There are a ton of idiosyncrasies that I have noticed about myself. Varying from hiccups - to a laugh for absolutely every occasion or person.
It's a little odd. A lot of people believe me to have a fake laugh. One of those "polite" or "Okay, I'm going to laugh now yet my eyes are shouting at how uncomfortable this moment is" - you know these laughs..... But generally I have not yet found that common base to my laugh. Not even for the "GOD WHY ISN'T THIS OVER?" laugh.. I generally laugh at everything. Honestly - I'm a pretty silly guy with not too many worries in my life. Sure there are stresses and complications that turn my life upside down - but I try not to worry my life away.... It's a little bad of me. I wont lie.
A lot of you who read that will think "oh what a laid back fella" - That is of course if you think of me as a heavy weighted pre teen ....... please never call me "fella" - Thank you ever soo much. But thinking about it - without a lot of worrying and intense "stressing" there may not be a logical way of doing a few things..... Chilling out and taking things as they come keeps me in a "happy" state - even when I am depressed about something or other - but hoooowwww much do I really ................................. ahem.... Y'know, I don't care.... hahaha No need to hurry - no need to make up my mind about all this.... Who REALLY wants to worry about something? C'mon - I know a lot of you feel as though you are not getting anything done.... But I don't know... This is "How I do" haha. I don't knock the way another guy lives his life. Or at least I try every day not to. But life is a constant struggle with something or other - so I've been taking it in stride - the gum... Absolutely Delicious - you only need one little sliver of that minty cancer as you travel to your designated destinations.... :)
Another little "me" thing I have been told and have actually begun to feel a little self conscious about is my voice.... Not the singing portion to my voice - I will never feel FULLY comfortable to just bust out a song - especially on cue. No dice. Not me. I ain't no stool pigeon.. BUT - my talking voice.
When I was younger - sayyyyyyy Grade 9? -- I was a mumbler.... My voice was never one to crack on me - no no - a sissy I may have sounded like - but an ass I did not.
As I grew older I ALWAYS sounded deeper in my own head then I did out to everyone else. Ever hear your own voice talk on recording? YUGHHHKK... Tell me about it right!? YOU SOUNDED AWFUL!!! haha ahem .... umm , I mean I did ..... he..hehe...ha.....ahem
But the most recent "trend" with my voice has been a tad............ how might I say.... Irish?
HONESTLY people hahaha. I tell my partner in crime about this every time someone jumps to the conclusion that I am in some way Irish... Yeah sure - I am - in a small capacity. My Father is the all Canadian Irishmen..... Meaning a "Newfy" - one from the province of Newfoundland.... I swear - The English got to this land and did all the trading and the battles with the natives while the French came in and got comfy.... And then came the Irish..... Man oh man - They spotted the FIRST bit of land they could - made port and got drunk.......... For those of you who have yet to visit Canada - they have yet to Sober up.... God bless em.
Yea yea I know this is in no way a historically accurate line of Canada's past - but you can call something on paper all you want - in the hearts of the individual of these lands - we know the real truth ;) --- pfft Call the SkyDome what you wish ---- It's the SkyDome you rich bastards.
This little Voice of mine has brought me a long way. Through humor and song - I have made a life for it..... Which makes sense at how I would freak out and feel a complete loss when I go and lose my voice this past week..... sighh... Oh bother.........
-Mission 24- Tune HE hums
So I haven't written in a while because of many things.... 1 - I haven't had anything to write about - this is partly true .... Because 2 & 3 have to do with being incredibly busy this past week. So as I could have written a short melancholy article at my take with the Killer Queen of my existence (rum) - Or perhaps the visit from a far off Friend from the French land of Canada - or the fantastic Baseball game I indulged in - or....................... Well that's the ending ... you have to wait to find out........... :)
WELL yes ma'am I did have a friend from Quebec come and visit these parts - let's name her "Diddy" ..... And when I say let's I mean thats already her nickname..... Don't like it? ... Wanna Fight about it?!!!!! That's what I thought.......
Much like a few of my good friends - Diddy is moving into the downtown region of Toronto to begin pretty much the best life ever - and as I am sadly moving away to a region that I will leave blank ........bloody empty town of nothing....... I was DEFINITELY going to help show her the sites and sounds of this glorious place.
(now one comes to enjoy their own city after eagerly trying to escape it as a young lad. And then of course coming into a manhood/and realizing that everywhere else just leads back here... haha)
She - my partner in crime and I took to the streets and headed south t'wards the "Distillery District" - a very pretty place edging off the map of downtown Toronto - there I indulged in a very delicious (my favorite) dishhhhhhh - worldly known as "Fish and Chip"........ This of course being a battered fish with fries .... It was maybe my 2nd out of 3 Fish and Chip meals for that week..... So for those of you who don't know --- I'm big on the dishhhh... ;D
NOW - from there was quite delightful... We walked around the town that is down and hit up a few nice spots to rustle up some grub and then found a nice park to rest our heads a while.... NOT going to lie - but if I had the strength and patience and ENDURANCE most of all to run as much as some of those people could do - man I'd be a tank! - I named one "Pilsner" Him and I go way back... Jordan and I cheered constantly for this man as he lapped us time after time. He's a freaking man! oh man oh man... haha
We hit up a ridiculously depressing yet informational film based off the Rwanda Massacre, happy I went. Wasn't impressed with the film itself but it did give me the history first hand at what had gone one down there... The night coming to an end I took a last look at a close by movie set of the next hit Michael Cera film and then headed to visit a friends place in Kensington.... Moments after arriving to my own homestead I fell a sleep.. I was about as out as Lance from Nsync.
The next day was killer - tanned the day away just listening to some old records and cd's I have - A lot of Beatles - Relient K and Blink 182 for old time sake -- Then off to a BLUE JAYS game!!!
Again - you can call them "The Jays" all you want on their jerseys and have a dumb mascot named "ace" --- but in reality - and forever in the hearts of all fans - they will be the "Toronto Blue Jays" with "BlueJay Birdie" as their team mascot. SO THERE!
This is where the voice began to fade. The screaming and yelling at Madonna's A-Rod and the rest of the Yankees as they woop'd our butts and the usual cheering when we ALMOST made a decent play.... Worth it? yes.... but the voice didn't fully kick out until of course the next day.....
MTV apparently has a Canadian television station haha. Me not being a fan of such shows like "The Hills" would never know about this - so you would believe my surprise when I heard my good buddy Shawnny Dell and his band "The Great Bloomers" were performing on their MTV Live segment.
I think my voice packed it's bag and took off leaving behind no more but a shadow of it giving me the finger.... Non stop was I screaming "WOOO GREAT BLOOMERS!!! I WANT A BLOOMER!!" - They're a really great band - check them out on :
Dwelling downtown for a few extra hours - I ended my night with a few drinks with some friends before heading back to my distant hour travel away home.... sigh... Transit.
Wake up - wait...... Plenty of movies watched and then back out on the town........ This train was not movie... yet that morning I felt the vast finale blow of my voice fade away...... LAME - and sure enough - I was on my way to a party that was bound to be loud.... Really fun party - but I don't think the Tequila helped to soften my throat and rest my achy breaky voice.
This has now come down to my solitude in my room today as I begun to master the famous song "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohan on Tabitha Chenoweth........... That's right - Tabitha has a more "Fuller" name now after I read the autobiography entitled "A Little Bit Wicked" by Kristin Chenoweth...... :)
Either way - a voice would have been appreciated as I sung the sad sorrowed twangs on my uke and the solemn beats of my heart ACHING to be able to sing some of those beautiful words and just for one instantaneous moment feel like a rock star....... But nope..... I sound like I ........ Well.. Nothing .. air didn't even come out... To be ironical.... It blew.
I have the next few days to rest..... And that I plan to. Or at least - my voice .... :) .... Can't stop this train.
When was the last time you belted out? Was it worth it? - yeah - me too :)
It's a little odd. A lot of people believe me to have a fake laugh. One of those "polite" or "Okay, I'm going to laugh now yet my eyes are shouting at how uncomfortable this moment is" - you know these laughs..... But generally I have not yet found that common base to my laugh. Not even for the "GOD WHY ISN'T THIS OVER?" laugh.. I generally laugh at everything. Honestly - I'm a pretty silly guy with not too many worries in my life. Sure there are stresses and complications that turn my life upside down - but I try not to worry my life away.... It's a little bad of me. I wont lie.
A lot of you who read that will think "oh what a laid back fella" - That is of course if you think of me as a heavy weighted pre teen ....... please never call me "fella" - Thank you ever soo much. But thinking about it - without a lot of worrying and intense "stressing" there may not be a logical way of doing a few things..... Chilling out and taking things as they come keeps me in a "happy" state - even when I am depressed about something or other - but hoooowwww much do I really ................................. ahem.... Y'know, I don't care.... hahaha No need to hurry - no need to make up my mind about all this.... Who REALLY wants to worry about something? C'mon - I know a lot of you feel as though you are not getting anything done.... But I don't know... This is "How I do" haha. I don't knock the way another guy lives his life. Or at least I try every day not to. But life is a constant struggle with something or other - so I've been taking it in stride - the gum... Absolutely Delicious - you only need one little sliver of that minty cancer as you travel to your designated destinations.... :)
Another little "me" thing I have been told and have actually begun to feel a little self conscious about is my voice.... Not the singing portion to my voice - I will never feel FULLY comfortable to just bust out a song - especially on cue. No dice. Not me. I ain't no stool pigeon.. BUT - my talking voice.
When I was younger - sayyyyyyy Grade 9? -- I was a mumbler.... My voice was never one to crack on me - no no - a sissy I may have sounded like - but an ass I did not.
As I grew older I ALWAYS sounded deeper in my own head then I did out to everyone else. Ever hear your own voice talk on recording? YUGHHHKK... Tell me about it right!? YOU SOUNDED AWFUL!!! haha ahem .... umm , I mean I did ..... he..hehe...ha.....ahem
But the most recent "trend" with my voice has been a tad............ how might I say.... Irish?
HONESTLY people hahaha. I tell my partner in crime about this every time someone jumps to the conclusion that I am in some way Irish... Yeah sure - I am - in a small capacity. My Father is the all Canadian Irishmen..... Meaning a "Newfy" - one from the province of Newfoundland.... I swear - The English got to this land and did all the trading and the battles with the natives while the French came in and got comfy.... And then came the Irish..... Man oh man - They spotted the FIRST bit of land they could - made port and got drunk.......... For those of you who have yet to visit Canada - they have yet to Sober up.... God bless em.
Yea yea I know this is in no way a historically accurate line of Canada's past - but you can call something on paper all you want - in the hearts of the individual of these lands - we know the real truth ;) --- pfft Call the SkyDome what you wish ---- It's the SkyDome you rich bastards.
This little Voice of mine has brought me a long way. Through humor and song - I have made a life for it..... Which makes sense at how I would freak out and feel a complete loss when I go and lose my voice this past week..... sighh... Oh bother.........
-Mission 24- Tune HE hums
So I haven't written in a while because of many things.... 1 - I haven't had anything to write about - this is partly true .... Because 2 & 3 have to do with being incredibly busy this past week. So as I could have written a short melancholy article at my take with the Killer Queen of my existence (rum) - Or perhaps the visit from a far off Friend from the French land of Canada - or the fantastic Baseball game I indulged in - or....................... Well that's the ending ... you have to wait to find out........... :)
WELL yes ma'am I did have a friend from Quebec come and visit these parts - let's name her "Diddy" ..... And when I say let's I mean thats already her nickname..... Don't like it? ... Wanna Fight about it?!!!!! That's what I thought.......
Much like a few of my good friends - Diddy is moving into the downtown region of Toronto to begin pretty much the best life ever - and as I am sadly moving away to a region that I will leave blank ........bloody empty town of nothing....... I was DEFINITELY going to help show her the sites and sounds of this glorious place.
(now one comes to enjoy their own city after eagerly trying to escape it as a young lad. And then of course coming into a manhood/and realizing that everywhere else just leads back here... haha)
She - my partner in crime and I took to the streets and headed south t'wards the "Distillery District" - a very pretty place edging off the map of downtown Toronto - there I indulged in a very delicious (my favorite) dishhhhhhh - worldly known as "Fish and Chip"........ This of course being a battered fish with fries .... It was maybe my 2nd out of 3 Fish and Chip meals for that week..... So for those of you who don't know --- I'm big on the dishhhh... ;D
NOW - from there was quite delightful... We walked around the town that is down and hit up a few nice spots to rustle up some grub and then found a nice park to rest our heads a while.... NOT going to lie - but if I had the strength and patience and ENDURANCE most of all to run as much as some of those people could do - man I'd be a tank! - I named one "Pilsner" Him and I go way back... Jordan and I cheered constantly for this man as he lapped us time after time. He's a freaking man! oh man oh man... haha
We hit up a ridiculously depressing yet informational film based off the Rwanda Massacre, happy I went. Wasn't impressed with the film itself but it did give me the history first hand at what had gone one down there... The night coming to an end I took a last look at a close by movie set of the next hit Michael Cera film and then headed to visit a friends place in Kensington.... Moments after arriving to my own homestead I fell a sleep.. I was about as out as Lance from Nsync.
The next day was killer - tanned the day away just listening to some old records and cd's I have - A lot of Beatles - Relient K and Blink 182 for old time sake -- Then off to a BLUE JAYS game!!!
Again - you can call them "The Jays" all you want on their jerseys and have a dumb mascot named "ace" --- but in reality - and forever in the hearts of all fans - they will be the "Toronto Blue Jays" with "BlueJay Birdie" as their team mascot. SO THERE!
This is where the voice began to fade. The screaming and yelling at Madonna's A-Rod and the rest of the Yankees as they woop'd our butts and the usual cheering when we ALMOST made a decent play.... Worth it? yes.... but the voice didn't fully kick out until of course the next day.....
MTV apparently has a Canadian television station haha. Me not being a fan of such shows like "The Hills" would never know about this - so you would believe my surprise when I heard my good buddy Shawnny Dell and his band "The Great Bloomers" were performing on their MTV Live segment.
I think my voice packed it's bag and took off leaving behind no more but a shadow of it giving me the finger.... Non stop was I screaming "WOOO GREAT BLOOMERS!!! I WANT A BLOOMER!!" - They're a really great band - check them out on :
Dwelling downtown for a few extra hours - I ended my night with a few drinks with some friends before heading back to my distant hour travel away home.... sigh... Transit.
Wake up - wait...... Plenty of movies watched and then back out on the town........ This train was not movie... yet that morning I felt the vast finale blow of my voice fade away...... LAME - and sure enough - I was on my way to a party that was bound to be loud.... Really fun party - but I don't think the Tequila helped to soften my throat and rest my achy breaky voice.
This has now come down to my solitude in my room today as I begun to master the famous song "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohan on Tabitha Chenoweth........... That's right - Tabitha has a more "Fuller" name now after I read the autobiography entitled "A Little Bit Wicked" by Kristin Chenoweth...... :)
Either way - a voice would have been appreciated as I sung the sad sorrowed twangs on my uke and the solemn beats of my heart ACHING to be able to sing some of those beautiful words and just for one instantaneous moment feel like a rock star....... But nope..... I sound like I ........ Well.. Nothing .. air didn't even come out... To be ironical.... It blew.
I have the next few days to rest..... And that I plan to. Or at least - my voice .... :) .... Can't stop this train.
When was the last time you belted out? Was it worth it? - yeah - me too :)
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