked the fine lady for the dance and was on my way out. My good buddy :D joined me later tired from snogging with a phone number and a smile.
But this was not the end of our adventure for the night. My friend being the stud as he is couldn't help but sing out loud in the middle of the street. I being on a bottle of courage joined in - as well as our other friends. This didn't stop.
We were on the bus heading home and still singing out loud. People on the bus could do nothing but laugh and join in. After a few requests in songs - a little bit of Disney hits - some Oasis and classics like some Ella Fitzgerald - We were belting along with everyone else on the bus. Now this was amazing. For me at least. I have always been afraid to sing in public. In a show I find it rather easy to just get up and go along in a song. But when it comes to singing around complete strangers in such a way that you know they will be looking at you judgmentally. I was REAL happy. I was over coming something I had watched Jason Mraz do on youtube in Europe soo many times. Twas a gooood night.
(If anyone can find a youtube clip of it please inform me... There were many people filming us:D)
Home by 4 - up by 10. Pretty sweet haha. I had a rehearsal for Guy's and Dolls on Sunday (which has been going Great - thanks for asking) - Sooo no sleep for me.
And If I didn't have a birthday party with a lot of GREAT people after word I would have definitely gone straight to bed. But I had one. And I went to it. And Oddly enough somethere though I had an Irish Accent. Same with some people who I work with. Apparently I'm Irish. Newfy yes... But Irish? C'mon!!! But other than one stupid reminder that there is a lame rumor about me going around that I apparently have an STD - it was a great night....
And although I did go to sleep looking for some relaxation - I was up and out to work.... Dead.. The whole shift.. I was SOOOOO dead. There was nothing I wanted more than to sleep and be rid of life. A cold was stirring and I needed some relief. And after that shift I was. Had dinner with some great camp friends then a movie (Valkyrie)
And now. Sitting in my room. As I watch the finale few moments of Titanic - the little old lady walking with the heart of the Ocean - The warm coa coa long from gone. And the Sun.... set.....
I do nothing but think back to the last couple of days and think what a joyous adventure that was. What a happy holiday.
Whats in store for the future? New Years Eve - and perhaps a little Liquid Courage ....... :D