Though - I write this not knowing if anyone out there follows these little blerbs of my life - I do wish to express Gratitude for you all whom thought kind thoughts of hope towards me and my recent cardiac endeavors.
But - good news -- as of November 30th - I've been declared - diagnosed - proclaimed -- HEALED.
My heart is back to full working order - and I am back to my full antics once again.
For the entire Holiday season, I am heading South to the Caribbean. And due to me sitting on my bottom for the past 4 months while all this has been going on - I have gained my fair share - and no longer have that tighter physique I was sporting throughout the summer -- SO -- thanks to a diet of - P90X every morning and every time I indulge in a serious act of junk food - I am hoping to be comfortable with myself - once again... And on that note -- It's Ab Cruncher time ;)
Salut my fair Skat followers!
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