Finding time to leave the bliss that is this camp (Ontario Pioneer Camp) and enter a city to which I love most dearly, hasn't been all too hard. Quite decently it has been a slice of cake! Though now I am in the pressure months. The busy time - 2 more months. Though amazing and will undoubtedly be unforgettable - still busy.
I do however hold true my Toronto heritage where ever I go. I was born there. Sure my fathers a newfy (one from the province of Newfoundland) - and when I talk with my lazy - usual sort of slur I sound Irish - especially when I grasp my greasy shag of a hair dew and thrust it into a pony tail - thus perfecting my "doppleganger" celebrity look alike (Colin Farrel).
I love the city.
The feeling of sitting amongst the 500 level of what will ALWAYS be known to Torontonians as the SkyDom - and watching a Blue Jays game.
The sun glowing and spot lighting you as you successfully get a seat on the bus.
The drive through "Bridle Path" - a street complete with Mansions and what can only be described as smaller than usual castles. Still quite large! - though not large enough to put Cinderella to shame.
The walk along "The Beaches" cat-walk near Ashbridges Bay on a perfect sun setting night.
And of course - Sitting on a balcony - (beer optional) and watching - quietly - blissfully - and solemnly, as the CN Tower changes color amongst the night, giving Toronto that extra bit of excitement and beauty.
I have dreamt for a few years now - since the beginning of lighting up the entire CN Tower - to write the man who thought that up, and thank him. Thank him/her for dreaming up a way to make our city look better. Giving it more life - and allowing us to set focus to our identity.
Though of course the more light we have polluting our skies along with the fumes, our stars have become almost dream.
I recall applying for Universities in Highschool and thinking to myself - "Gosh I gotta get outta here! Go see some new town - this place stinks! There's nothing to do here!" But then after staying - and of course becoming an adult - I have seen the true faces of Toronto. All of it's sides. Some are gorgeous and undeniably mundane - and others.........?..... For much of a better word, ugly.
There have now officially been 2 times where Torontonians alike - additional people from other cities included - have tainted parts of Toronto. Giving it a disgusting and almost gruesome look to the rest of the world.
We try so hard to be a loving city - living out and CELEBRATING Equality. Showing pride for our Country. And welcoming people of all races and sexualities from all countries into our city to live and to call it home.
But then - people take action.
Good on them. Very proud to see people actually doing something rather than just joining a facebook group about how angry they are.
Though the sad part is within the way they protest.
I take you back to December of 2010.
Not to long ago the Olympics were held in our Great Country. So classically we had the Olympic flame ran across our land.
This did cost a lot of money. It did create debt for our Country and not fixing other problems we have - such as the job market becoming increasingly tough to get a foot into.
BUT - to block and pull focus of a peace themed event is just not cool in my books.
People don't see it - or realize it....... The Olympics - though a competition - show glimpses of what Peace would be like. Countries from all over the world going to one place to party and celebrate who they are with people who are not from their land - but equally wanting to celebrate life with them.
Its a small glimpse. A very small glimpse..... But I'd spend all the money I could ever have to find more of these glimpses of pure life.
I'm a dreamer and a romantic - I know - Though I assure you that I am also a logical man whom doesn't do so - as to not stupidly waste his life. But I'm telling you - We have a saying it's better to have Loved and Lost then never to have Loved at all.....
Well I tell you this - It's better to die a poor man who's LIVED than to die a man rich with wealth and not a memory to satisfy his hearts need of a dream.
The 2nd has been today. Though it has now crossed over to the next day for me - I share with you this:
The G20/G8 is an event happening where 20 leaders from different Countries come together and discuss. What - I haven't a clue - but I know that such meetings are important to our world and we should be proud of our leaders going and taking a stand.
The money spent to advertise and set it all up is in the Billions. Outrageous. Again I say OUTRAGEOUS!
But listen -
The protest to stop all this money spending and to get them to sit down together like regular civilized business man, and just talk things out - shouldn't be this hurtful to your fellow man/city.
The Olympics gave Canada a glow - a beautiful one that told people to come and see out land....
Toronto protestors - getting out of control to the point of rioting and then looting - is in fact the worst of it all. Destroying windows of shops and small businesses? The fact that it got out of control to the point of police gassing a group too into their hate crime is undoubtedly going to be one of the contributing factors of striping our Country of its pride.
I am oddly enough in Muskoka - about 20 minutes away from where the G8 is happening. I'm sure Obama even flew over my head once amongst the giant fleet of jet planes and helicopters zooming throughout the Muskoka skies...... But here - we still find our peace.
This is one Canadian from Toronto calling out to all the others. Let's take action with love and peace - not hurt and destruction. Honestly - breaking windows and lighting police cars on fire are not mission statements that have people of importance take notice of you and hear you out. Try talking - try showing out of love WHY this hurts you. Don't create a war because you object. Object because you feel that what is happening isn't creating the best interest of the people.
Dear Toronto,
I miss you. Honestly, I do. Like the sun missing the moon after the rise of a new day - I feel our separation. I'll be home soon! And when I do, I know the first thing I'll want to do! Walk amongst the people at Asbridges Bay - and then sitting on a balcony to watch the CN Tower change colors from moment to moment - giving a loving send off as people drift off into sleep.
I love ya, see yah real soon Tdot.