What more is there to do on a cool simmered hours of the early morning then to get up and dance? C'mon honestly. What else are you doing? Stand up? Is there anyone around!? THOUGHT SO!
I find myself day to day coming down with change in how I feel about things and how I think. It could be the "getting older" excuse you hear about from when you are young. But perhaps I just... Maybe it could be because of those pickles........... Or how about.................. shut up...
Alright I'm feeling older now and what better than the present to really look upon the world and go....... "hmmmmm now what do I think about you?"
Two things come to mind (back on topic again)..... Simply "Why would I knock this guy's happiness?" - Sitting on the bus I find myself "people watching". No I'm not checking out everything that comes on to the bus.... That would be just creepy..... And exhausting.... But I rather found myself being a real jerk in my mind going "What is wrong with that guy? He looks like he's 21 and he's wearing a poke'mon shirt playing video games?!!" - Thats just awful. And after a while that turned to just - "Alright, pretty fly guy."
The second being "What do I have to lose?". I get scared, much like all of you. I find myself in perfect scenarios to just bust out into something. Song, dance, freestyle skatting or even just humming a tune or making a joke. WHAT WOULD I HAVE TO LOSE? I'm not a shy guy. I may find there to be nothing to say sometimes so I will take those moments to fall into my very odd thoughts. But never awkwardly.... Thats up to the other person staring at me while I'm tilting my head day dreaming of what ever it is. (Floating head doctor?)
-Mission 5- Reevaluating pJ the skat-ing contortionist of the Alps.
-Here's the deal. I'm becoming more serious with how I seem to present myself. Sure I am the same silly guy you may have known to ska scream in highschool - But there's things I just want t do and things that i just do without care. These things are becoming how I live my life. And my life as a whole has been consumed from what I am doing to who I am.

I diet. Not going to lie. Now when I think of diet I think of just how people eat. Thats all it really means. People seem to have an odd idea of what it means. Think it means "Trying to lose weight". Nope you're wrong.... Go home now.... Now what it really means is "How you eat." I know a guy on the Junk food diet. HE wouldn't call it that but I honestly don't see him eating anything else. Now the diet I eat is more on the healthier side... It isn't to lose weight in any means, but rather to feel healthier, more energy, and for the taste and good feeling of knowing you're not a pig.
The other thing is not so much making me feel older but still a change in me. The music. I honestly would drop life to become a singer at this moment. Music consumes me for some reason. I love it. I have gone through quite the musical changes in my life. It has broadened my love and allowed me to open up to being able to take certain kinds of music. When I was younger I was brought Up with the soft beach tunes of The Beach Boys. As I got older I was destined to think the only other band out there was the Backstreet Boys. (Can you tell what genre I grew up in?) From that odd faze (After rockin out to some Hanson and Spice Girls) I learned about this hippitty hoppety thing called Rap. This was brought on by my grade 6 teacher who was a part of a Rap group called "The Rezza Dons". Going from calling your teacher "Mr.Rezza" too "Vito Cattilac" changed my whole perspective on things. Slowly transitioning from Tupac I found myself loving the sillier side to life, Outkast. From Outkast came Prozzac. Their silly lyrics hooked me on to a harder side of music - "real bands are the thing" I thought. I got into Rock. Experimenting through Slipknot, System of a Down, and then later landing on Nirvana, I hit rock harder than that time I got mad at the television and my brother at the same time and learned

To the day I jive my time to the funky tunes of Jason Mraz. But he comes as a package. Oh yes. He rocks out with some REAL groovy people. The change of my Ipod helps really show my life..... Remember back to my highschool news paper the title of this ending is entitled "The soundtrack to my life"
(Check these people out. Honestly)
Jason Mraz - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTiKhRdPOIU&feature=related
Amos Lee - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50Qo62s8QNg
(This guy is just awesome.)
Ingrid Michaelson - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmlDWR1QGuk&feature=related
(One of her softer sad sounding ones. But her voice is really shown off here)
Dawn Mitschele - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2aSepL_u5Y&feature=related
(this one also features a funky cat named Bushwalla! haha he rocks with Jason too)
Joshua Radin - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06D_EFNGmOQ
(This would be one of his softer songs. But its a REAL goodie)
Martin Sexton - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxPAi2eBWlQ&feature=related
(this guy is truly the raddest singer ever! hahaha real pump song!)
These singers are just the last little obsessions I've had. They moved in comfortably with my Ratpack and Beatles albums
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