I'll stop while I'm down. :D
Now I wont go as far as "Pride and Prejudice" ...... BUuuuuuuuuut my mother owns it so there's no need to :)
Oh stop that. Don't tell me fellas that you don't enjoy it when you're all cuddled up on the couch with YO woman and she's all gitty from a good love story. SURE you are aching for a good punch in the face to the main actor every so often - BUT C'mon!!
-Mission 19- I came...........I saw............... I took ballet.
Saturday was a big day in my life.
For almost a round 2 wopping years have I been out of school with no more than a High School Diploma. And although for most in my area - a nice HSD is hard to get yet livable - I need more. I have been aching myself. Not for more love trauma in both my life and dreams (although some would make for a more interesting time) I yearn for more school. For something more. School is just the easiest to reach for :D. If I had the gonads I would be out touring around with my Ukulele and a band of people I have yet to recruit for a band I would love to have - BUT school is something that I would very much like to fill my time with now as well.
So let me tell you a little something about Ontario Canada...... THERE ARE CLOSE TO NO Musical Theater schools. I think there are about 3. And the one closest to me is called "Sheridan College". Now I am a film guy - yes - BUT - over the last many blogs you have learned about my obsession with Musical Theater and Music all together - so I would LOVE to indulge in a little musical theater education!
And this Saturday was the BIG audition..... But before I get to that - allow me to take you on a journey (as I do most blogs riiiiiight?;D) - But let me take you on my journey...
March 16th. I had finished the Production of "Guys & Dolls" with the amazing "ClearWater Players" and I was now in Peterborough Ontario spending a few days with my partner in crime @ his place there. But the 16th was my deadline. This was the day that I had given myself to pick my 2 contrasting songs - one up tempo musical theater song - and a Musical Theater Ballad - as well as a monologue........... I didn't do this :) . In fact - I did NOT choose my songs until the Monday after - being the 23rd!! The 28th of course being my audition date I was a little scared.... Now I had a ton of song ideas - but it was not until that Monday where I met up with a past Vocal Coach to help me choose the finale pieces and actually work on them and their presentations.
I was unstoppable. Like a running freight train I was sky rocketing forward with only one stop on schedule. I worked the LONG hours with a lot of tea - trying to nail down these songs which out of the mix turned out to be - "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" from the Musical Les Mis and as my up tempo - from my recent performance on stage I decided to go with the song "Guys and Dolls" from the musical "CATS"...................................:)................... no no I'm lying...... It's from Phantom of the Opera............ cough anyway.
I became a close friend with Starbucks this week. Run over quite frequently and just sit there with my Venti Chai tea trying to memorize word after word after not after note while I complain that my tea is BURNING hot - so I more just sat there looking cool with a Starbucks cup as I memorized part after part.
And of course my monologue was still left in the toss up. I was given 2 pieces of work from a good friend of mine (warren) and I had decided on a certain one that was ultimately a professional Golfer whom was mocking and interviewer who asked him the question "Don't you think Golf is boring?".
After trying to learn this with as many Starbucks outings as I could afford I decided something.
"With today being Thursday (night) and my audition being Saturday morning - I'm going to change my monologue!!! But alas I need to make sure I wake up and learn what is/was the OTHER piece my good buddy Warren had given me and memorize it and stage it and ultimately do it as the romans do - to the best of their capability and to leave a mark in history ;).
I awoke Friday March 27th to an empty bliss of just fatigue. I had been awoken by the sound of my phone going off and a friend of mine needing some opinions on a video audition she is trying to get done. I got up and begun to help her. While talking outside for the first little bit I had noticed my mothers car still in the drive way. Curious - "That woman should be at work!" I thought. What a sneak - whats she up to?
Turns out -
My Uncle Guthry had died... Not blood relative or uncle in the right context - but a close friend of my family and my families family for a long time. I haven't had a Grandfather - he was the right age and the proper fitting character and so although we called him Uncle - I thought otherwise. My mother who like my Father lost her father at a younger age - so he filled in on the old Walk her down the aisle on the big day. Just more than a month ago was my Birthday - although he was undergoing surgeries like no other and struggling in the Hospital he still found time to send me a twenty and a rather feeling of saying "I'm thinkin of yah".
I had a feeling that I wasn't going to see him again. And I in fact struggled a bit with that as I worked and performed on Guys and Dolls - just fearing that I would miss those last moments and and even his funeral because I would be in a show. And I am happy to have known at least one form of Grandfather.
I am 1 day away from an audition. TO be hit with such a brick is pretty painful while you have the stresses and emotional toll of a life changing audition on your shoulders is probably one of the hardest things I have ever been faced with. You'know there are always those stories you see in the movies or hear on the television of pain and struggles - and I know I have seen my fair share of people pass - it has never come across another struggle. It wasn't bearable as I heard his funeral would be at the same time as my Audition. And even a phone call to the Coordinator of the program requesting a rescheduling or perhaps a video audition couldn't help me. It was Saturday or nothing.... So the unbearable became the bearable even without me wanting it to.
I left my house and was on my way to a very last vocal coaching before I was on my own to prepare mentally for my audition.
It went great. I felt comfortable with the songs. I had them down. And I was at ease with my vocals.
As I left to go home I decided to enjoy the sunny day. After a quick stop and a joke from a video clerk about how I am the first male he has seen purchase a copy of Twilight I continued to walk up the busy street of "Young". I walked and walked. And just thought to myself. This was me finding my peace before this audition. Blocking out my grieving was not something I wanted to do - but I felt there was nothing more I could do within 24 hours and do my best. After about 2 hours of walking I stopped at..yep... A Starbucks.... And excuse my French - but fuck the extremely hot tea. Screw the fact I needed to be cautious about hurting my throat before the audition! I wanted to sit - I wanted the biggest fucking Cafe' Mocca they had - and I wanted to sit there and dream before I was to begin what was to become my 8 straight hours of work on my monologue..... This was happening....... I'm not stopping....
The Audition begun with dance. After an intense warm up with the most flexible person I've seen in a dance class - we begun to do Ballet. Understandably it is hard for people to get places on time - we were constantly interrupted by people arriving late.... I arrive and act professionally from start to finish. I was there way early.... And not this thugged out tanned guy who walked in sporting the WRONG attire for an audition. He bothered me.
I would tell you what exactly I did for this part of the audition but me trying to spell French words for the different dance moves - but let me just say grace is something I don't lack ;) - but of course the obvious spelling lacking I also lack balance when on my tippy toes for long periods of time :D. - And of course thug boy didn't try to dance the pieces they were testing us on - he decided to rock the "robot"...... the stress of this audition was already excruciating - why was he here!?
- Next came the Jazz dancing. I didn't do the choreography perfectly. There were a lot of mistakes in me - but I committed to it. My mistakes did not show on my face. I was present and in the moment. I gave'r my all.
Next was the Musical Theory test................. ZOOOOM...... thats it flying over my head with another thing I lack.... Knowledge of Musical Theory...... You know screw all my math teachers who told me I'd need it in my future - I SOOO don't. And now I'm left imagining my Folk Rocking Musical teacher Mr. Tom Leighton and good ol Mr. Bob Johnson LAUGHING at my pain due to the lack of commitment I gave towards their agonizingly painful Theory lessons.
MY Ear test went over alright. This girl clapped faster then I have ever seen before in my days as a drummer. I could NOT keep up. I swear she was secretly screwing with me! - And of course my favorite Thug boy was there to lighten things up as he lifted his head during the test and says "Wait..... You don't give us a monologue to perform?"........................................................ That was the last I saw of Thug Boy. May he Thug in Peace....
Next up was the big one. My vocal and acting portion... I was one of the first due to my name beginning with a stout "B".
They were happy chums the panel of judges they were. There were three of them. And at a calm breathe I was at ease and ready to perform. I announced my audition pieces and I was off. Like a racehorse.................................................................................... Not long after was I waiting outside the door as they spoke about me and asked me to re enter the room. They spoke kind words of my audition and told me that - yes - they like me. They thought I brought charm and humor - they wanted more - they found I was rushing in the heat of the moment and that I should give more time in my pieces to allow them to laugh........... They pushed me forward to what was my now CALL BACK.... Or rather "RDA" as they called it. God I feel stupid - I left still not know what "RDA" stood for. I like to think it stands for "REAL DAMN ACTOR" - and well only the REAL DAMN ACTORS get to do this portion :D - because in reality there were only about 15 of us and there were well over 40 kiddies running around. (thinking about it now I think it was actually "RDF" - but screw it.... This man is a REAL DAMN ACTOR and will commit to his actions - even if they aren't exactly right. ;D)
I waited patiently for it to be my turn. Luckily I know one of the most amazing performers out there due to going to high school with her. She is a few years younger then I am - a close friend to the brother of my partner in crime - so it was a great relief to have a friendly face around. For the both of us. My Call back went alright.... Only Alright to be honest. I do not believe I left them thinking what an amazing voice that guy had or what great acting he did. But rather what great presence he had. Much like the dance - I was there moving towards one goal - I was in the moment as I try o be in my life everyday. I committed. And with that - I don't turn back with regret - this thankful train moves forward.
And now as I think back to the emotional binding weekend I experienced I am THANKFUL to be done with it :D. And as soon as Tuesday and or Wednesday hits I will know my fate.
And now at 2:30 in the morning of Sunday night/Monday morning - this train makes its exhausting stop.
And in the morning.................................................................................................... I shall dance :)
-pJ ..............................................Goodbye Uncle Guth.....