It's a very merry month of June where not all the flowers bare their blooms for all to embrace amongst the summer breezes. Yet someday/somewhere their pollinating sunrise will bring them anew amidst the world of uncanny love.
Punchdrunk a little today. Not in the ordinary way I would suppose. Yet I find it hard to describe in one word how among the secret pain I have been piling on my heart and the sickness/headache I have begun to battle with what was the last of my Tylenol 3's from my week of dentistry - I find gratitude and joy out of the place I have recently been calling home.
"We're Only Human" - I am busting out the Jason Mraz as I have just recently found computer time to chronicle my thoughts out onto this Skat-a-blog. My journals have been ink stained a lot more in the last week since I have been without much technology. But I find it perfect at this moment to be rocking out to the one person I usually soften my heart with day to day............. But some days - within trials and tribulations - happiness and gratitude - there are moments where your heart and brain seem to sync together perfectly and make that sunny glow from my window absolutely perfect.
For those just tuning in - I am spending the next two months within the Muskoka world. 'Round the corner from cottage country and just north of hick town. I have been up for only a week now and it has been a blast. Sunny burns from an array of glorious sunshine and fresh air bringing light to my lungs and soul.
It's been a wild ride thus far. Filled with spiritual uprising and music that really does touch home to the soul. Anywhere else in the world would be inferior.
I do miss the sunny smog filled town of Scarborough. My friends whom spent my last few hours in Downtown Toronto a memorable one - and of course my conscious cuddle buddy - Tigger - my orange striped Tabby.
This for now - I'm off to see about a friend.
Yours for the thinking -
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
In us to Give
I was driving last night in my car just jamming along to the songs in my mind as I stumbled upon something that really begun to make me think.
There was a man who had collapsed on the side of the road. By the looks of it the sunny beautiful day got the best of him through dehydration and he fell off of his bike.
By the looks of it he may have been with others - for there were other bikers surrounding him. He was on his back and there appeared to be someone sitting beside him holding his hand as he lay awaiting what was most likely going to be an ambulance.
I was on my way to a finale dinner with my partner in crimes family - that always turns out to be something of a spectacle by the end of each evening --- this one ended in a fierce match of what was a quasi lego version of Capture the flag. Sweaty and out of breathe - it was officially summer.
But back to the driving.... Now I have my fair share of training in health and safety. Working along side the Parks and Recreation organization for the past 2 and a half years - I have been trained and hold a certificate/license of a sort in Emergency First Aid - as well as CPR B - and also my Standard First Aid with CPR C....... And a few days of training in First Alert......
But in school do you ever find yourself learning something and then after years and years of knowing it - you just forget it? Like a name of a friend even? I find highschool is mere brain training. Just to build up your brain to hold on to a mass amount of knowledge and grow it to a point where it can hold on to the things you wish it too. These Safety training days - I most definitely forgot.
I continued to drive passed the man knowing just by looking out at the other people surrounding him that none of them knew what to do. Who knows what may have happened to this man? Perhaps he is fine and now at home enjoying a nice tall glass of lemonade on his rockin chair outside on this beautiful afternoon..... Or.... In a worst case scenario - he is in the hospital - possibly suffering from a massive heat stroke..
You ever feel like helping? Even just to stop - role down your window and say "I am trained in First Aid - do you need any assistance?" --- But the lack of my memory stalled that heroic reaction and kept me driving along a busy street that I probably shouldn't have taken to begin with......
I think everyone should be trained in First Aid. It should be done every year in High Schools in my opinion. Obviously younger children should not be trained and obligated to help out in an emergency - but perhaps teach them what not to do when little timmy has a bone poking out of his esophagus.
Our favorite super heroes are not superheroes due to the fact that they hold super powers of many varieties. Hell - they would just be super cool. But it is what they choose to do with that power that makes them those lift up into the air and cheer heroes.
We all have abilities. Sure they may not be the ability to fly - or the ability to read minds --- But WE ALL have the ability to love....... The ability to raise a smile or cause happiness to encourage if not create another persons happiness.....
Let's all take time to think (every morning) - what can I do to cause happiness - or even a subtle encouragement to another being.
Love is the greatest power of all. Do you have the power?
Sure we all feel scared or shy at one time or another? Yet - I feel hopeless not to have stopped for mere moments to find out if my life.... My ability ..... MY power - could have helped another person live their life --- And I will - after letting go -- never know - if I could have made a difference in ONE persons life.......... Can you save a life?
YES ----- yes you can....
Tomorrow - I am going to make someone laugh - maybe even help someone belong.... That is going to be my super power tomorrow...
I have finished writing this blog at officially - 3 am on Tuesday morning.. I have to wake up at 7am tomorrow morning... Yet through my lack of sleep - and lack of energy - I am going to make a difference in the world.... Make a difference in someone else's life.... World.
True love is upon us all. It isn't reserved for the marriage in this world.
I have friends - and I have a family - and I have a responsibility to take my happiness and share it with my fellow man....... Power to live. Power to love.
Power to make a difference.
It's in us all.
I choose happiness and love. What do you choose?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My Cavity Search

A lot of people take pride in their appearance. Of course it is natural for a person to feel self-conscious about something or another. For most it is how they look. In fact for all. Even those who are completely comfortable with their body.
I used to be very self-conscious about my large toes. heehee. Not like most people who find their toes unattractive - no dice. Mine are very sexy - BUT - as unfortunate as I was when it came to be in a decline when it came to sports at the age of 13 - I begun ------ (hold on to your hats folks) I begun to have ingrown toe nails. ---- GOSH - some boys have puberty issues and growing pains! -- BUT ME! - I get stuck with freaking Ingrown Toenails!
Pretty gnarly right? And I mean that in of course the raunchy idea of those bloody sausages balancing me up from day to day..... And not of course in the surfer term I use quite religiously. Especially when it comes to certain cooking. It's fun in that case due to no one really knowing what I am truly thinking about their cooking...... :) "I assure you it's good!" - I will laugh as I gobble down what is left of the sour dough cupcake left on my plate........ ahem ..... any way.
So these ingrown toe nails were killer. They hurt soo bloody much (disregard all the puns I may make with "bloody" I use this in connection to show how much they hurt - and also to explain how bloody in fact they were every day of my life) It wasn't long before my mother took me to a doctors office and he recommended me to another doctor just across the road to do an operation on me in North York General Hospital. I went to the operation which was no more than just him freezing my toe and pulling out the nail. (what is this the dentist!?!!! =for-shadow teehee) - But what was done was done and I was off to live my life again as a rambunctious grade 8 student thriving for a skateboard and a coca-cola every 10 minutes.
Of course - with my luck - the nail grew back in a brutal strike of revenge, spanning on both sides of my big toe! - This was pain folks! Stairs were nazi torture for my feet. Non stop - every step I take - every move I make - those freaking toes would hurt like hell!!!!!
Back to the doctors - back in the bed - froze the toes - and then .......... YANK!
Marching out in a hobble only familiar to a penguin and half of the white hip hop population - I was not in a happy mood. --- These bloody bloody freaking toes I would think! God I hated them. - Ever "damn" your own toes? Or feet for that matter? I was a pro at this.
Thinking this was the end of the battle - my toes decided to strike down into a war again Poland (my other big toe) and tore apart both sides of it as if it owed it child support! - WHAT did this toe do to deserve such a beating?! It was the other one that had the problems with the toe nails!!! What the heck!?
So - Back to the Doctors - back in the bed - froze the toes - and then.......wait..the toes wouldn't freeze..... hold on a second doc... WAIT... Just hold on a second Doctor!!!!............ TEAR!
I assured myself in that pain - "I would never be back there again".
As if I had any choice in the matter..... After that last bit of Sweeny Todd for the toe - I was back to get a check up on my toes.
And sure enough Skat Cats - Both big toes were now becoming infected once again and becoming ingrown on both sides............................ This was now personal!
I went to extreme measures for this one. No more was I to wait hand and....ahem... knee? for these feet! - I was sick of praying to the heavens for an easier day (or perhaps an elevator) when ever I saw stairs in what was now my highschool - 2nd year in.
I was sent to a foot specialist............. Ahem --- a Foot Specialist...... Sorry I had to repeat that to myself because of how obtuse it really does sound to me. A man - staring at feet.... Alllllll day/every day..... I guess it's not soo obtuse to me seeing how a friend of mine is a special doctor who looks upon a Gentlemen's .....ahem..... I apologize - there are ladies reading this!
Anyhooven --- I was in this special office - covered in footprints on the walls and oddly shaped shoes on little shelves placed all around the room. A man and his wife it appeared ran this office. They explained to me how this would be a laser surgery - and after this surgery - These toe nails will never be able to grow back - again.............. MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHA SUCK IT NAILS! VICTORY IS UPON THE ALLY'S - MUAHAHAHAH!!!!
Before beginning - the Doctor looks at me. "We will not allow you to watch the surgery - so we will have a curtain up over top of your ankles blocking off your vision to your feet..... Is that alright?" - "Do your thing Doc!" - I smiled...... He responded with.... "No before we begin I need to ask you a few questions........ Do you feel this? (poking my toe after freezing)" - "nope" - "How about this?" - "No sir!" - "Good good - now last question............ Do you like Comedy?"
Ahem........ WHAA?! hahaha I laughed and assured him I was definitely hip and with it and down with the comedy. "Good!" he said. "Well I know it is a bit offensive, but my wife and I are quite partial to the comedy stylings of Robin Williams! Do you like him?" - HELLLS YES! - "Well I hope you don't mind if we put it on and play it during your surgery - you can just lay back and watch it!"
God bless this man! Bless this man and his disgusting little feet fetish! - What a great guy. Told those toe nails who was boss - and treated me like a king! All I had to do was lay back and watch some television as someone else went off and handled my problems!!.... For that hour and a half -- I was George W. Bush.
The war was done. I became champion. I smiled at myself in the mirror in a victorious manner. I was triumphant! I was the big cheese! I was......... I was....... I ............ What is that???......................... A CAVITY?!!!!!! Oh SCREW THIS!
-Mission 29- My Cavity Search
Not gonna lie - my dentist has always been a REAL ass! Although I would always walk in to the office looking like a real bum - he sure didn't hesitate to begin my cavity search and cause a real shit of my day!
He was an older guy. Always picking on me and telling me how bad my teeth were. Never really helping me out or trying to baby me into getting it down... But rather putting me down and using me blindly like toilet paper - making a mess of everything! What a real ass whole! I'll tell yah! - Man oh man! Diggin away in that whole and finding a new reason to treat me like a real Donkey!
I stopped going after a while. I didn't like the ridicule. Not going to lie. Sure I brush my teeth- as much as a teenage boy (at that time) did every night after his shower then brief cry at how miserably awful his skin looked!
But - the time had come. I am an adult now - and as much as it pains me to go back to that pain in the ass for another check up - I needed to go. I knew from that small cavity years ago I was in some deep doo doo if I didn't get it looked at any further.
Heck - my partner in crime and at LEAST 3 other people whom I consider quite good friends of mine most recently got out their wisdom teeth! freaking idiots! I'd be petrified! haha But they had something I did not..... Well a few things for that matter.. 1 being their wisdom teeth. The second being courage!
But this cowardly Lion was going to march up that yellow brick road and bitch slap Dorothy back to Kansas! I was going to suck it up and go for my --- what would inevitably become - my cavity search.
"Oh pJ! There's a new Dentist there now. The other one retired!"
OH Thank the Moons, tides and Mr. Clean!!! I was free from that jerk!
This was a relief! Really was! Sure I would have to go under the drill no matter what - but at least I would get a clean start!
"WOW" - was the first word my new dentist said to me as he began to examine my teeth.
He speculated that these cavities I had were.......... Pretty shitty.
He brought me into another room and sat me down on the big dentist electronic chair.
"This is some real Dentist work! You actually need real work done! Wow, wow, wow!"
I suppose I was happy to make someone feel good that day. Although I was sitting in the chair most recognized as the 2nd most painful chair to sit in - leaving the famous electric chair in a reigning first - I was happy to give this guy the pleasure of doing some real work in stead of the boring chore of cleaning peoples teeth day in and day out.
The first count... 3 fillings and half a root canal. That was my first visit on a sunny tuesday afternoon........... A mere hour later from then - another filling...... OUCH... I would think. Sure I was sore - but more tired feeling.. This Root Canal thing wasn't soo bad. I was feeling pretty good about myself. My teeth were actually looking a lot better!!!
Wait what?..... I have to come in again on Thursday to finish the root canal? sigh..... At least then I'll be done............... I'll be done right?..... Finished RIGHT?!!!!!!
Now Skat Cats - BEFORE this day -(the dentist tells me)- I was strutting around with - 4 cavities - 3 of which were on the front 3 teeth. AND another whopping 4 Root Canals!
Oh for the love of Ronald Mcdonald! C'MON!!!!! sighh..
Day 2 came upon me in a cloudy day - of course I thought positive - HECK cloudy days are my friend Jovi's favorite day! -- I got on the bus with a positive attitude - listening to some Jason Mraz - and I was happy. Generally and fully. It was going to be a good day :D!
Hopped into the chair and said "Do yo Thang!" and within an hour I was out of the chair with that root canal all done.... Of course I was in the chair a tad longer due to the fact that during this root canal he actually didn't have much tooth left over - so he rebuilt me a new one! He made it bigger - stronger - HE HAD THE TECHNOLOGY!
This was a good day.. It didn't even hurt! I was feeling great! - Marching out of the office with a grin on my face I hear - "Oh Patrick! -- I have a cancellation! How about you come back in a bit more then an hour and I start on that 2nd root canal?!"
SURE! - My happily blissful words returned as I continued on my way to sit amongst a city street eating Soft Green Apple Licorice. I was having a grand ol time. I made a ton of phone calls to friends who were in awe at how up and excited I was sounding! It was great! I assured my friend Katie who also needs to go in for a root canal that it wasn't soo bad! She just needed to bite the bullet and get on in there! The thought of it hurts more then the actual operation I told her!
And not too long later - I walked back to the office. I got there about 45 minutes early so I could read a bit and listen to my Ipod.
"Don't get too comfortable! I can take you now!"
OH! Convenient! I suppose more Mraz Tuneski's will have to wait...................
WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?! This rotten bloody tooth (all proper adjectives :D) was hurting soo bad during the operation! Why was it hurting soooo much right now!!! AHHH what is Katie in store for?! What have I done?! Why didn't the first one hurt like this!?!! By the BEARD OF ZUES This was hurting soooo bad!! YOWZA!
I got out of there and prayed to the heavens to pour down raindrops of Tylenol 3's. - I met up with my father and picked some up quickly as I went home and passed right out.
This truly was a pain in my ass! Man oh man!
Tuesday June 23rd I leave for my job up north - I will be leaving with very nice teeth - and a few peaceful months away working with great friends and then moving into my new home in Oakville Ontario before beginning my new Musical Theater program..... But first.... Tuesday June 23rd --- before I leave at 1:30pm - I will return --- at 8 am ---- for my 5th visit within 1 week - to Dr.Hoppe (Hop-pee) and finish this Root Canal.......
I leave you now to no more then the sound of my heart beat pounding and the echo's of drills and scratching at a leather chair become closer and closer.
1 more step to go.... Not much of a leap - not even close to a sheep. But I will drive through it to my destination of hope - joy - and happiness.
Think Gratitude! - it's summer ;)
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Case of the String Quartet

It's been an intense couple of hours Skat cats.
And for a long time I've been aching for some sort of closure on this - and this being an aching agonizing search for love, art, and rock and roll........ I have found the answer to my prayers and have begun the final step to my achieving ultimate satisfaction in:
Alright so before I go into what will become my "mission 29" I need to inform this story. Not literally ahem - as in tell a "story" some information - yet ... rather..... well... YOU GET IT C'mon!!
4 and a half years ago.
I was a very fortunate young lad to have a plethora of friends. Many friends - in many different places. Yet that was life in High school. Many friends - out all the time. You walk away from high school not with the "knowledge" to advance into the real world - or at least not at mine you didn't. You picked up what you could - through likes and dislikes and "street smarts" you learned what you wanted to get into....... Through my learning - and my friendships in highschool --- I had two distinct groups of friends.
School friends:
Church friends:
Now this story takes place with a certain Church friend..... A certain Matt Linblad. I also call him Matt Mayhem haha - a nickname/stage name I suppose he gave himself. He's a pretty rockin guy..... Quite literally - Rock star and all. And before he moved back to his home land of "the United States" of America haha (Orange County California) - I and he went on a little road trip.
The trip.
I was on my way to school - the last day before Spring Break. *ring ring* "hark, I do believe that is my phone!" - I thought to myself. Sure enough it was good ol Matt. Within a second of silly hello's he began telling me about how he was not looking forward to his family trip to Disney World - all by himself. Sure he'd have his loving family with him - but he wanted a good pal to be by his side............ ;) I'm a good pal.
In a flash I called my mom and told her the good news. She was thrilled for me being a frequent Disney vacationer herself...... And I mean that - she goes every year - SINCE it first opened! Now I do believe there was about a 10 year split where she was only able to go about 1 time seeing how we took to the beaches and overwhelmingly intense mini putt courses of Myrtle Beach. (my favorite was the Peter Pan one!).
As I was hearing details from my mother I am still standing at the bus stop waiting to go to school that morning and (foreshadowing) my friend Mike Mackenzie (who also is now moved away - Vancouver B.C) drives up to me "need a lift?".......... CAN THIS DAY GET ANY BETTER?!
I get a ride to school and the whole day flashes past as a complete blur - nothing is getting through to me except for the extreme trip at hand.
The next morning I wake up really early and get a drive to Matt's house. We pack up his care and head out...... This is of course learning that this a REAL road trip. None of that straight on driving until we get there - which can still be fun - EXCEPT - when you can stop and see new places and live out their individual beauty's - it's soo amazing.... Our first stop was simple. Just a night over in Kentucky....... WHICH by the way I did not see a SINGLE KFC...... I think it's a bloody myth. There are KFC killing us slowly all over the world - EXCEPT for in Kentucky... I think it's a conspiracy...... Sure I didn't see ALL of Kentucky ....... But I swear!!!
Next stop was Atlanta Georgia. HOME OF THE COCA-COLA FACTORY!!! haha. We didn't see it. We decided to take on a more historical look around. We went to the very Church that Rev. Martin Luther King spoke at - and right across the street is a church named in his honor. Right up the street was the very house he was born in. Of course this is where I learned about "shot gun houses". Pretty intense stuff. And then of course the memorial itself of Martin Luther King.... It said "here lies" - but I feel as though he may be berried some place else..... After that we traveled to more residential area to visit a friend of their family. It was nice and also a bit weird for me to be walking through a random house in a completely different country. A new experience for me. We debated staying there for the night - but onward we did go. We made it to Disney. We stayed in a hotel just off the Disney location. Now ANYone who is ANYONE knows when staying at Disney - you STAY at Disney - but we had more things in mind than just simply going to Disney world.
We went to of course the best location on earth "The Magic Kingdom" - and spent an entire day embracing out child sides and the magic and fun that really is there.
The 2nd day Matt and I decided to stay around the hotel - not tooo far from the hotel was in face "DownTown Disney", which is a fun place for shopping and then later at night turns into a club district. There is also a very large building which is an enormous arcade. We spent our day mostly in there.
But while shopping - we ventured into the huge "Virgin Records" store..................(here it comes) .................... Just sitting there. Facing me as if I were a bus and he were a child racing forward at me in a game of "chicken" on no more than a child's scooter. (Did that once)
At the time I was into many different sorts of punk bands - and there sitting in front of me was a CD of Sum 41. But this was not the Sum 41 I knew of.... It was their music - but reworked. Now I say reworked and not "remixed" because this was no beat thugged out version of their songs.... This was a String Quartet Tribute cd to the band.
Now this was by far the funniest and most intriguing thing I have ever seen.... BUT - being in high school - I was short on Cash. And was able to make only 1 more purchase. Should I buy it? OR should I buy either a Keith Richards Bobble head ORRRRRR a Fork that extends to become a foot long?
IT HAD BECOME THE HARDEST DECISION OF MY LIFE! a Rockin cool cd? A funny lookin Bobble head? Or and Extendo Fork?!
But I left with my head held high........... AND MY FORK HELD EVEN HIGHER!!!
Golly! It was sooo cool before it broke a month later! sighh...
But ever since then - that album has been on my mind - and who made it was beyond me. I never thought to write down the bands name and download it when I got home or try looking for it to legally purchase it back in Canada...... So for 4 and a half - almost 5 long years - I have spent the odd couple of nights trying to track them down.
Most recently I have been downloading television episodes online with my "bit torrent" application - and while trying for the life of me to download the cd soundtrack to "Billy Elliot" the Musical --- I remembered the cd.
I tried it out in the search..... It didn't come up.
But a name did...............
Who?! - I thought. But in a flash I opened up another one of my illegal search ..... download..... application....... thing.
I punched in the name - and like wild fire - more and more songs streamed down. Anywhere from "Bohemian Rhapsody" to "Welcome to the Jungle", "Ironman" and "Clocks" by Coldplay... It was about my 20th song downloaded before I searched up more albums online...... and there I found it. "Fat Lip" by Sum 41. I downloaded it quickly and jammed to it embracing every beautiful pluck of the strings.... Then it occurred to me....... Do they have Jason Mraz triubutes??!!! I searched and searched and nothing came up. I was almost finished before it popped up on Google...... "I'm Yours" Tribute by The Vitamin String Quartet........... Jaw open - palms sweaty... Bed time nearing...... Mission starting.
-Mission 28- I'm Yours
Searching more and more I could not find me. Trying different variations to my search patterns - and even researching the same links in hopes something new will pop up. I was able to find new songs such as "Nowhere Man" by the Beatles and "Where is my mind" by the Pixies - but no sign of "Im Yours".
I had downloaded about 30 songs at this point - all of em being beautiful in sound but still not "I'm Yours".... Ironically enough by about 5:30 am I really just thought that this song was not going to be mine.... (teehee)
I gave up with my finale download of "Mr. Brightside" by the Killers and "Dare you to move" by Switchfoot....... And as I put my computer to the side of me - I fell a sleep to those blissful strings playing the most TRIUMPHANT music anyone could hope for at 6:10 in the morning.
I woke up at noon. Yelled at my phone to shut the hell up - then woke up at a quarter to two - of course putting my healthy sleeping to shame - but I woke up - did my usual teeth brush shower - doggy shake dry routine and I was back to it! - well thats a lie. I went outside to get some sun. Didn't work out. I got about ten seconds before the clouds covered up that joyful array of skin cancer! And so inside I came. Still saddened by the lack of my songs (although 30 would hold me over quite nicely) - I posted a message on my facebook - "Anyone want to buy me a single song on Itunes?! Im desperate with NO Itunes account!" -- Within seconds - my good buddy "MIKE Ma(f'in)ckenzie" was BACK in the game! Always popping out unexpectedly to help me out!! -- It wasn't more than a few seconds before I told him the song I wanted and that he was a king among - not - kings - but still a great human being.
I HAVE THE SONG!!! man oh man! That message encouraged other people like my friend Sara to join in on the pJ love and get me a song that was only available to purchase on Itunes like "Freebird" ---- sigh..... I am rolling in the tuneskies! I busted on "I'm Yours" and danced around my room screaming with joy - jamming along. Music is beautiful.
Long live Music! - ps. Take a look at The Vitamin String Quartet!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
UP to no Good.
Not going to lie.
I say that a lot now don't I? Whether in some sort of anecdote about some odd behavior I have been attributing to the world - or in some complete obtuse statement that has - as of most recent - ended in me yelling at Spock........
Now for those playing the home game - Spock the first mate if you will - of the U.S.S Enterprise A. Ncc1701 - is a Vulcan.... This being the original Star Trek. And kudos on the remake movie. Truly madly deeply, you went above and beyond in my expectations. Quite literally --- you see it takes place in space and well err... ahem........ any way.
But I truly wont lie to you. I find it a little ironic to write a blog about your own life and feelings and completely lie about it..... Kind of defeats the purpose don'tcha think? Not to mention the pure reality of knowing that I took great fun in trying to sell a rotten golden tooth to Russell Oliver the "Loan Arranger" of Toronto. (HA!) - or my dwelling on the Massey Hall premises trying to meet Jason Mraz....... Which I did..... I didn't lie...... And of course all of these tales you can read about in my past blogs.... Which I oddly only remember in a flash of recollection. I for the life of me cannot understand these things some times. I will write one of these blogs - and mere moments later it is out of my mind. Couldn't even tell you what I wrote about in my last one..... Which according to me looking back on it now really sort of eliminates me doing a lot of those shopping cart "to do" ideas I had diligently come up with and intended on doing.......... Heck - on many occasions I have asked my partner in crime to read back to me some of my past quotes when he calls me up to laugh about some witty pun I had written....
If I think about it --- and I have --- I suppose these blogs are my inner thoughts.... Oddly enough I am well spoken and witty in these blogs and in real life I am no more than a silly singing white boy from Toronto..... But who cares. Sure I may not sound like the most clever son of a broadcaster on the phone - but add me to some sort of online messenger and watch me match a British old gent.... I'll match him GOOOD I will!! Yes sir yes sir!
-Mission 28- UP to no Good
I've got the Brit's on me mind!!! - yes all British people collectively are on my mind..... That is EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT!!!!!!!! --- gosh I don't know why you are still here... sighhhh...
ANYWAY! -- I just finished watching "Wimbledon". It's a cute little Tennis film that makes me think two things...... I want to learn how to be a kick ass Tennis player...... Now I mean that! A KICK ASSSSS one... Not just some little pansy who can wave around a racket! No no - I'll leave those elderly folk to the beaches of Florida with a Badminton racket... I'm talkin a good ol chap who can raise an eye brow when my cute little toosh in those white shorts makes it's way to win myself a match! - If I could - I'd dress to play every day of my life...... But you know what they say about Labour Day don'tcha???? Most boring day of the year it is!
The second is first and foremost -- I'm gonna marry me Kirsten Dunst. Now now - I have not forgotten about my dream woman - Miss Kristen Chenoweth --- But a man can dream - and dream I shall....... To quote a Musical Tune ---- One that I don't necessarily consider the most uplifting or even life learning -- but in this case - all I can think are the simple and most gentlemanly lyrics :
Standin on the corner watchin all the girls go by!
Standin on the corner givin all the girls the eye!
Oh no you can't go to jail for whatcha thinkin!
Or for the 'Oooooo' look in your eye!
You're only,
Standin on the corner watchin all the girls
Watchin all the girls
Watchin all the gir-irls
Go by!
Musical masterpiece! Truly is!
But you find me now - at 4:28 am Toronto time - typing to you on this lap top - just simply being "UP" - which is not good..
You see I have had an interesting time trying to sleep these days. I don't know what sparked it. But one night - not too long ago - I found myself awake just typing away until the wee hours of the morning - and since then I have not been able to shake it! I just can't do it! It's like taking an owl - moving it to Australia - and telling it to adjust to the time zone!
To prove a point simply. - I will laugh.
Isn't that REALLY what has driven "man" to create and to build it's society? To prove a point. Sure in some cases not to rub into the unbelievers face - but more just to prove that "YES WE CAN!" - hahaha hooooooOBama....
I just can't fall a sleep.
When I was younger - let's say 5 - I had remembered drinking Chocolate Milk for the first time. And when I thought about it (one night in my whinnie the pooh sheets) I just couldn't fall a sleep.... Sure back then this was me being put to bed at 8 and still trying to fall a sleep by 10 - but C'mon - 2 hours for a five year old is a bloody life time! And of course looking at my Miss Piggy stuffed animal toy - I simply shook my head and said - "This stuff keeps you awake! I need to cut back!"
Hahah YIKES - story of my wife............ (she's got a problem)
But any way --- Tonight - or ahem Rather - This morning - I have decided to break the trend for these few reasons that don't seem like a big deal now - but is guaranteed to kick me in the arse quite soon.
Reason #1
With late bed times comes late wake ups... Who want's to wake up an HOUR AND A HALF before dinner?! Could you imagine? Oh man!
I begin my job at Ontario Pioneer Camp (I assure you we do regular camp things and not "Pioneer" things..... I don't churn butter!) and at this camp we send the kids off to bed and expect them to be out cold by 11 o clock.... Then of course comes the quarter to 7 wake up everyday
Reason #3
This sleep schedule really just disgust's me to no end. How unhealthy is this!? I feel like I'm killing myself quite quick. Quite DAMNIT!!!!
So here I am staying awake really late in order to try and break the trend!!!!......................... sniff.......................... ahem - dumb you may think..... BUT I disagree! I being well bodied and drastic, have decided to take DRASTIC measures................ And well bodied :)
I am staying up! I will not sleep. And allllll nighter and then tomorrow I will go to sleep at a DECENT hour. And thus breaking the trend.......... Leaving me of course in a day of blissful disillusion and fatigue - BUT! It is for the cause!
I dare ye not try this at home young Winston! But wish me luck! A gentlemen's promise!
- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa screw it I'm goin to bed!!! BUT - I will wake up Extra early just to insure I am nice and sleepy at a reasonable hour! Hail Malthus!!! AND GOODNIGHT!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The 11 o clock Number
Tell me if this is just a guy thing - but guys seem to consume heat a lot easier than woman do. I don't intend this to be a statement of fact or assumption - I am merely stating that men - not woman - seem to discuss this both openly and in annoyance.

C'mon now - I am sitting here virtually naked .... Virtually because I'ma Computah - and I have the ceremonious one leg out of the blanket. I don't know how - the physics or the emotional balance of it...... But one leg truly madly deeply does the trick. And as much Green Ice Tea as I may consume in it's frozen state, along with my ceiling fan blasting as fast as it can go (which isn't all that fast to begin with) - nothing can compare more than one simple slip of the covers to bare my naked naked hairy leg.
It's heaven. Really is. Don't get me wrong - Heaven is in fact Heaven - some sort of Samsara - Nirvana - Mcdonalds - or what ever spiritual after death paradise you believe in is in fact heaven - but this is something of pure glory.... Slap me thrice and send me to me momma - it feels GOOOOOD!
And I don't mean the offensive yet always satisfying slap on the bee-hind - but more one of those - "Have a seat and listen to your favorite song as I massage you"............ That's right - Massage you.... The world renown back-hand shake that creates friendships within the biggest enemies.
"Want a massage?"
"Sure! Let's be friends!"
See how easy that works? You feel good? - I feel good, Michael Buble feels good - is the world feelin good?
Here's how I'm gonna feel good this week.
-Mission 28- Celebration Sensation!
(just a side note to those of you frequent readers --- If my blogs were a built on a realistic place and the organization of it was some sort of style ---- I am really digging the feng shui)
Now other than the typical work days that I am attending/enduring this week - I need to keep myself on some sort of key routine that keeps me in some sort of positive mood. Flip flopping my way through yin and yang this week is not something I am wanting to do being soo close to moving away.
FOR THIS IS -- the finale 2 weeks of me living in Toronto as a permanent resident...... Scary as heck........
(I move to Port Sydney, Muskoka in Ontario Canada - and then to Oakville, Ontario) --- sigh. I'll miss the city - yet I am close enough to enjoy me some weekends!
I have 2 songs at the moment to which I WISH to record....(hard sentence to speak out loud - awkward huh?) -- And my mission - dare I choose to accept it - is to record 4 before I go away... Don't yet know how I will accomplish said mission - but C'mon - I'll do it. No worries there.
So to begin
-1. To feel - To sing - To play - To write - To record........ Then To Myspace I shall place :)
Furthering my week I have a few things to accomplish work wise - one of my last shifts with that clothing company I have referred to in the past - and 1 shift as a freelanced photographer taking photos at some outdoor concert in eastern Scarborough.... Of course I'll have to find a compensatingly professional looking camera to show off with. And then to a possible opening shift at the clothing store.
Before Intermission
-2. Finish work - Find camera
A day off isn't as fun as it sounds after 2 years being built on a series of days offs. Sure this is SUPPOSED to be what life is like. But this is not LIFE. Not yet at least. Im not in any age or state to want to stay put and sit on my butt every few days. These days as I have said have been directed towards writing. And of course trying to tighten up the nerves - take that pre-show dump (shout out to Adam Miller) then take ten and sing to whom ever it is watching...... When I can do that - I can move forward with this passion of mine...... And of course - the finale number - what used to be the 7 o clock - now become the triumphant last number 11 o clock blast --- I end off with a meeting this Sunday at my great friend Katie's house. This meet is based to bring up fun ideas for this summer with all of our hilariously fun Leadership Team members.... Im excited and impatient all at the same time.
It's like a race my teacher would tell me.... End strong.
I have a week to make mistakes - break routine - and feel sorry for myself. But before curtain call I am ending strong. Giving what's left of me as an all or nothing. If the plane goes down - make sure to make your finale impact (no pun intended..... thats a lie - all puns intended).
-3. Bust a Lance Armstrong --- Live Strong. - (end strong)
Looks like it's going to be a fun week.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wit's all been done before!
There have been soo many inspiring moments ---
key moments to which if I had just simply stopped and observed as I usually do - I would have been some how moved and un-forceful in moments necessary to what HAPPINESS I try to obtain day to day.....
Thats a bit sad.. Obtaining sadness.. And a bit of a lie on my behalf. I apologize...........ahemjerk....
But have you ever stopped and smelled that brisk fuel filled air?........... Not very nice no..... But have you ever stopped - sprayed fabreeze in your room -- assume it's then clean -- and then smell??......................... Pretty amazing right?
But I've been influenced in my happiness. As most people are - with a simple hello - or perhaps the wave of thanks when you allow someone to enter your lane in front of you while you're driving on the highway.
And for me - if you have been a blog follower of mine - you would know I reference back to a blog that I am quite fluent in..... "Freshness Factor Five Thousand" - the blog written by Jason Mraz....... He writes about some of the most inspiring things - its phenomenal how he captures my attention.... He last wrote about toilet paper. And how REALLY bad and wasteful it is to the world. It's IN FACT ruining our world with every wipe we take! --- How clean are we REEEAAALLLLY if the world is in fact dirty............... Think about it.
But it's a blog like that - that I have set out to make.... The last few ones that I have written have been both hilarious in grammatical certainties - and ironic in the content. And although I enjoyed writing them - I have completely strayed from what I set out to do.... Let out my thoughts and days of hysterical trauma that you expect to see in a sitcom undoubtedly starring Shia Labouf.... Or how ever you spell his last name...... Alright folks - off topic..... But Shia used to be a really funny guy -- I saw him on the MTV Movie awards and he's all tough and hip........ More like --- All Lame and .... really just not.... not terrific.. No sir... Him and the bane of my existence Miley Cirus were on that show..... God... Why did you curse the world with that annoying teen??
Any way --- On topic...... HAVE YOU EVER HEARD HER SPEAK!? AHHH!!!!!!!
cough..... sorry... sorry................ Sor............... SHE'S SUCH A DENSE LITTLE TWIT! ...... I mean....
SOOO I was walking home from work -- and there are a few things I am planning to do to really just retrieve this "happiness" ---- I am going to TRY for the life of me.. To go camping.... Real just - sit in a tent in the middle of no where with nothing but a little frosted cooler of hot dogs and water - as well as my uke..... I wish I could just leave and do that....... But nope.. not here in the city.... And definitely not in hicksville -- just outside Toronto.... MAN! I just hate Miley..........
Sombre and courteous. I don't want to have to think! I want to think because ideas are coming to my head - because I am appreciating something. Not like I have been in the last little while.. That thinking is bad news bears. It's not healthy to carry on. It's not healthy to stress about things not needing to be stressed about.... My mother has been on my case about next year and money -- She asked me tonight what's my deal - why am I not freaking out like her?! --- I looked at her simply and said.... "Think about it this way....... Among the money - just for classes - among getting a loan - or a government bersary - I'm heading into that place homeless and with no more than 3 and a half days to buy everything I'll need for those classes - I'm not going to think of everything at once."
And I wont. They are all on my mind. But never at once. What one person wants those stresses? They are apparent to me yes, but it is senseless to sit in ruin and disguise the beauty of the sunny outdoors with pondering what is about to happen. Let's ponder about what's happening right now shall we? Perhaps over a glass of wine? Oh ma chere Mademoiselle - ooh la laa where are my manners? If we are stressed then it is fine dining I suggest............... What do you say?.............................
OH SECRE BLEU!! There I go again -- Forgive me mon ami........ heehee.
-Mission 27- Wit's all been done before!
Trying to find the perfect dilemma to talk about -- I have found myself tumbling over thoughts back and forth - and forgetting the good ones as I spent the last twenty minutes searching up the correct spelling to french words.
And my conclusion - my - how you say - cake and taters --------- yes ... my cake and taters....... MY flow back towards a more simpler mind set - a calmer and more solemn mind stream is just the simple phrase "to live."
That's all I'm looking for. We are at check points in our lives where we have to look at ourselves and try to see some sort of "life". Don't go withering away with details in the fabric - you're not even good at hemming. I -- at this time - am anxiously awaiting a very happy filled summer -- I will then go into the most intense form of living I can even imagine.... (got my time table in ..... who thinks theirs is worse??? Try me.)
All in all is all Im saying......All............ All together now lets just embrace in some sort of thanksgiving - look upon bliss and tell it to suck it..... I'm embracing now and the how. What comes next for me is to come next - I'll embrace it then..... Not now.. There's too much out there to really dwell on the past or to worry my life away. To quote a very enchanting musical in my mind "Bye bye Birdie" --- "I've got a lot of living to do"........... SO I'm off to do some....
Care to join me? Ma belle, Mademoiselle.......
- Adieu
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Iraqis need Musical Theater
A few highlights I failed to mention in my previous blog.
-Mission 26- Mission Previous
So I have spoken out about the new laptop - to which I have named "Tabitha the virgin Queen".
haha - this of course being because of my naming EVERYTHING "Tabitha"... I really do. It's sort of become something of a need to be done christening.......(God shouting down from the heavens) "In order for this to be good - it shall be called Tabitha.... Then..... IT shall be GOOOOD!"
And so it was God........... And so IT WAS!!!
Other "Tabitha's" include
Tabitha Chenoweth - Tenor Ukulele
Tabitha with the big White Ass - my deceased Dodge Caravan
Tabitha the bouncy yet bashful - My queen sized bed
Tabitha of Rock - My American Fender Bass Guitar
Tabitha the White - my first Car - '92 Oldsmobile
And then of course the very firsts:
Tabitha the 2nd - MY ultimate Frisbee's from Ontario Pioneer Camp as a camper.....
And these girls have been a part of my life long since I was the shaggy haired man you read
about today!
But wait......... Wait right here......... WHAT'S THAT!? Mac has a new deal?!!!! Well what is it Mr.Quinto from the hit Television show Heroes and the Summer thriller "Star Trek" in theaters now??
Macs are giving away what now????
FREE IPOD Touches?
Are you sure?
Well we both know how correct you were about Kirk trying to explain about the intercepted Klingon distress call - and the only reason of agreeing with him was because of the confirmation of Language specialist Uhura agreeing with Kirk........ And because you wanted to "hit that".....................THINGS WORKED OUT NOW DIDN'T THEY!? SOOOOO perhaps I may just have to look into that .....(God shouting down from the Heavens) "PEEEEJAAAAYYYYY - IT is GOOOOOOD"!....
You got lucky Spock..... Damn lucky!
Well taaa deee daaa off I skipped to the Apple store --- and looky right there - that damn gremlin resembling vulcan was correct.....
SO in I walk with me mommy..... Yes... me mommy... And we show the bill and say - "We heard about the new Ipod rebate with school purchases of Laptops......... We got this three days before the sale"......... The lady smiled at me a nice handsome smile --- and handed me my new........ brandspankingly shiny --------- bill...
damn it!!...... Oh wait - Rebate means I get the money back!!!! -- SWEET BEANS!!!
Spock: but I was trying to....
UP YOURS!!!!!!!
Welcome to the world
Madam Tabitha - Duchess of sound...... Just call her Madam Tabitha -- She's a lady you see!
Enough of my lady loves ---
I've been a huge admirer of speed.... Checking out Motorcycles a lot as of recent -- mainly after my friend Kyle told me he got one and then sold it to buy a boat........... WAIT ....
.. hold that thought --- I have a mustache growing out of my nose ---- need a quick trim........ Don't you drive away now!
Alright I'm back now........ hahaha - oh no -- I wasn't trimming my nose hairs..... a
ha noo...... I......................... Okay that was a lie I was trimming my nose hairs.... still ...... But any way --- SPEEED.
As I said before I was at a cottage this weekend with my friends from highschoo
l to which I LOVE VERY MUCH -- MUCHOS MUCHOS AMORE thrown their way ..... BUT - at one point of the weekend we got to ride a boat.... Didn't know the guy - he seemed really cool - He turned on some Michael Jackson as we cruised down the lakeshore of cottage country.... It was amazingly chilled - We were on a Kodak moment overload... I think we took about a hundred photos from that part of the trip alone.... But there was this moment where he literally asked us all to get off from the edges of the boat and hold on...... In his words "Watch out for your tits"....... He was a nice guy...............
SOOOO as we all settled in our breasts --- ahem --- He took off in a flash... Drivi
ng about 70 Mph swerving around this lake - tearing it up as if it owed him money.... It was amazing. My face was something that only an astronaut can look at and go "What a trippy Mirror". I recall looking down and saying "I feel the need - the need for speed" - yet as cool of a reference as that was - everyone behind me was curious over the dirt from the lake that had appeared to have stained my underpants.......... sigh........... Damn lake..... IF you don't get me with freezing me to death - you take away my smoothness with the old dirt in the fanny trick...... Bastard...... Did Spock tell you to do that?......... sigh.... damnit spock.
Alright -- so big day tomorrow. Im headed into work - and from Work I shall be running down within the town to make it to a Toronto Performance of "Sound of Music"...... Im not going to lie to you.... I wouldn't that to such a distinguished group of passionate PJ lovers - and Im never one to knock someone's love for me.... I embrace it....... Literally...... I was just sorta thinkin..... After this do you think I could get a hug or something from you?.......... just sayin......
I saw a comedian - Sean Cullum -- apart of his improve he mentioned that he would feel the musical theater stylings of "Cats" the musical would calm down the terrorists who appear to be taking wrath from the states - but of course he felt they would be more inclined to see it if they were to make a sequel named "Mat's"........ Afghan rugs and such.... Man --- Tap dancing for Terrorists..... I see minimal flaws.... and loses. Only the actors..... But who needs em right?... Have you ever eaten with one?
-pJ the squire of Notre Lamp - Located near Bible Camp...........

Monday, June 1, 2009
Ahoy! Sunshine

My hands smell like bacon.
I've been looking for some sense of play as of late. And take that in as what ever comes - but for me - I've been looking (in a less poetic way) for something to do.
Depression can creep on someone fast. Things build. Doing nothing can haunt someone. Especially in a time and season where you notice friends going off into the world. Sure my time is coming to get out of this city and live something new. But it's the anticipation and the agony that stretches you thin.
This year I will be working up at a camp. Doing fun little acting games with children. I'm the drama guy. Not as in this "new" slang where drama means everything bad. Or Luggage - DON'T YOU HATE THAT!? Who the hell refers to someones emotional capacity or problems as "luggage" ? - I despise the word. Even when I'm packing. I call it my pack or my sack......... For obvious reasons I usually call it my pack. OR bag is a good one. But I find myself insulting people as "an old bag" so the rarity of it is quite unique.
To pass my time I have been running. Hasn't done a thing to my physical appearance other than when you see me walk I complain constantly about my legs being as sore as a mans lip with herpes.
Other things have been finishing up those darn songs I have had dwelling in my mind for a long time. I wrote this little chord pattern that I have turned into a chorus. I really enjoy it. I almost don't want to play the full song. I love it. I'm sure if you are someone reading this that will also be at the same camp as I am - you will hear it. I wont identify it as being apart of one of my songs. But you'll hear it.
I was lucky enough to bring up my tunes to a cottage this past weekend and really get into them in front of some nature. Some peacefulness - some ------- some................. Bacon.
-Mission 25- "My hands smell like Bacon"
Not going to lie. I have been in a serious rut for the past couple weeks. It finally got to me at the beginning of last week. It's odd how you can have a REALLY great night filled with excitement - joy - entertainment - art - friendship - and even some love - and wake up the next day feeling depressed. It's an awful cycle of things to go through. A nice little outing to the Distillery District here in Toronto with a few friends who keep me in some of the most level headed states I ever seem to be in.
It was a fun night with art beaming from every corner. The show was casual. So casual that we didn't even realize it had begun. With music growing as loud as the crowd - randomly - dancers began to move within different areas of the crowd. From there we heard some amazing music varying from acoustic rock - to indie rock. After a few spoken word pieces and some Old Timey Vaudeville Comedy from my friends - It was mingle time. Beer was expensive - but it didn't stop us from having a fun time. Sure the performers all drank for free - and I just to happened to be with a group of people who performed - so we were all enjoying ourselves.
It's funny. I've been single for well over a year now - and although I do miss the compassion and love - I don't go looking for it these days. But that night - although I wasn't searching - It found me.
I had some great conversations - and although I left with no real outlook on seeing them - no phone number to reunite in some coffee shop for some caramels or anything - it was a great night........ Apparently I am slowly turning into "Zac Efron". My buddy Matt whom was looking for a good conversation or two wasn't pleased with my easy ability over the evening. hahaha We had a good laugh about it on the way home. Haha - or at least I did :D
So the week had passed with nothing happening. Quite literally. I was alright with this due to my brand new spankin Mac Laptop. My mom found it necessary to kick me off her computer and give me one of my own. Obey thy mother and thy father I felt - so I went along with her idea ;)
Tonight we are planning to pretend to return it because they failed to mention to us that if we bought it a week later, I would get a free Ipod. So we are going in to get me that Ipod :). Mom's lookin out for number 1.... Me.
But among the week of nothing - I came to the weekend. A 2 night stay away at my good old friend Danielle's cottage. Few of us from the original core high school group from back then went. It was intended to be a small group.
I was a part of the early group. We arrived and took to having a good time quite religiously. It was hours before the final group of people showed up. We were already set on hitting our designated bedrooms..... Mine was of course the couch in the main living room - seeing how I was one of the only ones there without a significant other. This I did not mind, it was just the staying up to the endless hour of 6:45am until the last of the latecomers had gone to sleep.
Not going to lie. There was some personality clashing that weekend. We have all been great friends for years. But something just was off. And as much fun as we had.... The tension caused it not to be the relaxed weekend I had intended.
But I did however get time just rocking out to some of my songs. Playing some old ones. It was great.
Ever play the game "Signal" - it's a card game. I suggest you learn how to play and have one killer night of it.
That was my favorite part of the weekend. I teamed up with this girl Bailey, and we faced off against her boyfriend Arthur and ma sistah girl Jack-star miss Jackie Dell.
Bailey and I had an early start with winning - but Arthur and Jackie came back in a hurricane of Signal death - looking out for nothing but triumph. Toook us out they did. BUT - the others who were not playing wanted to play another game and wanted us to be a part of it. Not really wanting to break this hilarious match we decided to do one more finale round...... Bailey and I were eyeing them down to make sure they didn't slip a finale signal without us looking......... I had 3 "5's"!!! One more and we had it... I picked up a 4 in hopes to throw them off..... Buzzed as I was didn't see the other 4 sitting down on the table.... They all had a good laugh over me no way fooling them...... But I was in this to win haha... I found the 5..... I took it very casually giving off the feeling I was going to begin going for 5's. Arthur looked at me and full out guessed I had 3 of the same cards - I tried to look sly by taking a casual sip of my drink..... This of course also being mine and Baileys signal... His eyes grew as the cup got closer to me.... I stopped and begun to laugh - Bailey noticed and was getting ready for me to finally take that sip....... "Take a sip" hahaha Arthur said to me - I laughed but took my sip - before he could call a block and win the game - Bailey shouted out "SIGNAL" and WE TOOOK IT HOME!!!!
Booo yah grandma in a barn of glory!!! We were the winners. haha. If we had continued to play we wouldn't have become victims of a serious buzz kill. Haha. But the night ended early. Everyone went to sleep. We woke up and it was my turn to help make breakfast........ 36 pieces of bacon later - we had eaten breakfast - cleaned and decided - sure we have another full day..... But amidst the awkward grouping - we left.
Dyeing to be home - I stormed into my house tearing my pants off to allow a pants free zone for the rest of my day I went straight for the shower.
RELIFE I felt being cleansed of more than just dirt. I sat at my mac and turned on the third installment of "Back to the Future" and settled in for the end of my night........ Within minutes of turning on the dvd - still quite damp from my shower - Ted - a friend of mine - comedian - invited me to see a well known stand up comedian "Sean Cullum" downtown with him...... Pants were back on - and I was off on the town......
Now I'm excited. I ended off strong on an almost buzz killed filled weekend. And a head of me is a summer filled with amazing friends. Great days filled with laughter and fun..... And a bliss I long for every summer..... I'm not yet there. But I can see this land from my crows nest quite clearly now. 22 days..... Camp Ho!!! Ahoy! Sunshine.
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