While I lay here in bed - the clock has long past midnight - and the cheers to not only a new day - but the new year of my life has begun.
February the 22nd is by Birthday.
I am a proud baby of an early Birthday! - That's right Suckas! When we were in school - I was most certainly one of those kids who led the crowds because I played the "oldest card" ---
But now that I'm pretty and scared of damaging said face - I thank God I have lived this far.
Life is a blessing. And though I find myself sad an awful lot lately --- Today - I find myself looking at the world with the eyes of Gratitude.
-Mission 46- Twas the light before Gratitude
I woke up today at the home of some of my soul sistah's! Now I say that not in the meaning of the song "soul sista" where the lead singer of Train is most certainly singing about a lover --- I speak of the 3 most awesome Ladies that have befriended me through God's plan for me. Namaste to them! Our souls were most intended to meet - and through our friendship ..... I continue my story hahah.
It was the day before my birthday - and I woke up Sad as heck - I wont beat around any bush - not only am I not a gardner - but what drunken drummer plays a bush?? -- any way -- I woke up sad at the thought that I continue another day without a lady whom calls me their own - and relies on my "hello" to help them start the day with a smile - and I from theirs.
But (the most miraculously stunning word - wether blasting from ones mouth or from a pair of genes - "But" ;D) But I went to my favorite Coffee franchise and grabbed myself a joe before I hopped on my under ground subway train - bypassing the city and exiting closer to my home - knowing nothing of the world I had just shot passed like a 1985 Delorian.
But before I hopped on the subway - I began to smile at a near by Pub - whom reaches out to people in the morning by playing pleasant music by their entrance. Though I am not a middle aged single male looking to drown my sorrows - I smiled at this bar from its choice of the song "Sweet Child of Mine". It was stuck in my head all the way home --- but before I reached that comfort - that safety - that point where you settle in your contentment - I saw that gorgeous point! hahah - oh STOP IT!!! -- I live in Toronto - -and beyond the breach of a most architecturally gorgeous medieval church I saw the face of the CN Tower.
It's over done and seen more frequently then my shampoo bottle - but to me.... It represents soo much more. The color pink represents freedom. It means "Purity". The downtown Skyline looks like freedom to me. The CN Tower - it represent beauty - it represents passion - it represents individuality - It represents Me. And there it was - the perfect amount of it was peeking through the opening of this church tower - and as if the sun was guiding me to my destination and wishing me a blessed day of love - I stopped............................. And for the first time in a VERY long time...................... I looked at the world through Gratitude Eyes - and I saw the most Beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I opened up my heart - my mind - my sight - my soul - and I thanked God for this. This sight - this beauty - This moment where I was able to find peace and welcome in Gods Love where I didn't need the love another being on this world. I surrendered to him and I gave in to the moment that I needed to smile..........
You NEED to smile. Please don't make me say it again. I pray - I wish - I dream - I LONG for a smile on you face!
Please don't read this and go on tomorrow thinking that you are nothing more then what you see of yourself! You are much more. And you are beautiful -- and though I haven't felt that in a long time - So Am I! Have a great tomorrow!
Believe in yourself........... Believe in Me!--------- I'm Yours
1 comment:
I really loved this one Pj!
:) Happy burrday, lets bake a salt cake!
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