Here and now - then and again - I stumble upon once upon a times - and dream my little dreams. And as I open my eyelids from a freshly squeezed blink I begin my ponder as to why this state hasn't changed?
I rest my head in MANY places. Do I call them home? Perhaps. :)
Home is where the heart is - and I bring my heart where ever I go - not to be literal - but I follow it and rest it when need be - and as I bring my lust for life and love every which way - One place is for certain - amongst friendship - is where you will find me resting my head.
In an attempt to bring gratitude more into my life ( AND as EASY as that is as I live up within Cottage Country Canada - I need to write them down more)
So as I substitute my usual antics and stories of how we should all choose love - I can think of nothing better than to do my top five gratitudes of today.
-Mission 43- And over to a table at the Gratitude Café
Number 5:
Now not to make this my last - but rather labeling it this low due to it's rarity in Canada unless you are up where I am.
Riding in the back of a pick-up truck.
This is a rarity due to it's illegal standings on regular roads - but up here - on camp grounds - and as it being safely done - it is now one of my most favorite things to do.
Imagine laying down - and as you lay staring up at your ceiling - your roof is in fact the sky. The clouds - trees - sunlight and breeze all begin to hypnotize you into a dream massage of thought and wistful thinking. And thus giving me an opportunity to accomplish one of my "do's before I kick it" - Sing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz whilst riding in the back of a pick up truck and feelin Flyyyyy --- All in all - it's a trance. One I am grateful to enjoy daily.
Number 4:
Accessibility to the InterHighWay. This one I will keep short due to the ridiculous need of technology as I am up in a woodland paradise - BUT - with internet, comes connection to the outside world. So as far into my dreams as I go - I always need to remember that there are others out there who seem to know my name and would enjoy a quick hello once in a while. And I as much as them need the quick moments of hello and salutations. So to have internet - I am grateful to have my ongoing interhighweb friendship connections.
Number 3:
My new/old bike Dorothy.
I have named her so due to her resemblance of the bike used by the Old lady whom soon was envisioned through the fantasy munchkin filled coma as the Wicked Witch of the West. Let's all take a moment to remember said dust bunny of a witch.........
Now this bike is quite awesome - and though I name it due to an angry old hag - I decided to segue the name from the witch to the very pretty young Judy Garland - Dorothy.
I am grateful for the freshness it is bringing to me as I begin to see extra sides of this land on my own with the access of a nalgene bottle within my basket.
Number 2:
Amongst the new scenery I have found many new things. One of them ..........................
................................................................................... And once again, the distractions kicked in.... I got lost there... and now as I have lost my train of thought and have begun to feel grateful for even more things as the sun draws to a new sleep - I apologize for the lack or ending to these blogs.
Though I pray you take it as a motivation. Go out and find your distractions. What are you grateful for?....... Go for a walk - and SEE - with new eyes... Breathe in the air. And feel fresh......
I am grateful for you!