Sometimes I have to dress my best. Most times I HAVE to dress my best. The time of simple house parties are over. "fancier bar's " and clubs seem to be the best places to go to. Seeeeems to be. Sure, fun fun and happieness all around. But where have all the cheap basement get togethers where there is god awful music and potato chips and soda. C'mon people. Where is the Smartfood!? No lie though, I get soo comfortable in my vest that I try to wear it on most of my outings. If there was an award for fanciest movie attender, I would think it would be called the pJ's.......
Where to draw the line I wouldn't really care to know. To be honest, in my mind putting on a vest is a kind gesture to show people that you care to look your best for their time spent with you. Show up in sweats and I'm in a vest. Smack in the face and one of those three stooges pokes in the eye....... Are you a stooge? STOOGE!?
Last time I wore my vest was the last concert I attended. The Jason Mraz concert @ Massey Hall, Toronto. (I know, nice segue right? - cheap way to show that wicked pic of me too :) )

He is the artist that I could see myself trying endlessly to meet. I see it, because I've done it.
:3 days ago:
-Mission 2- Meet Mraz
So its October, and I have long given up on my mission to travel to Montreal over the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend and check out the french country side filled with cigarettes and bagettes. Not so much the wine. I've tried it. Needs more umph.... any way...
I get a call from my favorite frenchy "diddy" and she is in a theatre leaving the Mraz concert..... Mraz, Montreal, BattlestarGallactica....... I had to go to his concert!
In a fight with myself all day about how to get this money or who would go with me. It was too intense. The intensity was soo intense that anything more intense would be tent of pain. I couldn't even listen to his music. Knowing that at that very moment he was chilling out in Toronto awaiting to put on one hell of a show the night after. --- 8 pm came quickly, I gave up. There's no money anywhere that I could use for this show. For all I knew I had 5 dollars in my bank account and no outlook of anything to do for a while... So I call my bank. ummmmm $100.34?? Where.... did this come from? - seconds later I am awaiting what would be (in my opinion) one of the greatest shows EVER, just me, mraz, and seat 23 in the floor center section of row K.
I had to go pick up my ticket. So I went at noon..... I went downtown, to get my ticket...... At noon.............. For a 7:30 show.... Hmmm, what to do. What to do. WHAT...... 2..... DOOOO. I am just going to stand around. Yep. Stand around, behind the theare..... Beside Jason Mraz' tour bus....... Not creepy, no no no no no no. I just didn't have anything else to do. Oh look, there he is! Look at that. Jason Mraz, right there. Who would have thought he'd be there? What a coincidence!
Not going to lie. I froze faster than a fish swimming in water during December. He was there just as much as he was then gone doing soundcheck not to come back out........ Damnit.
No worries no worries no worries. Im not a creeper. I don't care. I didn't need a picture to say that I saw that guy right up close..... Nope..... I don't..... sighhh.
Alrght, Concert begins and I have an AMAZING spot. No tall people in front of me. Sneaky jerks stood in front of me during the Mraz concert in April.... oh.. what? Did I not mention I have seen him in concert befor? Any way. Concert was amazing. The only draw back was I was sitting beside probably the two oldest people in the building. Didn't get me from jiving to the beats and singing along as if I were a preteen girl. Brilliant night.
Oh wait. I forgot, I stayed after the show and ended up meeting Jason Mraz. Got me a picture with his percussionist/backup singer/right hand man "Toca". What a saint that guy is. He's sooo funny. So although the entire day consisted of standing around waiting for Jason Mraz to come around, I feel like I have learned something about myself. Something that I feel will undoubtedly follow me in my mind and my heart for the rest of my life. Something that I know and feel will help my future self and perhaps even children in my future..\\\\
Wear a coat when you are being creepy waiting for a singer for hours in the pouring rain.
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