Friday, November 21, 2008
Un-Ceremonious day of Bogus.
Do you know what it's like to take a bus for an obscene amount of time without a musical device. I'm sure you may know. I'm sure that you have spent a fall/autumn night in the countryside on a Grey hound bus missioning it back towards your homestead where you will be swarmed with a loving family and a half butchered chicken awaiting you to devour it........ BUT YOU HAVE NO IPOD!!!!
Sure the ending result seems to be heaven - but how much do you think you are going to enjoy that chicken when you spend hours and hours pressed up towards a window as the man beside you is a sleep on your shoulder crushing you to the point of you beginning to write your Will after being the first to die a la pancake technique.
okay yah yah I'm sure you would love it a lot more after going through such hell, BUTTTTTT, wouldn't it be better if that large man was in fact a very attractive person feeding you grapes and massaging your back as you listen to some killer tunes and ignore them completely as not to have any obligations at the end of your trip so you can just get straight home to your CHICKEN!!??
GOSH!! Is that too much to ask for?
Life is a lot more dragged out when you do not have some sort of musical device to help zen you out on a long mission.
Especially when those mission is filled with the most heinous of events.
-Mission 6- Un-Ceremonious Parking Ticket
Here's my plan. I am going to get up at about 6:30 in the morning and take the bus over to an old High School teacher/now friends house where I have promised to babysit his son. After a few hours I need to bus it with him to school and then off to go pay this $30 parking ticket. And I suppose to make myself happier I shall indulge in some pointless spending and get myself a new sweater. This should only take me about 2 hours maximum depending on the speed of the buses and the line up to pay this parking ticket.
So I get up at 6:30 - I rush to put on my clothes and get to a Tim Horton's to get some sweeet sweeet nectar (Extra Large Double Double - Double Cup'd). Waiting for the bus isn't so bad, it came after a while and I made it to my old teachers place on time. Sure enough his young son Evan had a big night I hear so he should be sleeping for most of the time I am there. Thats cool - I'll just sit here and watch some television...... ELLEN?!!!! Sweeeet. I sit and I watch some Ellen, and as I sit and await for Evan to wake up I learn a bit more about Miley Cyrus in this interview then I actually really cared to know.
Honestly - I really tried to get into that fab - Not Jonas fab - But just appreciating what Miley Cyrus is doing. But watching her I was just getting more and more annoyed with her. She is really just a kid just barely pushing 16 and she is giggling all over the place.... SIghhhhhh okay - As I remembered a few blog entries ago I should just go "good on them - Don't knock someone else's happiness".....I'm sure she's a sweet girl in real life..... I'm sure. -So I continued watching.
10 o clock hit and I started to get anxious for Evan to wake up because he needed to eat and leave by about 11:10. Now for those of you who have ever needed to get a 6 year old up...... It's not an easy task.... Lucky for me the previous night happened to be Toronto's first Snow Fall of the season... Evaaaaaaaaan wake up....... nothing...... EVVVVAAAANNN Wake uuuuuuuuup *poke poke poke*..........nothing......... Evan get up....... *shakes*........ Evan ....... (begin poking him in the face).... EEEEEVVVAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN....there's snow on the ground.... "SNOW!?"....... and he's up.
I get him to school and await for his daddy to come drop off a snack for him to eat on break. As I wait I feel REEEAAALLLYYY creepy. I'm standing there wearing a fairly long all black P-Coat and a gangsta blue hat........... I am standing amongst a ton of children....... Teacher's were watching me like a hawk!.... But I just simply played with Evan and tried desperatly to ignore the 3 little girls trying to choreograph a dance to a Hilary Duff song to which they didn't have a cd but only their own voices to play the song and they only knew a single line from the Chorus...
(Now as a musical theater student I felt like stepping in and showing them a thing or two.... but seeing how they were merely 7 years old I decided to cut those talentless swines a break)
Finally his poppa comes and he goes into class and I am off to the Police Ticketing Station..... 3 buses later I am waiting in line... These buses were hell. I was bored standing with no music and it was sooo cold out. But I had to pay this ticket within 5 days before I was to receive a conviction letter.
I am waiting in the Ticket place humming to myself for about 20 minutes and watching the woman who is legally the hight of a dwarf sneak up on someone she knew and scare them...... I laughed. She was good at making soft steps ..teehee.
I get up and act cute to the officer and she asks me to pay - I have a debit card and 25 bucks on me. Clearly I am 5 dollers too short to pay in cash so I say debit.......... *Spending Limited* .......
My Debit card can not limit my spending!? My mother has been trying for years! What secret does this card hold that she has yet to find?
I apologize to the officer and say I will be back shortly to pay it. I call my bank - put on the old angry voice - "HEY! This is the third time my card has been frozen since August! What the hell!?" (I wasn't lying) *Sorry sir it says here you used your card last Sunday at a location to which has been tagged as stealing pin's* (damn that Swiss Chalet! They didn't even garnish my friends Shirley Temple..... I don't care how many people were at my table, a Shirley Temple comes with a Sword skewering a maraschino cherry - and the possible Orange wedge)
So I listen to my options and really there is only one. I have 2 hours to get to a CIBC bank and change my pin. I ask where the closest one is....... 2 buses later I am there changing my pin. I am not happy. I call them and they watch as I change it. They say *Great, your account should be back up within the next 4 hours*......................................."come again?".......... *4 hours sir*...... "NO sir.... I need to pay a parking ticket today and the place closes in 2 hours. This card better be working by the time I get back there" - *umm sorry sir. But what I can suggest is you wait around the bank and in about 5 or 10 minutes check the status and see if it begins to work* "Fine........ I'll wait" - *Is there anything else I can help you with sir?* - "Nope that about does it" - *Well you have a nice day sir* - (in a chipper voice) "You tooOOOooo" {hangs up}
Now what to do, what-a-do. I walk into a Mr Sub and just order a 6 inch Veggie Delight on Italian - I take is easy today and only put on lettuce cucumbers and a TON of green Olives..... As I sit there still infuriated with time and the fact that I have already been on 7 different buses today... the radio goes silent in the Mr Sub..... "daa doo doo" ... "I'm Your's" By Jason Mraz comes on.... I look up to the sky "Okay world, you got lucky!" I sit and I jive to some Mraz as I wait for my account to hopefully get reactivated. Sure enough it did and I was back on the bus headed towards the Police Ticket Station.
I walk in to pay and there is a similar line there then what was there before. Same wait..... Less Little people... I pay the ticket and begin waiting for the next bus. I sit in the cold waiting a long time just humming to myself some mraz just so I do not flip again..... I see a bus passing going in the opposite direction, on it says that it is headed towards the Scarborough Town Center..... "I want to go there!" - I thought - But just as fast as I saw that bus I watched it drive past me onward towards my new sweater..... Disgruntled and cold I decide to switch sides of the street and wait for this bus (seeing how the last one would make me have to take another bus plus a 5 minute walk to the Mall) - Quickly enough a 2nd bus comes - before even a first one on the opposite side- and I am off to the Scarborough Town Center. I get there and in a fast enough pase I head towards the American Eagle (work) to buy myself a sweater (with a workers discount :) ) - I am quickly joined by a midget dressed as a nun.... ahaha no no I wish... I am snuck up on by a friend named Matt - Most famous for "The Matt Bernard Show" Online now and of course APTN's "The Link"(haha). We make plans for later on the eve and I get back on track to my sweater.
I am in and out within seconds (thats what she said). I have my sweater and I head home. ahhhhh sweeet relief, my bed, my pillow, my Jason Mraz DvD of his Concert in New York.... Life is good.
I get a phone call from Matt -the ringtone is the theme from the Office- We make plans to go to our buddy Shawn's house to play some wicked Super Nintendo.. I'm driving this time. No more buses....... Todays count .... 11 buses..... Sigh no fun.........
............................................................................................................... So sure enough my mom is at church with the car.... ON A THURSDAY NIGHT?!?!? .......... So back on the the bus..... I meet up with Matt (1 Bus) ....... We get to a station (2nd bus) and we transfer buses to get to Shawns (3 Buses). After a few hours of Super Nintendo and a few outdoor Hot Tub games we call the Snowball Games (run out of the tub roll in the snow as others throw snowballs at you from inside the tub as you try to get back in) - I head home ... 1 bus to the station.... 1 subway stop to my station.... and then another bus to get home.......... Total count 16 buses and 1 subway Transfer....
Somebody get me a car...........
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Scatter plots and Chilli beans.
I get in these moods where I become so over annoyed with my surroundings that I need to close myself away. But the problem with that is that I am never satisfied with trying to woe myself back into a state of calm and just surrender to my surroundings....... Instead I feel like making a few of those dead baby jokes come true....... cough... well, errrr aaaaa, come too a theater near you... cough ahem... not... come true......
Any way.....
cheers to those days where you just can't seem to get back into that heavenly state of bliss.
("Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!")
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Consuming Love Affair.
What more is there to do on a cool simmered hours of the early morning then to get up and dance? C'mon honestly. What else are you doing? Stand up? Is there anyone around!? THOUGHT SO!
I find myself day to day coming down with change in how I feel about things and how I think. It could be the "getting older" excuse you hear about from when you are young. But perhaps I just... Maybe it could be because of those pickles........... Or how about.................. shut up...
Alright I'm feeling older now and what better than the present to really look upon the world and go....... "hmmmmm now what do I think about you?"
Two things come to mind (back on topic again)..... Simply "Why would I knock this guy's happiness?" - Sitting on the bus I find myself "people watching". No I'm not checking out everything that comes on to the bus.... That would be just creepy..... And exhausting.... But I rather found myself being a real jerk in my mind going "What is wrong with that guy? He looks like he's 21 and he's wearing a poke'mon shirt playing video games?!!" - Thats just awful. And after a while that turned to just - "Alright, pretty fly guy."
The second being "What do I have to lose?". I get scared, much like all of you. I find myself in perfect scenarios to just bust out into something. Song, dance, freestyle skatting or even just humming a tune or making a joke. WHAT WOULD I HAVE TO LOSE? I'm not a shy guy. I may find there to be nothing to say sometimes so I will take those moments to fall into my very odd thoughts. But never awkwardly.... Thats up to the other person staring at me while I'm tilting my head day dreaming of what ever it is. (Floating head doctor?)
-Mission 5- Reevaluating pJ the skat-ing contortionist of the Alps.
-Here's the deal. I'm becoming more serious with how I seem to present myself. Sure I am the same silly guy you may have known to ska scream in highschool - But there's things I just want t do and things that i just do without care. These things are becoming how I live my life. And my life as a whole has been consumed from what I am doing to who I am.
I diet. Not going to lie. Now when I think of diet I think of just how people eat. Thats all it really means. People seem to have an odd idea of what it means. Think it means "Trying to lose weight". Nope you're wrong.... Go home now.... Now what it really means is "How you eat." I know a guy on the Junk food diet. HE wouldn't call it that but I honestly don't see him eating anything else. Now the diet I eat is more on the healthier side... It isn't to lose weight in any means, but rather to feel healthier, more energy, and for the taste and good feeling of knowing you're not a pig.
I have also altered - partially- how I dress. Now it isn't a big change and although it helps it's not because I have recently been working in a retail store. But I have been going under the wise words of a wacky comedian who goes by the theory of "Goin out? Wear a tie!". Funny guy. Who says you can't look nice? I have begun to find the more fancier side of clothing. Not suit jacket guy - but rather - I look presentable and more like an adult rather than I just robbed a bank so I could buy the new hit shoes. C'mon - Shoes? (going to sound feminine here for a second so I advise anyone under the age of 18 to skip down and anyone homophobic (californiaCOUGH) to do so as well) - But shoes are soo over rated. THEY ARE SHOES! Woman have a reason to want to match it up with their outfits. I know a guy with 15 different pairs of basket ball shoes. If he scruffs them up, then he'll go buy a new pair. I wear the same rotting pair of Converse everyday. If I want to go out on the town I bust out thee old shines (dress shoes). Thats all a man needs. I walk into a store and shiver at the sight of all the shoes and their raunchy moist girth prices. (best three words to make you hate shoes). But then again who am I to go bantering on about clothing - I wear an old torn up rag as a headband. I think I look very rock and roll wearing it :) - of course I do show a very close resemblance to a pirate.
The other thing is not so much making me feel older but still a change in me. The music. I honestly would drop life to become a singer at this moment. Music consumes me for some reason. I love it. I have gone through quite the musical changes in my life. It has broadened my love and allowed me to open up to being able to take certain kinds of music. When I was younger I was brought Up with the soft beach tunes of The Beach Boys. As I got older I was destined to think the only other band out there was the Backstreet Boys. (Can you tell what genre I grew up in?) From that odd faze (After rockin out to some Hanson and Spice Girls) I learned about this hippitty hoppety thing called Rap. This was brought on by my grade 6 teacher who was a part of a Rap group called "The Rezza Dons". Going from calling your teacher "Mr.Rezza" too "Vito Cattilac" changed my whole perspective on things. Slowly transitioning from Tupac I found myself loving the sillier side to life, Outkast. From Outkast came Prozzac. Their silly lyrics hooked me on to a harder side of music - "real bands are the thing" I thought. I got into Rock. Experimenting through Slipknot, System of a Down, and then later landing on Nirvana, I hit rock harder than that time I got mad at the television and my brother at the same time and learned how to brake my remote using my brothers head..... :) good times. Rockin down the clock I skipped over to Relient K - A band that has lighter lyrics that made me happy and not think of whether the devil would make his eggs poached or sunny side up.
To the day I jive my time to the funky tunes of Jason Mraz. But he comes as a package. Oh yes. He rocks out with some REAL groovy people. The change of my Ipod helps really show my life..... Remember back to my highschool news paper the title of this ending is entitled "The soundtrack to my life"
(Check these people out. Honestly)
Jason Mraz -
Amos Lee -
(This guy is just awesome.)
Ingrid Michaelson -
(One of her softer sad sounding ones. But her voice is really shown off here)
Dawn Mitschele -
(this one also features a funky cat named Bushwalla! haha he rocks with Jason too)
Joshua Radin -
(This would be one of his softer songs. But its a REAL goodie)
Martin Sexton -
(this guy is truly the raddest singer ever! hahaha real pump song!)
These singers are just the last little obsessions I've had. They moved in comfortably with my Ratpack and Beatles albums
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's a Christmas Feeling.
It's been one of those revelations where I can look at myself and go, "HA! Life doesn't suck!"
I don't know what it is really. There is money in my pocket, a cool job that I wanted when I was a preteen, a lead in a musical. Things just can't get any better right now. Sure there could be the odd things to add to these moments. But I would be afraid to over "happy" myself... I am alright with even greater things coming up later. I don't want to use up all my happy right now and find myself in the slumps when it has all dried and gone.
It's a Christmas feeling is what it is Gov'na!
You wake up in the morning from some sibling going ballistic that there are a plethora of free goodies waiting for them to open in a few short moments - and after socking him once or twice in the gut you find yourself in a state of awe. :) You have NOTHING to worry about on this day. There is only lovin feelings and cool sense of life and real family aspects goin on here. I don't know how you celebrate Christmas but I always seem to be the one to want to sleep until who knows when - wake up - get my gifts - then sleep. Im a big fan of this sleep thing on Christmas day. I find if I really do be good and not go off and do something stupid, Christmas will surely come to me.
And thats the beez-kneez of my life right now. I did my work. Put in some great good 'ol effort and just waited. I hardly stressed about things. I only found myself in awkward situations where I was broke as hell twice. And things just sort of moved into place... I achieved this. I worked my way to having that feeling where (thank you Bob Marley) "Every little thing is gonna be alright". ( I was listening to the Jason Mraz cover - not gonna lie)
This is a great part of my life. I'm just chilling. I like it like this. Sure I have not much planned for my future. But y'know, right now I just don't need to know where I'm headed. It's that Christmas feeling. Your not thinking about the day after Christmas - You're thinking of the how and the now.
The thing thats the best about this is that there is no bad feelings going along with this. This is where today and Christmas differ. I am just sitting and enjoying god's green earth and the last of the nice weather. I am certainly not having chronic flash backs to when I was three and I found all my wrapped Christmas gifts two weeks before the big day and all my mom could say as an excuse was, "Santa thought you were really bad this year so he had to drop your gifts off early.... Do better next year pJ."
sighhhhh I hate Christmas hahaha
On a side note. I found this video Blog this woman does on youtube. Her name is Brigitte Dale. check her out. She is one silly gal!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Let's see what comes of it
There are times in everyones life when they get overcome and overwhelmed with such extravagant days that everything just piles up on them and leaves them in a moment where they just want to ............. sleep.
I embrace these moments. It's my intoxication. What moments! What amazing times to grasp and use how dumb you can really sound but assuming you sound like a deep intellectually inclined romantic all because of the fact that your brain shuts down and all those "BIG" words you thought you have forgotten step in when words like "why", "c'mon" and "Wiggety wack" take your own advice and go to sleep.
I am however a (eh) deep intellectually inclined romantic....... So it doesn't count with me :)
-Mission 4- create something?
These truly are the best moments to come up with things that could ultimately be life changing. Honestly, there isn't an honest way of living your dishonest life if you don't try to create in vulnerable times. Catch me wiggety? cough.. any way....
The coo coo of the wind is getting colder. Not much a'do but dress warmly. Opening my eyes, my mind, my contentiousness to all the horribly suburb surroundings. The suburbia of this life is getting to be one to smile at and move. A Smile by. Safer then a drive-by, sponsored by Mcdonalds. Have you ever tried to "feel" music? People often question the man who walks from destination to destination so he can enjoy one last breathe of intoxicated smoke before he goes on with his life. But it's like a monk is to his meditation. - It's in that moment where they feel that small intoxication that gives them their addiction to life. Happiness should never be questioned. Hell, happiness shouldn't be feared. Why wake up in the morning and fear to be happy? Fear to be yourself? What's the reason for the terrified singer who cannot walk through the streets and sing untamed while the world passes her by? Why fear what you love? What is there to lose but yourself?.............
haha. I like being tired. "Being deep". Brings people to the person who can really view what they want in life. Usually what one comes to the conclusion is, is that they need sleep. But I young sir am a stubborn sleeper. I shall sleep when I am good and emotional!!!! And never before! Oh ho No!
My favorite song ("Mock me if you hate it.... Then make a platinum record and I'll listen to you") is "I'm Your's" by Jason Mraz.
I've gotten to the point with this song where if I listen to it, Live or studio recorded - I rest easy. Now I don't mean sleep wise. I mean if I am stressed, it is my releaser. It takes a long time to find a song like that. A Pump up song and Peace keeping song. It does wonders on me no doubt, but as long as I can sit and reeeeeaaalllyyy take it in.
I love concerts. Don't get me wrong. I have been to a fair share of concerts. 2 of which have been Jason Mraz concerts. And as liberating and exciting it is to just be in a concert singing your head off in front of millions of people of whom you cannot on the street, out of that show I need to hear the song. I honestly will turn it off if it is a recording from a concert. It's the crowd singing a long. I like it in the concert, but out - I don't know. I wont lie. I was and still secretly am a huge girlish fan of Jason Mraz but it's all about the music. It's a bothersome thing to be an artist and not have your art seen heard or felt because you have become a sort of symbol. There is no more art. There is only you. And I will not be the first to say it but you are hardly an artist. I can never have control over things like that. Nor can anyone else. It's all up to the artist.
The Beatles quite touring. This is long before their breakup. Their music wasn't being heard. They had gotten soo bloody big that they were doing shows in stadiums. Now you think "Oh thats not bad". But yeah, it is. Imagine a professional baseball diamond. They are in the middle of it on a stage and the closest you are is behind the dugout with a ton of people screaming at "the attractiveness" of the singer....... And in the Beatles case it got to the point where people worshiped them. People went to the shows to scream and pretend they were married to a big nosed drummer named Ringo - and of course the Beatles called the world on it......... The world clearly didn't enjoy it very much. "We're bigger than Jesus." - not to insult the American's of that era - but c'mon get over yourselves... You were the people thinking The Beatles were more popular than Jesus - and because of which, they were. In any case and in any bizarro world they still would not be - but it almost sickened the Beatles.
And as we all sit in our warm cozy little suburban homes and think "How can you make someone sick of being famous?"
It's exactly that - You turn an artist into a symbol of anything but art...... My dearest wishes and props go up to Jason Mraz - that hit single of yours is going to cost you big................... perhaps :)
Well I suppose I didn't create anything - But myself being un-wanting of rest feel more fulfilled in my life.... I think I may walk to my interview tomorrow...... Singing as loud as I want.
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