Trying to find an idea for what is to become my next "Film Idea" to store in my Portfolio and send off to yet another school, I stumbled over a few ideas...... Care to hear?............. No?..............Well stop reading then....................................
...............Still there?.....................Good........................ I'm sorry too. Lets never fight again........................................................ Oh Agreed!................................... And yes, those pants do make your butt look big... And not in the I'm a Brutha and think yo back look Phat - type of way............ Any way.
-Mission 17- To write but not to Right.
Writing has been a growing thing with me as i is for everyone. In Kindergarten you begin to learn letters as you sit there and go "I'm never going to get this!.....Ohh look at the kitty!"...... All the way to Highschool where you sit there going.... "I'm never going to get this!.......... Oh look at the Kitty!".........
I was pushed to write in my grade 9 English class where a supply teacher whom I do not recall his name but remember his regular job is "Set Design" teacher at a competing Arts school from mine. He told me to write a Poem. That was all. no strings attached... But a bit of news about me. I see people around me - and this is how I know how I should step out of the crowd and show off. Me being the only little white boy in the class as the others are a bunch of Gangsters whom were taking this course for the 2nd or in some cases, third time.
I went home that night and begin to write what ever it was in my head. I don't recall the music I was into at the time. Bu I'm sure I was watching some sort of Julia Roberts movie that night, for what I came up with was so titled, "A Simple Word."
I was meeting new people at the time and coming to see that when people say goodbye - they express more than just a simple, "yeah, umm, see yah!" There were "I Love You's" flying past my head as if I were a soldier on a French beach. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE! Someone said
"Bye PJ! Love Yah!"
Well I was like,
"Woah woah woah, I just met you. Im sure you're great and all but........."
They stopped me to inform me they were not telling me they were IN love with me. It was awkward enough for me as it was in Grade 9 of High School - eating my egg salad sandwiches in the bathroom alone because people thought they smelled really bad. The LAST thing I need was for people to think I was some sort of jerk................... So I asked her out........... A month later I was back at square one......
But anyway - POEM.....
I had a hard time saying "I Love You". If my memory is correct it went something like -
"Trying to find
What was
What is
That Simple Simple Word....
I Love You"
It was much longer and you can imagine the Aww's and ooo's I was getting from my class. But if my memory is ACTUALLY correct - I was more worried bout the gangsta's meeting me outside to do a little poetic justice to my face................ With their fists.............. I made it home safe.... But they stole my Year book....... Sigh.....
Later down my life I began to get more into the poetry. I would carry around a black whole punched binder around with me. It had everything from Poems to Girls, God, and Goats. I left it at a past girlfriends house once and her father stumbled upon it. Thought I should turn them into songs. Only recently have I begun doing that - but the man did have a point.
While beginning to get into Film I begun to write Screenplays. They were in all sorts of styles. I was SLASH am into Romantic Comedies - so I begun to have a talent in that genre. But as I got to my finale year in High School - one of my most favored teachers - Ms. Cathy Mcginn - spoke about branching out further and to fully putting yourself into writing. Really find your style. I took her Writers Craft course she was soo intriguing. I wrote a screenplay best categorized as being in the style of a "Guy Ritchie British Comedy". Now for those who haven't seen his films or are unsure of what he has written, I suggest going out and renting "Snatch". He has many more films of interest - but this in particular is rather entertaining.
Throughout this time I got interested in many things - one thing I begun to enjoy writing was short stories. My most memorable one that I have is "A Mass of Love".
I wrote this after arriving home from dropping an ex girlfriend off at her summer camp - having a feeling I wouldn't see her again - or at least as how I saw her then, I begun to write. What flowed out of me was that short story. The opening came to me on the car ride home.
"It started with the wallowing and self narration to my self, followed by a quick push to clear the entirety of my life’s matter off of my bed……. This being an oversized neon card, a box of Ritz crackers and a hat that’s slogan considered me to be in the business of being creepy (Creepy Biz)…… Which excites me I suppose when I truly look at it, perhaps it adds mystery to my life. But then again if it is me who claims to be mysterious then would I actually be mysterious or would I be contradicting myself entirely and show on a deeper note that I truly do not know myself…. Deep. But to really look upon my life, smile and say “The dandelion has my smile” in a sense of congratulatory bliss, I would have to retract those oh so forgettable hardly humorous times where I was mildly entertaining to the point that I changed my whole lifestyle to suit this joke in the hopes that “maybe I am truly liked”. "
There is much more to it. In fact it begins to take upon a more "Alfie" type of style in the main character. I suggest going out and renting it. It's a film remake starring "Jude Law". The original is called "Alfie" as well - but it stars a young Michael Cane - who is a great actor...... But C'mon! - Jude Law?................... Just watch it.
Me being a fan of musicals took to what has been my latest work.
Over a year ago I begun to write a Musical entitled "As Dreamers Do".
This musical takes a a love story and embraces it through the theme of classic Disney Cartoons. As I begun to feel the sting of age - I begun to think that as fun as it is to still watch those ridiculously fun Disney Cartoon favorites like "Aladdin" or "Beauty and the Beast" which are my favorite 2. People seem to get too old to enjoy them like they used to....... Unless of course you are my Mother who has just about everything "Whinnie the Pooh". Do you ever remember walking into the "Disney Store" and seeing little bean bag dolls of Whinnie the Pooh in different outfits?......... My mother has 110 different ones. I may have lost count. But you can imagine how many that would look on shelves in your family room. My favorite was the Three Muska-Pooh one........... Any way.
Much like "Across The Universe" - The Movie Musical which takes a love story and does it through classic Beatles songs and other lyrical Beatle Themes - Mine is Disney.
The lead Character "Cindy" (Cinderella) a girl whom decides her life is missing something as she has not really left her home which is on her fathers Boat - she leaves and moves to a little town called "Little Town" -- haha you may think thats un-original, but I encourage you to also watch Beauty and the Beast again. Other lead Characters are the other main - guy - "Al" - OBVIOUSLY (Aladdin) and his best friend "Jiminy". And then the evil villain named "Mel" (Melificent). Funny to really only me -- but I have dated someone named Mel so to have a villain named Mel makes me laugh REAL hard..... Sorry to Melissa if she stumbles upon this blog... hahaha - truly unintentional. I swear :D
This was a fun idea - and much like the "Across the Universe" Soundtrack - I have rearranged famous Disney tunes and have come up with a Score that takes more than one Disney song and brings it down to a more modern more Musical feel that can allow Adults to dig back to those old feelings they had as a child and also feel the as an adult in a more adult setting. The songs contain a new meaning that brings plot development and relevance to the show - the only trouble I have had so far is the ending. As corny as I have made a few of the lines to bring that same typical Disney feel to it - I have struggled to find that boarder between Musical Theater climaxes to Disney.
Like these ideas? Tell me about it. I may be encouraged to finish one of em. Especially if I can record some of these songs from the musical idea.
As of late - through the interest and influences of my hero Jason Mraz - I have begun writing music. These songs take base from my singing and through the simple chords that I teach myself on my Tenor Ukulele (Tabitha). And again for those playing the Home Game - A Tenor Ukulele is a longer lower sounding Ukulele than what you would think of.
I have written 3 semi worth noting songs. Most take on the theme of calling out to a girl in hopes she may hear. One being themed for her to know he loves her - one for her to know she's hurt him - and the other to let her know he's down to boogy...... I like all three for different reasons... I do enjoy the boogy one for sure. So for those who check up on me some time - Keep posted. I'm sure I may post a couple one day. But for now. I may just keep them for a few private shows for those who ask.
But now - as the world takes me to new depths - and I begin new adventures - I should end this blog/procrastination time and come up with a couple of papers due tomorrow morning. Hence the lack of me writing what it is I was to have written at this chosen time...... sigh.... Lame.
I salute you for reading this and express with the warmest of feelings to look up the next time you are outside and just love the sky and feel what should be gratitude at its beauty we all get to hold on to. I am a huge star lover. I have a star myself. No I didn't go and buy one online - but I look up to one when I am most down and just dream..... Look to the Big Dipper - the Second star on the handle.... the middle one. Look very closely - but RIGHT above it is a smaller star.... Together they make "The Horse & the Rider". The Rider is my star... Enjoy it as I have. And also our most romantic of outer space dwellers. Our Bella Luna.

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