This term loosely playing off the pun of candy and the moment someone up here in Campland told me I was a lifeguard...... But most specifically a "B"Guard. This is completely absurd! But how COOOOL IS THAT?!
I have been giddier than most of the little girls mistaking me for Zac Efron. Imagine that.... Not the Zac Efron thing.... please... just ... don't..... BUT imagine me holding down the fort?! The fort of course being the Waterfront and the "holding down" would be me pretending to be the captain of a very large ship. But of course we are at a camp to which SOME people --- these people still of course being kind hearted and responsible to what they want their children to experience - Do not believe "PIRATES" should be in a loving environment where small children dwell...... So I am a captain of an expedition ship sailing across the clear water of this land.
I have made continuous jokes to the guard team who have been in disbelief since the news of "THIS GUY" - MR.Funnyman was handed the responsibility of taking care of a ton of peoples well beings in a very large lake.......
MUAHAHAHAHA I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!! Us Guards need our sleep though - so I better finish this sucker later!
ahoy or aloha or w/e sailor captains say at times of "Goodbye" - but.... I am off below decks!
---------a few days later---------
sooooooo...... ahem...... APPARENTLY you need to have some sort of "guard" training - as well as a competency of lasting more than a few moments in the water without feeling like you are going to drown yourself in order to be a "guard".......
BAD FORM!!!! (this is my remark to replace the word "lame" - here at camp)
So I am no longer a lifeguard --- pfft - who NEEDS a Bronze cross or a Bronze star or what ever to be a lifeguard! C'mon!! people.. Apparently life guards need them! sniff.. fine! see if I care!.------ I would have looked DAMB good in that red muscle shirt! damn good :(
But I am able to live my life knowing I do have the responsibility when I choose to accept it to save the life of many other people. I have been trained in the area's of CPR and First Aid. Specifically the CPR C/B area and the Emergency and Standard First Aid variety.
So although I can no longer strut around this campsite flaunting the fact I'm a hot Lifeguard - I can strut around knowing that I am a rather dashing young Life Saver. ;)
A Life Saver is apparently the title to which my qualifications are attached to.
-Mission 30- Busting out "The Fray"
How to Save a Life.
Humans - earthlings - people of this land! Let's actually "choose" love and STOP to help people when they need it.... We find ourselves sitting in front of our television sets in awe and feeling this world sadness of watching people suffer in this world. AND suffering through the tears after hearing about people dyeing on the street DAILY across (SPECIFICALLY) U.S.A and Canada.
C'mon people!!! SHUT UP! - Don't feel sad unless you can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If us as a community of this world cannot come up with a way to save the people of this team then we can feel sad and think of them in our hearts with fond thoughts.... But don't spend week after week of your summer going "I'm bored" and NOT going out and taking some sort of first aid training!!! I truly madly deeply feel that we all should in some way know how to help each other! - We are all apart of this world. We can be happy and supportive of the fact we are all moving into an accepting world - but WHY CAN WE REJOICE IN A BLACK PRESIDENT WHEN YOU WONT HELP A BLACK MAN LAYING ON A SIDEWALK IN NEED OF HELP!?
C'mon folks. - IMAGINE saving a life.... Can you? Just think of how in those small vital moments you save a person's life - and CHANGE it for that matter! That is the biggest thing we all should be here to do.....
Now of course through physical first aid help isn't the only way to save a life. I salute Jason Mraz DAILY for his beautiful words of compassion and love - that CONTINUALLY saves me from myself.
Let's take the words from an amazing artist - man - and human being - and live our lives accordingly... He has left this world - but let us learn from his music and make this world a better place to live...
"We are the world. We are the children - We are the one's who make a brighter day - So let's start livin'. "
r.i.p Michael Jackson.