I'm not talking about my blanket atop of my messy unmade bed.... And I do mean messy - who else in this world sleeps each night beside his cat, his laptop and his ukulele.... Not to mention his really old blackberry under his pillow.
Allow this though to be my life's metaphor right now.
I do believe in many things.
First and foremost - there is a God.
Someday - perhaps - the Toronto Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup.... maybe.
You can't judge a book by its cover.... Really can't. Tease me as you wish - but "My Booky Wook 2" written as a sequel documenting the life of Russell Brand up to now- is a genius, brilliantly written, and most honest piece of work I have indulged in - in a long time. He speaks - the content is a perk. The brilliance, beauty and honesty that is in each page is a warm welcome into what he believes and what he loves. To speak with absolutely no irony is a thing I myself find hard to do.- This of course is excluding his silly joking.
I also believe that we all could help change the world if we begin to PRACTICE Gratitude. Not just say out please and thank you's. Thats the beginning. -- I learned this from Jason Mraz. Sure - you look at him - see him as just another singer. And I once shared a conversation with someone where she stated that he was disgusting and that he couldn't possibly have messages of goodness. This ignorance made me sad... But I do believe we all will become what he writes about. And I'm not just talkin of the love makin :D - that's the perk people.
And lastly. I believe that as the world spins - this progression is never ending. When it does - we'll all be dead! - but as the world continues to progress, so should we.
There is no life in pauses. Pain is easy to find.
As an actor - and as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ - I think the worst thing in the world is to be type-casted. Sometimes - for an unpaid - struggling actor, type casting could help pay the bills. But after that first initial step, you don't go anywhere.
Faith is growth. Satisfaction is poor choice to stop in both acting and faith.
You've got to move deeper. Deeper in faith, deeper into a character, and deeper into yourself.
I enjoy serving my time to volunteering. But alas, after years of doing so. I've lost that sense of giving. I can't feel like I'm expressing gratitude in it any more. I do still have a passion to serve like this. But at this point - I have given all I can in this role. In this way. As this person. The progression has stopped. The growth is paused.
I'm search for my progression. I'm not looking for a different role in life to play - or a character in a show to play..... What I'm looking for is to escape this type cast I have fallen into.
I have done soo many things with my life so far that I can feel grateful for. But people only see the small things that they witness. And after a while - as I struggle to break free - I am caught. Trapped. For far too long I have been seen as the silly PJ who acts in Musicals. I love acting in musicals - and the worst of puns makes me laugh. (ironically enough - though the bulk of my friends know me like this - I do have a select group of people I hang out with that would never see me like that. They have never even heard me sing.) ..... But it has come to the point where I fail to achieve work outside the Theatre world - due to this being all I have done with myself in the eyes of most people. I don't see this as a sign that I have to stay in theatre. I'd feel to sad about that to keep my passion going.
I sing. I dance. I write. I play musical instruments. I am a fair trampolinist. I edit films. I take pictures. I play sports. I have led teams. I have taught. I have directed and coordinated at Film Camps. I have gone on Service trips. I have handed out sandwiches and spare change late Christmas Eve's to people living on the street. I cut/dye/style my own hair. I can do impressions. I can put together an Ikea item like nobodies business! I have painted more walls then I can remember. I enjoy helping people move. I love driving friends long distances. I have helped with conferences. I never turn off my phone, and I'll answer it at any hour. I travel. I build things. I sketch things. I pray. I worship. I love.... And I hurt.
These are the things that I can look at my life and..... well...... Remember!
I have learned through schooling to be grateful and know any place any part in a show, is a good part.... But when it comes to all the friends I am grateful to have... There are few who know me. I am quite the surprise to most. And part of it being my fault - but I hurt, I hurt when I am that type casted friend. I even surprise my best of friends.
It has taken me longer then I have hoped to publish another blog. I have written 2 and a bit since last I posted. But those are for me. Those are for the moments where I feel more broken then I can express to anyone but God.
There is a song I remember from my days of Church dwelling - they went:
"I want to know you, I want to see your face. I want to know you more"
Who knows you? Who REALLY knows you? God :) - yeah that was the easy answer. But who else? Who truly knows you? Knows how you think? Knows how you feel? Knows how you cry, laugh, and dream?
IF you have that person - never lose them. IF you don't, - find that person who doesn't type cast you in this world. Find that person who unapologetically can finish your sentences.
Who knows me?
Well............... I'm pJ........ Patrick James.

It's nice to meet you.
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