-Mission 26- Mission Previous
So I have spoken out about the new laptop - to which I have named "Tabitha the virgin Queen".
haha - this of course being because of my naming EVERYTHING "Tabitha"... I really do. It's sort of become something of a need to be done christening.......(God shouting down from the heavens) "In order for this to be good - it shall be called Tabitha.... Then..... IT shall be GOOOOD!"
And so it was God........... And so IT WAS!!!
Other "Tabitha's" include
Tabitha Chenoweth - Tenor Ukulele
Tabitha with the big White Ass - my deceased Dodge Caravan
Tabitha the bouncy yet bashful - My queen sized bed
Tabitha of Rock - My American Fender Bass Guitar
Tabitha the White - my first Car - '92 Oldsmobile
And then of course the very firsts:
Tabitha the 2nd - MY ultimate Frisbee's from Ontario Pioneer Camp as a camper.....
And these girls have been a part of my life long since I was the shaggy haired man you read
about today!
But wait......... Wait right here......... WHAT'S THAT!? Mac has a new deal?!!!! Well what is it Mr.Quinto from the hit Television show Heroes and the Summer thriller "Star Trek" in theaters now??
Macs are giving away what now????
FREE IPOD Touches?
Are you sure?
Well we both know how correct you were about Kirk trying to explain about the intercepted Klingon distress call - and the only reason of agreeing with him was because of the confirmation of Language specialist Uhura agreeing with Kirk........ And because you wanted to "hit that".....................THINGS WORKED OUT NOW DIDN'T THEY!? SOOOOO perhaps I may just have to look into that .....(God shouting down from the Heavens) "PEEEEJAAAAYYYYY - IT is GOOOOOOD"!....
You got lucky Spock..... Damn lucky!
Well taaa deee daaa off I skipped to the Apple store --- and looky right there - that damn gremlin resembling vulcan was correct.....
SO in I walk with me mommy..... Yes... me mommy... And we show the bill and say - "We heard about the new Ipod rebate with school purchases of Laptops......... We got this three days before the sale"......... The lady smiled at me a nice handsome smile --- and handed me my new........ brandspankingly shiny --------- bill...
damn it!!...... Oh wait - Rebate means I get the money back!!!! -- SWEET BEANS!!!
Spock: but I was trying to....
UP YOURS!!!!!!!
Welcome to the world
Madam Tabitha - Duchess of sound...... Just call her Madam Tabitha -- She's a lady you see!
Enough of my lady loves ---
I've been a huge admirer of speed.... Checking out Motorcycles a lot as of recent -- mainly after my friend Kyle told me he got one and then sold it to buy a boat........... WAIT ....
.. hold that thought --- I have a mustache growing out of my nose ---- need a quick trim........ Don't you drive away now!
Alright I'm back now........ hahaha - oh no -- I wasn't trimming my nose hairs..... a
ha noo...... I......................... Okay that was a lie I was trimming my nose hairs.... still ...... But any way --- SPEEED.
As I said before I was at a cottage this weekend with my friends from highschoo
l to which I LOVE VERY MUCH -- MUCHOS MUCHOS AMORE thrown their way ..... BUT - at one point of the weekend we got to ride a boat.... Didn't know the guy - he seemed really cool - He turned on some Michael Jackson as we cruised down the lakeshore of cottage country.... It was amazingly chilled - We were on a Kodak moment overload... I think we took about a hundred photos from that part of the trip alone.... But there was this moment where he literally asked us all to get off from the edges of the boat and hold on...... In his words "Watch out for your tits"....... He was a nice guy...............
SOOOO as we all settled in our breasts --- ahem --- He took off in a flash... Drivi
ng about 70 Mph swerving around this lake - tearing it up as if it owed him money.... It was amazing. My face was something that only an astronaut can look at and go "What a trippy Mirror". I recall looking down and saying "I feel the need - the need for speed" - yet as cool of a reference as that was - everyone behind me was curious over the dirt from the lake that had appeared to have stained my underpants.......... sigh........... Damn lake..... IF you don't get me with freezing me to death - you take away my smoothness with the old dirt in the fanny trick...... Bastard...... Did Spock tell you to do that?......... sigh.... damnit spock.
Alright -- so big day tomorrow. Im headed into work - and from Work I shall be running down within the town to make it to a Toronto Performance of "Sound of Music"...... Im not going to lie to you.... I wouldn't that to such a distinguished group of passionate PJ lovers - and Im never one to knock someone's love for me.... I embrace it....... Literally...... I was just sorta thinkin..... After this do you think I could get a hug or something from you?.......... just sayin......
I saw a comedian - Sean Cullum -- apart of his improve he mentioned that he would feel the musical theater stylings of "Cats" the musical would calm down the terrorists who appear to be taking wrath from the states - but of course he felt they would be more inclined to see it if they were to make a sequel named "Mat's"........ Afghan rugs and such.... Man --- Tap dancing for Terrorists..... I see minimal flaws.... and loses. Only the actors..... But who needs em right?... Have you ever eaten with one?
-pJ the squire of Notre Lamp - Located near Bible Camp...........

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